Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 105 - "We're NOT going to die?"

I was pacing around the living room nervously. Seto had left last night to go to New York for his business trip, and wouldn’t be returning until Wednesday. He said I was allowed friends over, but he didn’t say I was allowed a mini slumber party.

I had consulted Mokuba before hand if it would be okay, after all Kaiba mansion was just as much Seto’s as it was Mokuba’s. He said it would be okay, and he wouldn’t tell Seto. Thank god Mokuba is friends with the gang as well!

I was nervous because I wanted to make this night a perfect night. This would be the last slumber party we’d ever have together (excluding senior trip, but that wasn’t really a ‘slumber party’) and one of the last times we’d all be together. Spooky!

Duke, Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Joey and Serenity were coming. Kathryn couldn’t make it because she said she was going to a gay bar with her other friends…odd, but then again that girl is odd. Bakura also couldn’t make it, but he didn’t give a reason he kind of just wandered off, once again odd.

Mokuba was also in the living room, waiting with me for the gang to arrive.

“So what activities are you up to tonight?” Mokuba asked me.

“I’m really not sure. Probably get some pizza, watch a few DVDs on the very awesome sound surround theatre that Seto has. Then maybe stay up to talk for a while. Fairly quiet night in.” I shrugged.

“No alcohol?” Mokuba asked, sounding a little surprised.

“Nope. I really can’t be bothered getting drunk, even though I don’t drink as much as I used to I think I’m beginning to see the light, and see that drinking is fairly pointless,” I explained to Mokuba.

“Plus, if Seto found out you had people over drinking I don’t think he’d be too pleased.” Mokuba smirked, wearing a smirk that spookily resembled his brother’s.

“That too,” I agreed “Hey, why don’t you join us tonight?”

Mokuba seemed to think about it for a while.

“Well okay, I do really love pizza. But I can’t stay up too late, Seto put me in charge of Kaiba Corp while he’s gone, and I have to get up early.” Mokuba decided.

“Great!” I beamed.


Our small slumber party was really rocking. We watched some awesome rom coms whilst we ate pizza, and then we danced our butts off to dance music. Mokuba had just headed up to bed, so we turned the music off and changed into our pyjamas and snuggled up to our blankets and were just generally chatting.

Of course the main topic was the end of school. Serenity seemed a little distant towards the topic, poor girl. She was only still in sophomore year, and the whole group was splitting up this summer. She’d still have Tristan at least, as well as Yugi, hopefully me and maybe Duke, but she was losing Tea her best friend, and Joey, her brother and the person who means the most to her. It was obviously a very tough topic for her.

Tea sensed Serenity’s discomfort too, and tried to steer the topic away from the end of school. But it was to no use, as Tristan and Joey wouldn’t shut up about how glad they were that school was ending.

I decided I knew a way that would still have the topic of school ending, but would be a little more light-hearted for Serenity’s ears.

“So Joey and Tristan, what do you boys have planned for muck-up day?” I asked them.

Muck-up day was a wonderful tradition celebrated in a few countries around the world, sometimes under different aliases. On the last day of school you play a lot of pranks all around the school, half because you can and it’s your last day of school, half because you want to be remembered.

Joey and Tristan were this year’s favourites to pull the best muck-up day pranks.

“That’s for us to know, and you to find out.” Joey said, tapping the side of his nose and grinning.

“Meanie.” I said, crossing my arms in a huff.

Before Joey had a chance to reply to my childish comeback, my phone began to ring. Stupid sidekick slide, it’s so obsolete now. I want an iPhone. My sidekick was only cool back when I was 16 and every celebrity owned one.

I saw Kathryn’s name come up, and shrugged.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Ellaaaaa baby! I’m uh, kind of drunk and kind of stranded. Can you pick me up?” Kathryn slurred, and I lightly hit my head on the table next to where I was seated.

WHEN was this girl ever sober?

“Where are you?” I sighed.

“On the roundabout on um, um, Allora I think it’s called.” Kathryn said, having difficulty in realising her location.

“WHAT THE HELL? How did you get THERE?! That’s ages away from the gay club you were going to!” I exclaimed.

“I’m not quite sure how I got there, hm…” Kathryn pondered.

I once again hit my head on the desk. This girl was a hazard to herself.

“Anyone fancy going for a drive?” I asked around.


Duke, Joey, Tristan and I were happily chatting amongst ourselves the next Tuesday at school. I was excited because Seto was getting back the next afternoon, and I was missing him like crazy.

Duke, Joey and Tristan were happy because our legal teacher was away, so were chilling in an empty classroom. I was joining in on the conversations, but frantically trying to finish he homework I had failed to do.

Whilst Duke was telling us a hilarious anecdote, an announcement came over the intercom.

“Dear students and staff, please excuse this interruption. There will now be an emergency fire drill, so when the siren begins please make your way down to the covered basketball courts.” We heard the principal say, and we all groaned out in annoyance

“Yeah, we’ll excuse the interruption. We’ll just not go.” I snickered, but the siren drowned me out.

“OH MY GOD, FIRE!!!!!!!!” Joey said, getting up and running around, trying to hide his laughter.

“IT’S GOING TO GET US! AHH WE’RE GOING TO DIE!!!!” Tristan said, joining in.

Both Duke and I then got up, and began to run around screaming our heads off, holding back laughter.

“This is disgraceful behaviour, from seniors nonetheless. You kids need to take this more seriously. Now get down there!” A teacher said, storming into the classroom.

We just rolled our eyes and began to very slowly make our way down to the basketball courts.

When we got there, we were made to line up single file in ALPHABETICAL order in our homeroom groups. What is this, the army? If there’s a real fire I think I’m going to have a lot more on my mind than lining up in alphabetical order…

What’s worse, were that the teachers were standing back, taking no action or any leadership. That may work well in a fire drill, but could you imagine if there was a real fire? Kids would be panicking; it’d be hard to get every kid in ALPHABETICAL order by themselves without any initiative by teachers.

This was the worst fire drill I had ever seen.

Another bad thing was that we were all just standing around, and with no input from teachers things got boring and people were moving around to talk. Fire drill? More like fail drill…

Finally, the principal got on a stepladder, blew his whistle and grabbed a microphone that was attached to a portable speaker.

Yep, during a real fire, he’s REALLY going to lug around a portable speaker.

“Thank you for all your co-operation students. I think if this were a real fire, we’d all survive-“ The principal announced, and once again Joey couldn’t help himself.

“You mean to say this ISN’T a real fire? We’re NOT going to die?” Joey joked, screaming it out loud.

Like always, a teacher escorted Joey away from the crowd. This was like a ritual for Joey.

I giggled at his antics; this was what made me like Joey back when we were dating. Although those feelings faded, I was really going to miss Joey’s antics; those are things you barely get to see outside of high school.

I guess I was beginning to feel sad now that the end was near.
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WOOHOO only five chapters to go til the end!