Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 106 - "GOD he looks sexy right now!"

I was on the phone to Kathryn, frantically packing my purple suitcase full of items I’d need for the weekend.

The gang had decided to go on senior trip this weekend, as the end of school was only 2 weeks away. I was about to get into total exam mode, and this was probably the last chance I’d get to have fun for the next month.

Like always, it was Duke, Kathryn, Yugi, Tea, Joey, Tristan, Serenity and I going. Like always, Bakura turned it down. Weird.

Seto of course also turned down the invitation, he said he had better things to do than hang out with the geek squad. I begged and pleaded him to come, but it didn’t work. Maybe it was for the best.

Kathryn and I were both discussing what we should pack for our trip. We both had fears of leaving things behind, so we were going through items we both need to pack.

“This sucks ass man, I can’t believe I’m going to be stuck in a tent with Tristan.” Kathryn whined, as I was throwing my hair straightener and hair curler in my suitcase.

“I’d let you stay in Kaiba’s RV with me and Duke, but he said if I let anyone else stay in it he wouldn’t drive it, there’s no way in hell I can lug around that great big thing!” I replied.

“Haha, that sounds so suss.” Kathryn giggled.

“I know, but he told me he wants to camp in style, and he wants to be able to brag to everyone else. He said 3 people in there would be too cramped, and quite frankly I agree.” I said, checking that I had everything.

“Whatever. I don’t know why Joey insists on sharing the tent with Serenity, it’s not like Tristan and her would do anything in a tent right next to everyone else’s” Kathryn sighed.

“Trust me Kathryn, Joey is horrible to sleep with. He talks about food in his sleep, and when he’s not doing that he’s snoring so loudly. I’d take Tristan over Joey any day.” I replied, trying to cheer her up.

“Haha, I knew Joey would be a dud screw. He’d be waaaay too overconfident and would be the biggest turn off.” Kathryn said, snorting with laughter.

“Haha very funny, see you tomorrow.” I said sarcastically, hanging up.


I had everything packed. The only thing I needed to do was say goodbye to Seto. However, he was currently entertaining some clients, so I couldn’t really waltz in wearing a flowy white skirt and a black “Zoo York” skate t-shirt and say goodbye. But I couldn’t not say goodbye.

Looking at my watch and realising that I was due at Duke’s house 5 minutes ago, I knew it was time to say goodbye to Seto.

I rolled my suitcase down the halls of the Kaiba mansion and came to a halt after I painfully made my way down the grand staircase. He was entertaining the clients in the main lounge room of the mansion, which was right next to the door. I’d have to just stick my head in and ask to see him outside.

I quietly rolled the doors open, so I could only stick my head in. If the clients couldn’t see my casual street wear, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

“Um, Seto. Can I see you outside for a second?” I asked, as urgently as I could, stopping Seto mid sentence talking to a female and a male client.

“Does it have to be right now, Ella?” Seto asked, clearly annoyed.

“Well, yes. I’m about to leave for the weekend.” I said, beginning to feel upset.

Did he really not care?

“Oh wow, Ella Campbell!” The female client exclaimed, “Why don’t you come join us.”

“Okay, but only for a second. I’m urgently required elsewhere.” I smiled, but wondered why she knew my full name.

“Yes, please sit down.” The male said, offering me a seat next to him.

“So, our son is really keen on you.” The female said, making conversation.

“Pardon?” I asked, not quite understanding the context.

“He has pictures of you up all over his walls.” The male said, smirking.

“WHAT?! Are you serious?! How does he get pictures of me?” I asked, quite freaked out and offended.

Seto motioned the ‘neck slice’ by quickly moving his index finger across his neck. He wanted me to play along and be cool with this. How could ANYONE be cool with this? I turned down the glamour model role!

“How did he get photos of me? Pardon my curiousity; I’ve just never really done anything to be famous. I don’t know how he’d be able to attain pictures of me.” I said, trying to sound as cool and polite as possible.

“Apparently some men’s magazine couldn’t get your permission to do a shoot for them, so instead they found pictures of you from the internet and used the photos from the shoot you did for Kaiba Corp with credit to the photographer.” The male explained, smirking.

“Oh god…” I muttered, eyeing the door and Seto, wanting just to get out of this awkward situation and complain to all of my friends.

“Well thank you for informing me of this! That men’s magazine is going to be hearing from my lawyers very soon. Now Ella, I will step out briefly just so we can get this meeting back on track.” Seto growled, and grabbed me by the arm hastily dragging me out.

“Look I’m sorry, but I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I leave for the whole weekend!” I complained, as Seto was giving me a death glare.

He dropped the look he was giving me, and sighed.

“Ella, Ella, Ella. What am I going to do with you?” Seto sighed again, running his hands through his hair.

Even if he’s annoyed at me, GOD he looks sexy right now!

“Um, how about I sign an autograph for their son? That may persuade them into entering the contract with Kaiba Corp?” I cheekily yet nervously smiled.

He clicked his fingers, and quickly grabbed a sheet of paper from a note pad in his pocket as well as a pen.

I quickly scribbled a ‘love note’ kind of autograph, and kissed the bottom of it, as I was wearing red coloured lip-gloss.

Seto then engulfed me into a bear hug and kissed me passionately, showing he wasn’t mad at me.

“My beautiful Ella girl. Both social and business minded.” Seto smiled.

I winked, made a clicking noise with my tongue and pointed a finger gun at Seto, and grabbed my suitcase and walked outside.

I was now 15 minutes late for Duke’s house. It was about a 5-minute drive, so I’d be 20 minutes late. I just hope Kathryn would be even later, so I wouldn’t have to explain myself.

Besides the campfire and ghost stories tonight, I was going to tell everyone the encounter I just suffered, and it would have to be told when both I and everyone around me weren’t completely sober.