Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 107 - "You look like a tart"

In no time at all, the last day of school rolled upon us. In the last two weeks of school I started to become apathetic and lazy, probably when I needed to pay attention the most. It started after senior trip, when I didn’t do my homework for that weekend. From that point, my laziness picked up.

However, we now had a week to study at home before exams, so I’d make the most of my time then. Prom was on tonight as well, and I was going to skip the after party, just so I wouldn’t need to ‘recover’ tomorrow, so I could study for my end of year exams.

Speaking of prom after party, I had managed to make myself a last minute enemy. The girl’s name was Victoria, and she was apparently well known in previous years for ‘stalking’ Seto. I had no idea about it until recently, she’s pretty much a ‘nobody’ and since her obsession died down, it wasn’t recent news that anybody spoke about this year.

However, she still held some feelings for Seto this year, as she had apparently been slagging me off the whole year to her loser group. Once again they’re all invisible nobodies who nobody pays attention to.

Now I DO NOT endorse in picking on somebody because of their social status. It’s horrible, and usually the ‘losers’ are a lot nicer than the popular kids. However, this group, they’re the horrible kids. They sit in the corner plotting revenge on everybody in the school, and doing nothing but saying horrible things about everyone.

Anyway, back on track. This Victoria girl had decided that because the end of the year was near, it was now her time to strike and attempts to pick on me. But being the overconfident girl I was, I didn’t let it phase me.

She was holding a prom after party, and loudly invited EVERYONE in the entire year level to go, but me. I then pretended to be interested, and asked about the party. She told me it was a fancy dress party. I laughed in her face and told her that and I quote ‘don’t do loser dress up parties, I’m hitting up the best college parties known to man’

Becoming a bit of a celebrity in Domino High School, and involuntarily becoming ‘popular’ throughout the year, people overheard me and decided to follow my example by thinking Victoria was lame and so was her party. Score!

But now my last day of Domino High was upon me, and so was my last day of school ever. I was nervous and excited at the same time.


“You look like a tart.” Seto snickered, looking at my appearance on the ride to school.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, that’s the purpose.” I snapped back at Seto.

He was REALLY beginning to get onto my nerves. He was being so serious and cranky lately, he was turning back to the old Seto that existed at the beginning of the school year. I was just hoping and secretly telling myself it was just exam jitters. I was getting sick of him complaining about how ‘childish and inappropriate’ I kept acting.

But today, I didn’t care. This was my last day of school ever, and I was going to have heaps of fun during muck-up day!

“You’re going to be sent home for defacing your uniform.” Seto sneered, as the limo came to a halt outside school.

I just gave him a half-smile, got out of the limo and slammed the door shut.

It was a muck-up day tradition to deface your uniform as much as you could. I had only cut triangles in my skirt to give it a ‘pixie’ look. I left my pink blazer alone so all my friends could sign it, and I decided not to wear the white shirt underneath and wear a push-up bra to look sexy. Hey I wanted to be remembered!

I chuckled as I walked into the front of the school. Someone had already begun the pranks; there was blow up dolls everywhere and the remains of eggs that had been thrown.

I saw a crying freshman that had egg stains on her clothes, and she was drenched head to toe.

Other freshmen were huddled in their own groups, looking around the grounds cautiously before quickly sprinting to their classes.

I slowly made my way to my locker, smiling to myself. This would be the last time I do this. I’d never walk to my locker first thing in the morning again.

Of course the entire gang were at their lockers, excitingly discussing their plans for the day.

“Soo guys, what have I missed?” I asked, sliding up to the gang.

“Not much has happened yet. Few eggs thrown, few water bombs, however the library got bricked up and no one can get in.” Kathryn shrugged, as if it were no big deal.

“HAHA! The library got bricked?! Classic. Well done Tristan and Joey.” I exclaimed, not even needing to ask who did it.

“SHH!” They both shouted loudly.

“Shall we all be off to homeroom? This is our last time, we need to make the most of it.” I asked the others, who agreed.

Tea, Yugi and I went arm in arm, skipping away happily to homeroom.


It was now Duke, Kathryn and I’s free period, and luckily some silly string and air horns had come into our possession. Being WAY too excited and riled up to actually study during our free, we went around terrorising all the younger years.

Anybody who was found wandering out of class was instantly hit with our super soakers, and we sneakily snuck into some classes and blasted the air horn when they least expected it, making the whole class jump.

I had also printed out posters for each year level, informing they all had ‘X’ number of days of school left, and left them at each of their locker bays.

“So do you have any major muck up day pranks up your sleeve?” Duke asked, as I had just finished putting up the posters.

“No, this is it. I think small harmless pranks are more fun, besides I don’t want to get into too much trouble.” I shrugged.

“What about Victoria? Don’t you have plans against her? You must, she’s a bitch!” Kathryn protested.

“Oh yeah I do, but they’re only small plans. I want to let her know I think she’s a bitch, but I don’t want to embarrass the delusional bitch in front of the whole school.” I replied.


It was now the end of lunch. My blazer was nearly full of signatures, and it was ready for my small “Operation: Victoria” thing. I was walking to my locker alone.

It was then I took a long look around me.

I saw freshman kids being REALLY annoying by running around screaming, and stopping without warning in the middle of a busy walkway.

I saw sophomore kids speaking about what ‘mad parties’ they were going to on the weekend, and how smashed they were going to get.

I saw junior kids excitingly discuss how they were going to use our facilities now that we were going, and excitingly discussing how they now ‘ruled the school’

And of course, I saw the senior kids acting like the sophomore kids, discussing how they were going to party after the end of exams, and talking about the prom, which was tonight.

I smiled to myself, something I had been doing a lot today. When I was in freshman year I hated high school with a passion. I hated the clichés, I hated the people, I hated the classes and I hated the routine and how my life was being dictated.

But now, those were the things I would miss the most. I wouldn’t redo high school for the world, but I would certainly miss it once I reached the outside world.

I got to my locker, and grabbed what I needed. Silly string and my super soaker. I approached Victoria, and made sure she didn’t have her books with her, I didn’t want to soak her notes, that’d be too cruel.

“Hey, Victoria!” I shouted to her, as she had her back to me.

“Ella Campbell. What do you want, slut?” She hissed, turning towards me.

That’s it, I was going to just soak her, but if she wants to resort to name calling, here goes nothing!

“I WANT YOU TO BECOME EXTINCT LIKE THE WOOLY MAMMOTH YOU ARE!” I shouted at her, and then began to empty the contents of the super soaker all over her.

I then sprayed some silly string onto her, laughing the entire time.

Before she could react, Duke ran from around the corner, throwing my books at me. We laughed together, and ran to our last Accounting class together.

“That’s it? I thought you’d do more. Why didn’t you soak her entire locker?” Duke asked.

“Duke, that’s mean. I didn’t egg her in case I hit her like in her temple and sent her blind. I didn’t soak her notes because that’s just so cruel.” I replied, as I took a seat.

“Wow Ella, you amaze me. Who knew there was a glimpse of a nice person under all that bitch?” Duke snickered.


The entire of the senior year was standing outside the front of the school. We all got let out 5 minutes early for this exact moment. In less than a minute, the school bell was about to ring. The ring of that school bell was the end of high school, forever. We were all armed with silly string and air horns, ready to celebrate that moment.

“HERE WE GO GUYS, IN TEN!” someone with the clock shouted, and we all began to get ready.

“9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” He shouted, and we all became silent.

However, the bell did not ring.

Everyone let out a groan, but we all had to giggle a little. It was kind of amusing.

30 seconds later, a large *DING DING DING* was heard throughout the school, however the loud cheers erupting from every senior was a lot louder.

We all began to loudly blast our air horns and cover the entire area with silly string. We were now free. Well except for –

“Exams are still upon us. I don’t know why you fools are all celebrating.” I heard Seto’s cold voice declare.

I had to roll my eyes. Why couldn’t he EVER have fun and be optimistic?