Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 108 - "It was good to see that Seto was staying true to his promise."

This time I accepted Seto’s request for me to get my hair and make-up done professionally. This was my senior prom night, it was a night where there were going to be a lot of photos taken, and it was a night to remember.

I decided to buy a long purple gown, which was low cut, with a push-up bra that showed just a little cleavage. Seto was impressed; it was partly his idea as well. He of course, wanted to be represented by a hot date.

I let the hair stylist do my hair however she thought looked best. She smirked, but I could tell she was a little worried. Women always worried about their hair, and without ANY input from me, it could turn out in my eyes ‘horrible’

I explained to her a lot of women were idiots, and expected a certain hairstyle, and then got angry and blamed the hairdresser when that hairstyle didn’t suit them, even though they told the hairdresser exactly what to do.

Therefore I thought this was the best solution. The professional would be the one deciding how my hair would look and how it would suit me; I was walking into the situation with no expectations.

And I did the right thing. 45 minutes after I put a blindfold on, I took it off and was greeted with a very lovely hairstyle. My bangs that were usually worn down were clipped onto the top of my head, showing a small bump on my forehead of hair. Then the rest was curled thoroughly, giving a ‘curly sexy’ look to my very formal purple gown.

Then it was time for the make-up artist to do her work. Seto got the crème da la crème. He hired not only a make-up artist, but also a very professional make-up artist who was hired for films. Yay!

She decided that my prom emphasis should be my eyes and not my lips. Therefore, to go with my dress she decided that I should have heavy purple make-up, which was made to look smoky. I must admit, I looked pretty hot.

After I was made all pretty, I put my ID, keys, and a small amount of money into my tiny purse. Then, I was ready to go.

I walked down the staircase, and was greeted by Seto in the foyer.

“You look stunning, my love.” Seto said, taking my hand like a gentleman and kissing it.

“You’re looking quite handsome tonight.” I replied, smiling and blushing slightly.

“So after tonight, are you coming back here with me, or are you going elsewhere?” Seto asked, seeming quite interested.

“Coming back here, duh. Exams are only a little over a week away, I don’t have time to watch adolescents getting drunk and expanding their sex lives.” I replied, rolling my eyes and meaning it.

“Right answer.” Seto smirked.

I smiled back, but then I noticed something. Seto was reaching into his pocket, and he then exposed a long, velvet box. He passed this box to me.

“Open it.” He smiled, he actually smiled.

Seto smiles were always rare, but they were becoming increasingly rare as of late.

I opened the beautiful box, and inside was an even more beautiful pair of long, white gloves. They were purely white, with sparkling studs along the sides.

“These are so pretty! They go so well with my dress!” I gasped, slipping on the elbow length gloves.

“Those are real diamonds.” Seto stated, grabbing my arm and admiring the studs on the side.

I then let out an even louder gasp.

“Are you serious? These must have cost like a zillion dollars!” I exclaimed.

“Beautiful diamonds for a beautiful girl.” Seto smiled, which made me blush.

“Our horse drawn carriage awaits.” Seto said, beckoning me outside.

At the lame school dance towards the beginning of the year, Seto was going to get us a horse drawn carriage, because going in a limousine would be pointless as we make that trip everyday. However, he cancelled the horse drawn carriage, and we broke up that night.

It was good to see that Seto was staying true to his promise.


Dinner was quite amusing. Because Seto was a complete loner and I was good friends with the gang, we were put on the gang’s table. However for ‘revenge’ Slater made sure Tristan, Serenity, Joey and his date were on another table.

That didn’t phase me at all. Even though Joey, Tristan and Serenity were some of my best friends, I know that they would have gotten into a fight with Seto, and that could have possibly put on a damper onto the night. That, and seeing those two eat is quite disgusting. Not something I’d want to remember.

So instead only Duke, Kathryn, Kathryn’s date (One of the stoner guys in our year level who I thought was disgusting and wouldn’t acknowledge) Tea and Yugi were on our table.

Duke sat next to Kaiba at dinner and they actually had a pleasant conversation discussing business. I was seated next to Tea and Yugi, and we exchanged many words. Kathryn and her date left halfway through to go to the disabled toilets. I haven’t thought very fondly of Kathryn since my birthday, and she was just making it worse.

Now most people were up and dancing. Joey, Tristan, Serenity and Joey’s date were all dancing together. Joey’s date was a girl named Amy. She was cute, but she was only Joey’s date because he needed one, and she’s Serenity’s best friend. Serenity wanted her best friend to tag along, so she went as Joey’s date. She was still giving him a good time, and I was happy for that.

Seto and I were amongst the few not dancing.

“I take it you don’t want to dance?” I asked Seto.

“Not really. I will later, I just want to scrutinise the scene.” Seto replied.

“Haha, want to know a way to insult everyone?” I snickered, nudging his side with my elbow.

“No. I want to inspect everyone and everything this night. I’m never going to see these people again, not one of them. I might see Yugi in a duel contest, but not Joey because he’d never qualify. I need to get a picture in my mind, because this is high school for me, and after tonight I’ll be able to do that no more.” Seto replied.

I was quite taken aback, and quite speechless. Seto had NEVER said anything sentimental before. He seemed the cold and distant type who despised everyone, and that’s exactly what he was. It was quite shocking that he would actually want to remember the people at Domino High, and remember this night.

“Okay. We should have a typical prom night. We should go get photos, and then dance on the dance floor. This allows for us to have the prom night to remember, and be able to see everyone for the last time.” I proposed, facing Seto.

Seto got up, and offered his hand to help me up. I took it.

“Your wish is my command, my love. Anything for you.” Seto smiled.

I had to smile back. Seto and I had been very distant lately, and on the borderline of fighting. It was good to see he was back to his old self; he was the Seto I loved again.