Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 109 - "I'd rather not talk about it"

I was now in my Accounting exam. It was my last exam, and I was finally free from high school! Forever! Tonight was the night I would be able to celebrate!

I was on my last question, and I was kind of just chilling. It was a hard question, and there was still 10 minutes left. I had already gone through my paper twice to check all my figures and theory questions, there was just this question left.

As I was lightly writing my answer down, I took a moment to pop my head up and look at how everyone else was going. They were all frantically scribbling away, unlike me who was taking it easy. They also had scowls on their faces.

You see, all examinations are undertaken at school. Because examinations are at random times, school is usually still on. Right now we were in a classroom next to the gym. We had to endure the freshmen kids finishing for the day, and right now we heard a few freshmen coming back from fitness training. They were all laughing and talkative, talking about stupid freshmen stuff.

Not only was it annoying that we had to hear that crap during a very important exam, but we were also a little bit jealous. While we had to write down Accounting stuff no one cares about, they were outside yelling about what games they were going to play tonight, and what they were going to do at the mall. I don’t know about everyone else, but that made me a little jealous that life was so simple for them.

But then I remember that in 10 minutes high school is officially 100% over for me, and I feel a lot better.

I finished the last question and slammed my pencil down. I was officially done with this test and I was officially done with high school.

I confidently got up, and strolled over to the teacher’s desk. Everyone’s eyes then darted up to my figure, watching my actions carefully. I rolled my eyes, just get on with your test and you can be like me, finished with high school, instead of sitting in an exam room staring.

I slammed the exam onto her desk, grabbed my bag and quickly exited the exam room. I’d wait for Duke to finish, and then I would officially begin to celebrate.


I must admit when I walked into Kaiba mansion a few hours later, I wasn’t 100% sober. Duke and I went to Yugi’s house and had a couple of drinks, and now we were going to stay over. Joey had driven Duke and I to the Kaiba mansion so I could just quickly run in to tell Seto that I’d be home tomorrow night.

Even though I wasn’t sober, I was only slightly tipsy. I was feeling the slightly dizzy feeling, but I could easily walk and easily talk.

I halted at Seto’s study, and knocked carefully.

Even though MY last exam was today, Seto still had 2 next week, and was studying for them in the small time he spent at home.

We had barely spoken since prom, which upset me a little. Even though we’re not fighting, things aren’t okay between us. I thought prom fixed whatever problem we were having, but I guess not.

Seto did not reply, so I decided to call out to him.

“Seto, it’s me. Ella.” I called out, a little upset.

“Can’t this wait?” He snapped, clearly annoyed.

“I’ll be quick.” I replied.

“Ella, sometimes I worry about if we have a future.” Seto sighed disapprovingly, and I could almost picture him shaking his head.

“What the hell? You’re an idiot. You wanted me to go away, now you’re questioning our relationship, prompting a discussion. I’m not falling for your arguments; I’m going to Yugi’s house for the night. You can study in peace tonight. Bye!” I angrily shouted, storming into my room to pack a few items before emerging out of Kaiba mansion and jumping into the backseat of Joey’s car.

“Everything cool?” he asked, seeing the anger radiate off me.

“I’d rather not talk about it.” I replied, coolly.


The next morning I arrived back at Kaiba corp. I decided to avoid Seto, and just go into my room and have a lazy day. I showered and got into my pyjamas and spent the whole day on my laptop browsing sites such as Facebook.

I wasn’t still angry with Seto, but I knew it was best to avoid him until he was ready to talk. I was willing to wait a few days, but Seto came earlier than I thought. He appeared at my door later that afternoon.

“Come in.” I said, and he appeared inside my room, shutting the door.

“Ella, we need to talk.” Seto said, taking a step towards my bed (which I was lying in, under the covers with my laptop on my lap)

I hated those words, but he was right. We really did need to talk.

“Alright. Should we go to the study?” I asked, about to get up.

“No, I think here is fine.” Seto said, admiring my room for a second and then taking a seat at the foot at my bed.

Wow, he’s willing to compromise and just stay in here? Something’s up. Seto is usually too professional to talk in a simple room, he prefers a professional environment.

“So what’s up?” I asked, as Seto was unusually quiet for a minute.

This was really beginning to worry me. Seto was being so unlike himself, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this way. I think I had a small hunch of what was coming.

“Do you want a blunt answer, or would you like me to beat around the bush?” Seto asked me.

“Hm. Probably blunt, you’re being too out of character, it’s beginning to scare me. Really, what’s up?” I asked, my worry beginning to show in my voice.

He stayed silent for a moment, but then sat up, regaining his composure.

“Ella, I can’t explain why, or when this exactly began to happen, but I think I’ve fallen out of love with you.” Seto said, as he said he would, bluntly.

My stomach fell, and I felt a lump in my throat. A weird feeling also ran through my body, as if poison was running through my veins. I did have a hunch something like this was coming, but not this exactly.

“Oh.” Was all I was capable of saying.

“It’s not that there’s somebody else. I just feel differently towards you lately. It’s not a feeling of hate or dislike; I just don’t see love anymore when I look at you. I still see the beautiful girl that you are, but not a girl I love.” Seto sighed, not being exactly comfortable with this either.

“I see.” Was all I could say, once again.

“I know I’m crazy. You’re everything I want in a girl. You’re the usual ‘funny, smart, beautiful’ thing that people rave on about, but we also have common interests and common goals. We both have the same objectives in life, and we can both help each other in life. But for some reason, things have changed. Don’t worry, if we go to couples counselling I may be able to start loving you again-“ Seto started blurting out, but he was cut off by my chuckle.

Yes, I was chuckling on the outside, even though I was dying on the inside. This may just be karma kicking me in the ass.

“It’s okay, Seto. You can’t help who you have feelings for, no matter how much you want to. I understand.” I said, being able to relate.

This is how Joey must have felt, huh? I felt sorry for him and all, but wow, yeah this sucks.

“You’re taking this well.” Seto said, looking quite shocked.

“Yeah, well I’m only 18. My biological clock hasn’t even started ticking yet. I’m still set to break a few more hearts, even if mine has just been broken.” I shrugged, giving Seto a small smile.

“So, is this the end of us?” Seto asked me.

“I think it might be. But, can I ask one favour?” I asked Seto.

“Wondering if you can stay here? Sure-“ Seto began, but I cut him off.

“We’ll get to those later, let us finish our conversation first. My favour is that can we both agree to the end of the relationship. This isn’t you dumping me, okay?” I said playfully, trying to lighten the situation.

“Sure. But as I was about to say, feel free to stay as long as you’d like. You’re also still an employee at Kaiba corp. I’m sure I could fix you up with a wage that would cover all expenses needed if you live on campus at Domino University.” Seto said, and I could tell that the ‘break up’ was beginning to take a toll on him; he began to look a little upset too.

“Thanks.” I sort of croaked out, beginning to feel upset about everything.

“Ok. Well, I’ll leave you to it. I’ll see you at dinner then.” Seto said, brushing his lips upon my forehead and walking out.

I quickly changed my Facebook relationship status to ‘single’ before I shut my laptop and began to let the tears fall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is rushed. And yes I admit it sounded better in my head. But, it's intentions are to be a quick, shocking breakup, rather than something that Ella saw coming. This is the second last chapter, by the way.