Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 11 - "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"

“Wait, you actually expect me to DO WORK?” I joked, as we entered Kaiba’s office and he asked me to shred some files.

“What did you expect?” He chuckled.

“Aren’t I supposed to run around buying your lunch and coffee, and then complain at the water cooler about how much of a jerk you are, and how underpaid I am and how I’m going to make it into the big leagues?” I told him.

“Actually, that’s my job.” Emma, Kaiba’s PA said coming into the office.

“Marketing want your opinion on some new designs they have for a new advertising campaign. Do you want me to send them up, or do you want to go down?” Emma asked Kaiba.

“They never get enough work done as it is, if I let them leave their offices they’ll just take their sweet time to come up here. No, I’ll go down.” Kaiba said, then turned to me.

“You’re to continue shredding the documents I gave you. “ Kaiba said to me, and swiftly walked out the door.

As soon as he walked out the door, I turned off the shredder and jumped into his chair. It was comfortable.

“YOU FIRED, NOOB.” I said, swinging around and then noticing Kaiba’s desk.

His desk was a regular CEO’s desk. He had a massive unsorted ‘in’ pile, a small ‘out’ pile, assorted ornaments (he had a small statute of the blue eyes, white dragon) and other little office things like calculators and pens. He also had a picture of a small boy. Yugi told me the only person that Kaiba cared about was his little brother; I figured this must be his little brother.

I heard footsteps approaching, so I jumped out of the chair and went back to the shredder.

“Shredding, shredding, shredding.” I said loudly, as the shredder ate up all the paper within in.

The same boy from the picture walked into the office.

“Are you looking for Kaiba?” I asked him.

“No. I saw him on his way to marketing. He told me to come into here and keep an eye on you. So you’re the famous Ella, eh?” The kid asked.

“Famous” I asked, blinking in confusion.

“I wish I could tell you, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy.” The kid replied.

Oh god, another ‘you’ll find out in due time’ secrets. I’m not even going to push this further.

“Anyway, I’m Mokuba. Seto’s little brother. And you’re Ella Campbell?” He asked.

“Yeah, I am. It’s nice to meet you.” Mokuba smiled.

Kaiba came storming into his office, and took a seat at his chair.

“I need to go do something...” Mokuba said nervously, and basically ran out.

“Things not go as planned?” I asked him, and he looked up and glared me.

“Marketing department are a bunch of failures. Accounting department were a bunch of failures and now we have half a department. HR is only reporting bad news. My financial departments are making me work overtime.” Kaiba said, sitting his chair heavily.

“Why are marketing failures?” I asked.

“Because ever since I lost my title as world champion, and Yugi beat me, marketing attempts seem to be fruitless. There were some mildly successful advertising campaigns, but the company’s popularity won’t budge anymore.” Kaiba explained.

“Hmm...Instead of making YOU the company’s image, why don’t you shift it for a while? You seem to love blue eyes, when people think of the blue eyes, white dragon they imagine you, and you only. It’s already practically the company’s image. In your new marketing campaigns have a blue eyes instead of yourself, and then maybe sometime in the future shift it back to you.” I told him.

“That works in theory, Ella. But do you think it would work in practice?” Kaiba asked

“Why wouldn’t it? I’m not talking about having some cheesy talking mascot or anything. Just, in a marketing campaign like an advertisement every time YOU would make an appearance, let there be a blue eyes instead. Or if you don’t appear, let the blue eyes appear. Everyone knows how powerful that card is, people will start associating you with power again.” I said to him.

He stayed silent for a few minutes, and then pressed the button for the intercom to Emma.

“Emma, call up Thomas from marketing, I think there’s something he needs to hear.”


“That’s a great idea Miss Campbell! I’ll run down to marketing this instant and we can begin straight away!” This ‘Thomas’ said and quickly left the office.

“See, Mr. Kaiba. When you talk about your problems with someone else, they get fixed. Sometimes it’s someone else’s ideas that you need.” I smiled.

He stayed silent.

“Your marketing department for example. They’re not dumb; they’ve gotten the right education for the job and the right training. However they’ve created so many campaigns and had racked out their brains for the new one, the most obvious answer was one they could not find.” I explained.

“I hope you’re right, Ella. I’d hate to think I’d need to get rid of my entire marketing department too.” Kaiba replied.

“Well, it’s 5.30. End of my shift. Even though I didn’t do anything remotely secretarial…” I trailed off.

“What if I was to, give you another promotion?” Kaiba asked.

“Depends what the promotion is.” I said, rising my eyebrow.

“It’s obvious that using you as a resource for a secretarial role isn’t efficient. Therefore the best way for me to use my resources efficiently would be for you to work in the company as an overall asset.” Kaiba told me.

“Do you mean work in a different department every time I work?” I asked him.

“Yes. Some days you might be fetching coffee for me and complaining at the water cooler, other days you might be working in marketing, accounting and who knows, maybe some days we’ll need you in the technological departments.” Kaiba explained.

“Who needs who now?” I joked, and Kaiba smiled.

Wait, what?

It’s not a smirk. It’s not a half smile. It’s not a chuckle. It’s a smile. A genuine smile.

“I can agree to that. Well, I guess it’s time for me to go. Kaiba, look. If you needed to talk about work stuff, you must have so many private life things you need to discuss. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. It’s always nice to have someone who will listen to you.” I said, and briskly walked out before he could say a cold comeback.


On my way walking home, I walked past the GAME shop (it’s on the way home) and I saw Yugi sitting outside, on the ground against a brick wall staring off into space.

“Are you okay?” I asked, sitting next to him.

“I don’t know.” He replied.

“Well, penny for your thoughts?” I asked, and he smiled.

“Just, trouble seems to find both Atem and myself a lot, and I know it’s no coincidence. It’s bound to happen sometime soon, and I spend all my time waiting for it to happen.” Yugi sighed.

“Now that you’re my person I talk to, I’m here to listen to you. If I offer that to Kaiba, I’m going to offer it for you. “ I told Yugi.

“Okay, but Yami wants to talk to you.” Yugi said, and did his little transformation.

“Do you want to go get milkshakes and discuss this?” I asked him.

“Milkshakes?” Yami asked, confused.

“Do you know what one is?” I asked him.

“Yes, I do. But I’m just wondering, why milkshakes? That is a little random is it not?” Yami asked, as we started walking to the nearest café.

“Well my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.” I smirked.

“I bet they do.” Yami laughed, but his eyes did trail to my chest.

I went red with embarrassment, but attempted to laugh it off before I changed the subject.