Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 12 - "Could Seto Kaiba possibly have a crush on me?"

Our usual gang consisting of Tea, Yugi, Tristan, Joey and myself were once again, spending Saturday afternoon at Yugi’s house. However unlike last weekend, we were bored and had no ideas what to do. We’d already gone to the arcade, spoken to Yugi’s grandfather and went out for lunch.

“I know what we can do.” I said, shooting up (I was lying on Yugi’s bed)

“What?” Tristan asked.

“Complain about how bored we are.” I grinned, and everyone just sighed.

“Hey, Yami gave me an idea.” Yugi said.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“You haven’t seen KaibaLand yet have you?” Yugi asked.

“What the hell is KaibaLand?” I asked Yugi.

“Kaiba created a duel themed theme park, and knowing how conceited he is, he named it after himself.” Tea explained.

“Figures.” I mumbled, after the conversation I had with him on Monday where he seemed a bit puzzled about not including himself on the advertisements.

“So what do you think Ella? Sound like an idea?” Yugi asked.

“Yeah it’d be worth it to check it out.” I replied, and we all bounded down Yugi’s stairs and jumped into Joey’s car.

“At least another one of us needs our license.” I stated, as we all arrived at Joey’s car.

“Well I do have a license.” Tristan proudly stated.

“Okay, another one of us needs a car, and a car license.” I corrected myself.

“Shotgun!” Tristan shouts, and waits outside the passenger side.

“Not cool man! My lady rides up front with me!” Joey argued.

“No fair man, Ella’s tiny, as is Yugi and Tea. If I sat at the back it’d be squashed!” Tristan protested.

“Yeah Joey it’s okay, I don’t mind.” I smiled.

“But Ella!” Joey whined.

“We’ll be back in a sec.” I said to the rest of the group, winked and lead Joey off.

“Trust me babe, I need to get to know the back seat and suss it out, if you get my drift.” I said, and shot him a wink.

He sheepishly grinned, and nodded.

We arrived back to the group.

“Problem sorted. Guys, so predictable.” I said, mostly to Tea rolling my eyes and she giggled.


“The entrance fee is $7.50 each.” The person at the ticket booth falsely smiled.

“Oh you poor thing, you must have gone through so much crap.” I said to him, and he nodded.

As I was talking to him, I noticed a sign inside the ticket booth that stated that Kaiba Corp. employees get entrance for free.

“Hey, according to that sign, Kaiba Corp. employees don’t have to pay the fee?” I asked the ticket booth person.

“Yeah, all they have to do is show their security card. None of them ever come here though, what do a bunch of suits need to go for a theme park for?” The guy replied.

“This security card?” I asked, showing it to him.

The security cards were programmed with what your role was in Kaiba Corp and where you got access. However it was programmed with when you worked, so you couldn’t use it outside of hours. It was to stop people from breaking in, I thought it was a good idea. I had an all access security card, however it only worked from 3pm – 6pm Mondays and Fridays.

“Wow, you actually work inside Kaiba Corp and not in KaibaLand? That’s pretty impressive. Well, the lady gets the $7.50 entrance fee waived, but the rest of you have to cough up.” The guy said, and I glared at him.

How dare he be nice to me, but in turn be nasty to my friends.

Everyone paid, and we went in.

“So, what is there to do?” I asked curiously.

“There’s a few rides, there’s an arcade, a café, there’s dueling arenas, and there’s a few things to do. We don’t come here a lot, but sometimes it’s interesting to see the duels.” Yugi told me.

“I’ve been here for 2 weeks nearly 3 and I haven’t seen any duel monsters matches. Weird huh?” I replied.

“Alright, we’ll go watch a duel then.” Yugi smiled.


We watched about three duels all up. Although there weren’t any ‘big names’ in the arena, it was amazing to see the cards bought to life in the massive holograms and it made it an interesting game to watch.

As we walked out of the spectator seats, Mokuba approached us.

“Oh hi Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan and Ella.” Mokuba smiled.

“Oh, so you’ve been acquainted with Ella?” Joey asked.

“Yeah! She works for Seto!” Mokuba said in an excited tone.

“How are you today, Mokuba?” Yugi asked Mokuba.

“I’m okay I guess, nothing interesting is happening today.” Mokuba explained.

His gaze turned onto Joey and I, Joey was whispering something my ear and I was giggling, and we were holding hands. In short, we were being very affectionate and couple-y.

“How long have you two been together?” Mokuba smirked.

“A week today officially,” I smiled “but we had a thing since my first day in Domino”

“Oh.” Mokuba replied, in a flat tone.

“Why?” I asked, finding his reaction kind of strange.

“It’s just Se-nothing. I thought Seto would have said something.” Mokuba replied uncomfortably, and quickly changed the topic.

We chatted with him for a while, until he had to go back to managing the duel arenas.

We then decided to start checking out some of the rides, and our group decided to split. Obviously Tea, Tristan and Yugi were in one group, and Joey and I were in our own.

Even though there were no ‘couple’ rides (This theme park was designed by Seto Kaiba after all – billionaire jerk virgin) I think we preferred that it wasn’t too cheesy, and we had fun on the rides that existed anyway.

As it approached 5pm, when we said we’d all meet back up at the entrance and decide what to do next, I told Joey I needed to use the bathroom and left him waiting at the arcade.

Unfortunately there we no bathrooms in the arcade area, and I had to walk outside to use it. After I finished and I had ‘freshened up’ I walked back outside to walk back to the arcade. I was, however interrupted by a guy who looked a little older than me.

“Hey baby, where are you going?” He asked, putting his arm around me.

“Um, back to my boyfriend.” I said, removing his arm.

“What’s the rush? You’re hot.” He grinned, and grabbed my butt.

“Hey!” I shouted loudly.

“You loved it. You’re wearing a short little skirt, a tight t-shirt to show off your body. This is what you want.” The guy said, getting a little angry.

“I’m wearing a short skirt due to the hot weather, and my t-shirt appears tight because I have difficulty buying shirts due to my chest size you god damned jerk!” I shouted at him.

This topic always really seemed to hit a weak spot.

He pushed me against a wall, and began to stroke my face.

How is this happening in broad daylight?

I began to scream at the top of my lungs, there were plenty of people around to save me, right? Wrong. Most people had cleared out, as the park was closed from between 5pm – 7pm for ‘maintenance’ to see if everything is working correctly, before it reopens for the evening session.

I closed my eyes before his lips touched mine, but I felt air move and a pressure being relieved off me and I opened my eyes and could not believe the sight in front of me.

Seto Kaiba had arrived just in time, and had pushed the guy off me and was holding him onto the ground.

Wow, he’s...really strong.

He grabbed a radio out of his pocket, and asked for security. Within 30 seconds, security had arrived.

“This man here sexually harassed and assaulted this girl. We have video surveillance. I want you to deal with this while I deal with something else.” Kaiba said to his goons, who nodded and carted the guy off, who was now crying.

I stayed silent as Kaiba grabbed my arm and carted me off, I was in shock and I was nervous Kaiba looked REALLY mad.

He carted me off to the arcade, where Joey was playing a game.

“WHEELER!!!!!” Kaiba bellowed, which made Joey fall over.

“What do you want Kaiba?” Joey asked, and looked at Kaiba’s angry face and mine, which probably resembled fear.

“You are NOT to leave this girl alone in a public spot. EVER.” Kaiba shouted at Joey.

“Wait, wait, wait. What? Joey did nothing wrong. I asked to go to the toilet, is he meant to follow me in there?” I sniggered, but Kaiba ignored me.

“Why? What happened?” Joey asked, looking worried.

“Ella just got sexually assaulted.” Kaiba replied, and Joey suddenly went pale.

“O-oh god Ella. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!” Joey cried, and tried to hug me but Kaiba pulled me back.

“Hey! Leave me alone!” I shouted to Kaiba, and tried to get out of his grip but he held on tighter.

“You’re to take better care of her.” Kaiba said, and finally let go of me.

“If you were mine, I’d protect you a lot better.” Kaiba said in my ear, and briskly walked away.

This reaction confused me greatly. Could Seto Kaiba possibly have a crush on me?