Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 14 - "How dare I sleep with my boyfriend!"

Once again, Monday came around too quickly for my liking. On Sunday I met up with Joey for a short time in the afternoon, but only for a short time as we both had homework to do.
Once again, the walk to school was fairly uneventful. I was running a little late, so I ate my piece of toast on the walk to school, with my iPod blaring in my ears.

When I walked into the school gates, I was surprised to see Kaiba standing there. I began to casually walk past, still a bit disgusted by his behaviour at KaibaLand. He tugged on the back of my pink blazer, and pulled me back to him.

“Ella, what size are you?” Kaiba asked.

“Excuse me?” I coughed, with disbelief and shock.

“Clothes size, not bra size.” He rolled his eyes.

“That’s a bit random, and private.” I replied.

“I guess, but I need to know it for tonight. Tonight there’s going to be a meeting, and I need you to be there. However you need to be wearing corporate clothes. I need to know your clothing size so I can get someone to buy a suit for you.” Kaiba growled.

“Oh, right. I’m an American size 6 for numeral sizes, and a ‘small’ for marked sizes.” I replied.

“That’s all I needed to know.” He said with a very annoyed tone, and walked off briskly.

Phew, Kaiba’s gone back to his cold ‘I don’t care’ self. Good. I hate to say it, but I prefer him that way.

I went to my locker, and dumped my bag and grabbed my books for my first class – Double Maths. What a drainer, having double maths the first thing on a Monday morning. I don’t know why Garfield complains – he ain’t got nothin’ on me.

However, I did notice that none of my friends were at their lockers. Hm, that was strange. The whole gang was usually assembled here until the first homeroom bell rang, and we all went to homeroom.

I decided to stop off at the toilet and drink fountain before going off to homeroom, considering I had time.

When I walked into homeroom, I saw Tea and Yugi sitting in there already. When I walked in, they both hushed of the topic they were discussing, and sent me nervous smiles.

“Is something strange going on?” I asked them.

“Well you see...” Tea started, but Kathryn came bounding into homeroom.

“Ooooh! Ellaaaaa! I heard about you and Joey on Saturday night!” She said, and made a circle with her thumb and pointer finger on one hand, and inserted her other pointer finger into the circle.

I felt the bottom of my stomach drop, and my face heat up like it had never been embarrassed before.

“H-how did you find out?” I stuttered.

“I heard it from Derrick.” She shrugged.

“Who’s Derrick?” I asked, I didn’t even know who he was.

“Look, Ella. If you’re wondering if Joey told people, he didn’t. Apparently some guys saw you in a secluded area and assumed you were only there for one thing. I don’t know if you guys did or not, but whatever you both say I will believe.” Tea said.

I looked at Yugi, who was staring at the floor and remaining quiet.

I kept blushing, and stared down at my maths homework.

“Her and Joey so did it!” Kathryn laughed, and patted me on the back “you go girl! You’re getting some! That’s more than I can say”

I wish that I copped the worse from Kathryn. But as soon as the second homeroom bell rang and all the guys piled in, it got worse from there. Every one of them made a comment, and wouldn’t leave me alone. What’s worse was that the homeroom teacher DID show up, so I couldn’t leave.

In the last few minutes of homeroom, I saw the door open and Joey walked in. All the guys cheered, and patted him on the back as he made his way to me.

“I swear I didn’t tell anyone!” Joey defended.

“So I’ve heard.” I mumbled, I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt but I wasn’t going to rule him out just yet.

“Really, I didn’t. This guy, his name is Brendon or something, his house is near the secluded area we went to, and uh, he apparently saw us drive there and assumed what we were going there for.” Joey said.

“That is kind of believable,” I admitted.

“Seriously, if you ask any person where they heard it from, it’ll be from someone I don’t even talk to. I don’t talk to Brendon; I don’t talk to anyone who’s gossiping about it. If I told someone, don’t you think it would have been the people in our gang?” Joey said.

“You do have a point. Sorry I kind of doubted you.” I smiled, and gave him a hug.

All the guys whistled, and we broke apart and I blushed once again.

The first class bell rang, and everyone piled out.

As I was walking down the halls, some people stared; others said something to the person they were walking with and some people did call out. It was so embarrassing!

Back home in America, no one really cared who was sleeping with who, as long as it was not a ‘scandal’ like someone was sleeping with another person’s boyfriend, or if there was a big age gap. I don’t get why people care about Joey and I, neither one of us are popular so why does it matter?

As I walked into my maths class, I felt so relieved for once that my class was filled with unfriendly nerds. No one looked at me or whispered anything. They probably hadn’t even heard, and if they did they didn’t care.

However, when I sat myself next to Kaiba, he gave me the biggest death glare. I knew he wasn’t a gossiper himself, but he overheard when people thought Duke and I were together, maybe he had overheard people talking about this.

“I’ll be talking to you later. I can’t let the rage take over me now as I have a class to take.” Kaiba growled.

He had overheard.


After my 4th class it was lunchtime, and as I was walking to my locker to dump my books and grab my lunch, I got pulled into an empty classroom.

“What do you want?” I hissed at Kaiba.

“I think you know what I’ve overheard.” He growled at me.

“That I slept with Joey Wheeler? What’s it to you?” I smirked.

“It concerns me because you’re an employee of my company, therefore you represent my company. If people are talking about one of my employees like she’s some kind of slut, then it reflects back on my company.” Kaiba stated.

“Alright, go on. Fire me. How dare I sleep with my boyfriend!” I said sarcastically.

“This is no laughing matter Miss Campbell!” Kaiba said, clearly aggravated.

“No really. You’re upset because I slept with my boyfriend? I didn’t tell people. Neither did Joey. You can fire me if you want, even though it’s unfair dismissal I’m not going to take it to court, I don’t have the money and the job isn’t dear enough to me to do so.” I said.

“I find it hard to believe that Joey didn’t tell people.” Kaiba replied.

“Yeah well believe it, he didn’t. Apparently Brendon Wright is the one going around telling people, go hassle him.” I frowned.

“You shouldn’t have let this happen in the first place.” Kaiba growled.

“Don’t you think I know that?” I said, and then tried to hold myself together for a few seconds and then let myself go. I burst out crying.

“Do you regret sleeping with him?” Kaiba asked me.

“Kind of, yes. This is uncomfortable to talk about, but if I knew this would have happened I wouldn’t have. But Brendon Wright would have seen us driving around anyway and told people the rumour anyway.” I whimpered.

Then Seto Kaiba did the most out of character thing I had ever seen him do. He embraced me into a big hug, and wiped my tears.


I was also surprised, I expected his hug to be stiff, but it was warm and tight.

“I somehow doubt that Wheeler is as innocent as he lets on. But I won’t stand to see you sad because of Wheeler, even if he didn’t tell anyone what you two did.” Kaiba said into my ear.

He grabbed me by my shoulders softly, and moved me so he could look at my face. We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, and I admired how deep his blue eyes seemed. He moved my hair behind my ears, and I held my breath, as I knew what he was going to do. He was going to kiss me.

As he started to lean in and I closed my eyes, I heard a familiar voice shout at Kaiba.

“Hey! Get off my girl you creep!”

By Joey bounding in, we were both bought back to earth and both Kaiba and I got back into character.

I guess it’s lucky Joey came in, who knows what I would have done. Kaiba and I just aren’t meant to be...are we?