Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 15 - "Uhh...thanks?"

When I met Kaiba at the school gate at the end of the day, I knew it was best just to forget the thing that happened in the empty classroom never happened. I didn’t mention anything as I approached Kaiba.

He said nothing as his limousine driver opened the door for us, and I sat on the opposite side of him.

“My limousine driver bought your suit. It’s on the seat next to you.” Kaiba said, and I looked to the left. So it was.

It was a pinstriped suit, with what looked like a semi-short skirt and a nice white blouse to wear under the suit.

“It’s nice.” I replied.

“You’re to wear that to work from now on. You’ve been promoted and you work all over Kaiba Corp, so you should dress corporately like every other employee.” Kaiba said.

“That’s fair enough.” I replied.

“There’s a meeting today with some affiliates of Kaiba Corp. Emma’s kid is sick and she had to immediately take the day off, so you’re to be my PA just for today. That means you have to attend this meeting with me.” Kaiba explained.

“Yeah, sure. Okay.” I replied, shortly again.

I don’t know about Kaiba, but I was feeling really awkward around him.

We arrived at KaibaCorp, and I followed Kaiba out of the limousine to the lift.

“I’ll give you 10 minutes to change and freshen up. You will meet me outside my office and we will go down to floor 1 for the conference room there.” Kaiba said briskly, as we reached floor 12.

I ignored him, as I walked to the ladies restroom. I splashed my face with cold water as today’s events replayed in my mind.

Everyone found out about Joey and I, and we received hell for it. Kaiba comforted me, and we almost kissed. Now he’s acting as if we’ve grown apart and is being the cold jackass he always was. What is with that kid, he’s on permanent PMS.

I changed into the suit that Kaiba’s limousine driver bought me. I didn’t know whether Kaiba instructed his limo driver to buy this kind of suit on purpose or not, but it showed off my personal “assets” then again, it was hard to find clothes that didn’t. And I hate to admit that, because I sound so stuck up.

I then brushed my hair, and re did my make-up. I made sure it was ‘fresh’ and not caked on.

“Looking good, Miss Campbell.” A guy informed me as I walked out of the ladies restroom.

He had black spiky hair, thick-rimmed glasses and brown eyes. I had never seen this man in my life.

“Uh, thanks?” I replied, walking out.

I met Kaiba outside his office, and his eyes scanned over my body, paying attention to a few specific parts...

“You look nice.” He stated.

“Thank you.” I replied, and I followed him as he took the lift.

“You really are too good for Wheeler.” Kaiba said, as we both stood on opposite sides of the elevator.

“Who do you propose I be with then?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Someone who will appreciate you and who you are more. Someone more worthy.” Kaiba said in a soft voice, and began to approach me.

He was standing right in front of me, and he looked down on me. I looked up, and he lifted me onto the bar of the elevator, so I was nearly eye level with him.

“We’re about to be interrupted, I know it.” I giggled, and sure enough, the elevator made a ‘ding’ sound and the doors opened up.

It was floor 6, and an employee walked into the elevator as Kaiba sprang back.

“WALKER!!!!” Kaiba bellowed.

“What? Mr. Kaiba, I’m just going downstairs to grab the mail for our department!” ‘Walker’ stated, looking very frightened.

“Well be quick about it, I haven’t seen anything productive come out of your department for a while.” Kaiba growled, and ‘Walker’ stayed silent.

As we went through floor 3, my dad got on.

“Hey Dad.” I smiled.

“Hey Ella. What are you up to today?” Dad asked me.

“Ella is my PA for today. She will be joining me in a meeting with our partners.” Kaiba said to Dad.

“Wow, that’s quite a big job.” Dad replied, quite shocked

“I think Ella will be able to handle it.” Kaiba replied, as we arrived on floor 1.

I waved goodbye to my father, and quickly followed Kaiba out of the lift. We arrived outside of a conference room.

“Inside are board of directors for Kaiba Corp’s most elite affiliates. Mostly technological companies. We will be recording the meeting so you don’t need to write anything. If any errands need to be run, you will run them. But you’re mostly there to look pretty.” Kaiba said, and then smirked at his choice of words.

“Ok.” I nervously said, and I coyly followed him in.

“Kaiba! Who’s this pretty young girl?” one of the men asked, shaking his hand vigorously and placing a kiss on my cheek.

“This is Ella Campbell. She’s filling in for Emma my usual PA just for today.” Kaiba replied, as we both took the spare 2 seats left.

“She’s gorgeous.” Another man said, and I blushed brightly.

“Yes, she is.” Kaiba replied, looking at me.

I took it as him sucking up to the partners, as he quickly changed the topics. But this day was just getting weirder and weirder. Two near-kiss scenarios and now he’s calling me ‘gorgeous’?