Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 16 - "Damn you're good"

It was a lazy Friday afternoon. I had the day off work; Kaiba said I wasn’t needed today. I wasn’t complaining, I wasn’t in the mood to work anyway.

This Friday, I had accounting second last and English last. Unfortunately for me, I was in Accounting still and not the slightest bit motivated to do my work. The teacher was going on about the previous night’s homework, which I of course did (Duke didn’t, he was copying down my answers frantically as the teacher was asking each student for the correct answer – he was hoping he’d copy all my work before she got to him.

“I so can’t be bothered with this. I’m going to decorate my school planner.” I yawned to Duke.

“If you don’t concentrate, Mrs. Baker will ask you a question. That women should be wanted by the government, she can read minds.” Duke shivered.

“No she can’t, Duke. She won’t ask me anyway, I’m pretty much off her radar. If she does ask, I’m such a good student I’ll easily get the answer anyway.” I replied.

“No you won’t. You’ll be too busy writing down “E.C. 4 J.W.” or something, and then she’ll ask ‘Ella! What’s the total amount of assets’ and you’ll be like ‘which assets?’ and then she will yell at you.” Duke sniggered.

“Yeah, we’ll see.” I shrugged, and drew hearts all around the front page of my school planner.

Soon enough, Duke’s prediction was correct.

“Ella! If we didn’t correct the mistake of the bank ledger account being credited and not debited, would there have been an understatement or overstatement of assets?” Mrs. Baker asked me.

“Um, overstatement. Because when you debit the bank account, the figure decreases, so the cash asset would have been overstated by $2,500 dollars.” I replied, looking down at my work.

“Damn, you’re good.” Duke whispered to me.

The bell went, and we all packed up our books as the teacher called out the homework for the weekend. I wrote it on my hand, so I could write it in my planner during English class.

As I made my way to English, Joey pulled me in the opposite direction.

“Hey what are you doing?” I asked, “The classroom is the other way”

“There’s a duel tournament on the beach tonight. It’s no major tournament like Duelist Kingdom or Battle City, but it’ll be nice to dust off my deck for something with no major stakes. So because I know you’ll want to go home and pretty up, we’re not going to English today.” Joey informed me.

“Uh, Joey. If we don’t turn up to English, the teacher will notice, check if we were absent the entire day – which we were not and will give us a detention.” I told him.

“Yeah but it’s worth it Ella! Come on, duel monsters tournament!” Joey whined.

“Okay Joey, I’ll compromise. But it involves us going to English for just a few minutes.” I told him, and he reluctantly followed me.

“Hi Mr. Morgan!” I said faux cheerfully to our English teacher as Joey and I walked in.

“Hi Ella. How are you today?” The English teacher asked.

“I’m good, but I’m a little bit of a dilemma. You see, for the English language analysis task you set us, I’ve been typing it up on my computer. I have it on my USB memory stick which I have with me, but because it requires a computer, I can’t do it here in class.” I frowned.

“Oh, that’s not good Ella. I trust you though, you’re one of my best students. You can go to the library this class to work on it if you would like.” Mr. Morgan replied.

“Thanks Mr. Morgan. Only Joey’s is saved on mine too as he doesn’t have a USB memory stick. Would he be able to join me in the library?” I asked.

“Hmmm…” Mr. Morgan frowned “Well, alright I’ll let Joey go as well. Only because you’ve been such a great influence on him Ella. Ever since you arrived, all of his teachers have commented on him completing a lot more of his homework, and getting higher marks.”

“Thanks Mr. Morgan!” Joey and I both chorused as we picked up our books and headed to our lockers.

“What a sucker.” Joey laughed.

“It pays to be a teacher’s pet.” I smirked.

“Meh, not worth it.” Joey smirked back, as I packed my books into my bag.

“We’re going to have to be careful escaping the prison.” I giggled, as we walked down the hallway.

“No problem Ella, I’ve skipped plenty of times. Just walk down the hallways casually, people in the classrooms will probably notice but won’t make a big deal of it. Then, when we get into the yard and we’re in eyeshot of the principle’s office, we RUN!” Joey commented.

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” I agreed.

As we walked past a science classroom, I saw Kaiba sitting in a seat. He saw Joey and I, and raised his hand. He said something to the teacher, who looked in our general direction and we ducked. We saw her head to the door, so we sprinted off into the distance and didn’t stop running until we got to Joey’s car.

“Okay, if she dobs us in, we’ll tell Mr. Morgan that she spotted us while we were walking to the library. That was the way to the library anyway.” I said to Joey, as he roared up the engine.

“So, shall we go to your place and get ready then?” Joey asked.

“Yeah my place is good, my Dad will be at work.” I replied.


“Um, I’d offer you food, but we seriously have none. There’s peanut butter out of the jar if you’re interested though.” I said, and his eyes lit up.

I opened the jar, dipped my finger in, licked it and then threw the jar to Joey.

“There’s drinks in the fridge and cable television in the lounge room. I’m going to have a shower.” I called out to Joey, as I walked into my room.

I got my bikini top, my bikini bottoms and some union jack board shorts I got as a souvenir a while ago, and took them into the bathroom with me.

I stripped down, ran the water and had a nice relaxing shower. When I got out of the shower, I blow dried my hair, and tied it up. I put on my bikini, and looked into the mirror.

Because of my chest size, I had problems finding a bikini. I finally did find a very expensive one, but it was still very small on me. I had to be very careful wearing this; one wrong move and I’d be exposed to the world. It had happened before... I was too vain to not wear a swimsuit though.

I walked out into the lounge room, where Joey was watching Maury Poverich.

“How do I look?” I asked nervously, and Joey’s eyes popped out of his head.

He scooped me up into his arms, and carried me bridal style to my room.

“This is how good you look.” He smirked, and placed me onto my bed.

If I look good enough for sex, I wonder what will happen tonight at the dueling tournament?