Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 18 - "***?"

The tournament was nearly ready. Everyone had signed up, and they were now selecting the random duels.

Yugi had decided not to enter, some people were already complaining when they saw him there, so he decided to stand back and watch, but if anyone challenged him to a duel then he would duel them.

Joey still entered though, and I wasn’t sure if Kaiba was actually going to enter, I hadn’t seen him since our encounter before...

After standing around for about 10 minutes, the duels were announced. Only 30 duelists entered the tournament, as the prize was only a $200 gift card for Domino mall. Most duelists entered for the fun and experience and not the prize.

Joey was up against Weevil Underwood, and from there on he’d see who his next opponent was.

Our whole gang made sure we were by Joey’s side, cheering him on during the duel.


While Joey was in a good spot (He was on 2050 life points, Weevil on 1400) Yami turned to me.

“Ella, would you care to take a walk sometime soon? There’s something I must discuss with you.”

“Oh, um. Yeah, I suppose.” I replied awkwardly. What could it be?

Weevil gave Joey a frown. He knew he was losing, and by the looks of it, he had no good cards in his hand to play.

“Joey, your girlfriend is HOT!” Weevil said to Joey, and I shivered.

“Joey, your opponent is a CREEP!” I shouted, mimicking Weevil.

“Keep your bug eyes off my girlfriend.” Joey said to Weevil.

“I can do whatever I want. Maybe she shouldn’t be showing off her beautiful thin waist, her wide, wonderful hips and her beautiful cleavage.” Weevil said, staring at me.

“THAT’S IT!” Joey shouted at Weevil, getting really angry “NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY GIRL LIKE THAT, EXCEPT FOR ME!”

“Joey! You need to ignore Weevil! He’s just trying to fire you up! He knows that by talking about Ella like that he can anger you and make you lose your concentration! He’s just being a cheat like always!” Yugi said to Joey, and Joey nodded.

“Maybe she should wear a shirt. But I’m not complaining, neither is any of the other guys on the beach.” Weevil snickered.

“Well Weevil, you can look all you want, but you can’t touch. She’s all mine, and I can kiss her whenever I want. She’s the girl I love.” Joey said to Weevil, and he immediately froze.

As did I. I could tell he wasn’t planning on blurting that out, and I wasn’t planning on hearing it. Alarm bells went off in my head, not alarms that said we were moving too fast, but alarms telling me I had an immediate action to do.

“I love you too Joey!” I said to Joey, and blew him a kiss.

He had the biggest smile on his face.

“See, I can win this duel now Weevil. I have the greatest friendships, and I have love. That will pull me through this duel. What do you have? Nothing.” Joey said to Weevil.

Weevil frowned, as he knew his efforts were becoming fruitless.

“I do have something. I have a hard on from your girlfriend’s tits.” Weevil smirked.

Joey fell to the ground.


“Hey Yami, do you think we should go for that walk now?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it’s probably best if we did.” Yami replied.

“Hey Joey, Yami and I need to take care of some business. However, remember that I’m here for you, and that my love for you will be here too.” I said, blowing Joey a kiss and he caught it.

Yami and I walked off before we could hear what other dirty comment Weevil could say about me.

“Do you think I should put my shirt back on? What Weevil was saying about my body is making me really insecure.” I said, covering my bare flesh with my arms.

“Ella, Weevil was just being pathetic. You can’t help the body that you have, and you don’t need to cover it just because of him.” Yami said to me.

“Thanks.” I said, shooting him a smile.

We passed an ice-cream stand.

“Do you feel like an ice cream? My treat.” Yami smiled.

“How the HELL do you get money anyway?” I asked Yami.

“Well, when we enter tournaments, and we win, Yugi and I split the prize money 50/50. As I don’t use Yugi’s body a lot, I don’t spend a lot of the money. So, would you like an ice cream?” Yami asked.

“Yami, I’d love one.” I replied.


Yami and I were both sitting in the shallow waters; Yami had removed most of his clothing besides his boxers.

“So what did you need to tell me?” I asked, wrapping my tongue around the creamy goodness.

“Huh?” Yami asked, distracted for a moment.

“You know, you said you needed to discuss something with me?” I said to him.

“Oh, right. It’s not really something I should tell you right now. I thought tonight was the right time, but perhaps not. How about you swing by the game shop tomorrow morning and we discuss it then?” Yami asked.

“Uh, sure. I guess...” I trailed off.

“Yami, Ella, what are you guys doing here?” Tristan asked, standing in the water looking down on us.

“We were watching Joey’s duel, but Weevil was saying dirty things about me to distract Joey, so we left. Is the duel still on?” I asked Tristan.

“Nah, Joey beat Weevil so he’s in the semi-finals. He was looking for you both.” Tristan said.

Yami jumped up out of the water, and offered me a hand to get up. I took it, and he helped me up. The only slight problem was though; he took a few seconds to let go after I got up. Tristan noticed too, and he sent Yami a frown but said nothing.

“Let’s go find Joey.” I said.


After narrowly beating Mai, Joey won the Duel Monsters tournament, along with a $200 voucher for Domino mall. As he was announced the winner, he took me up on stage with him, and had his arm around my waist the entire time. Once we got off stage, I giggled at this.

“Everyone is SOOO going to think I’m a groupie.” I giggled.

“Oh well, hot groupie at that. At least now everyone knows Joey Wheeler has a hot girlfriend!” Joey replied.

During Joey’s duel with Mai, Kaiba reappeared and challenged Yugi to yet ANOTHER rematch. Like always, Yugi beat Kaiba, and Kaiba vowed revenge and that one day he would beat Yugi. Yawn.

Tea and Yugi decided to split a cab, while Tristan rode his motorbike home. That left Joey and I by ourselves, and we decided to spend a little more time on the beach.

Joey and I started making out on the sand, when a familiar cold voice started up again, like before.

“Real classy Ella.” Kaiba commented.

“Will you stop annoying us EVER?” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“No. I’m concerned about you. First, you go out in public dressed in practically nothing, and then you’re practically having dry sex with Wheeler.” Kaiba replied.

“Hey richboy leave her alone! It’s called the beach, of course she’s going to wear a swim suit.” Joey said, defending me.

“Hmm. I still think she looks like a whore.” Kaiba said.

“Whore?” I asked, offended.

“You’re wearing something very immodest, and you’re all over Wheeler in a public place. Face it Ella, you look like one.” Kaiba replied, harshly.

I began crying, and Joey got really mad.

“Do you feel big and strong now? You made a pretty girl cry. Congratulations!” Joey said sarcastically.

Kaiba walked next to me, and kneeled down.

“I said you looked like one Ella, I didn’t say you were one. I just hope you can realise this, before it’s too late. I told you a while ago, I want to protect you, but you must be willing to let me protect you.” He said, and with that, he got back up and walked off.

“I’m REALLY getting sick of him always having something to say when I’m with you. It’s like he just can’t help himself.” I growled.

“I know. He’s always been nasty to me, but he’s never really approached me with nasty comments, he’s only said them if we’ve been communicating. But when I’m with you, he approaches us all the time and says something.” Joey replied, looking as confused as I was.