Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 2 - "Are you Seto Kaiba?"

Homeroom wasn’t all that different to the one I had in LA. The teacher would mark the roll, read out the announcements, hand out any notices or anything else that needed to be handed out, and all students sat there chatting amongst their peers. All in all, it was the same waste of time it was in America.

Tea introduced me to one of her acquaintances, Kathryn. I could tell from their awkward conversation and body language that Kathryn and Tea were only the sort of friends who spoke to each other in school during class, and at the end of high school if they did keep in contact it would only be one face book conversation every 6 months. But it was still nice to get to know another person of Domino High.

The bell rang and everyone stormed out of the classroom.

“What class do you have now?” Yugi asked me.

“Maths, room 67.” I sighed. Maths and I didn’t get along.

“Oh, that sucks. I don’t think anyone is in that class,” Tea told me.

My stomach sort of fell. But I was new; I could make new friends in that class, right?

Wrong. So very wrong. Apparently it wasn’t necessary to take maths at Domino High, because the demographic of students in that class looked like they were going to be rocket scientists, or doctors, or other high paid professions.

Knowing it was wrong to judge a book by its cover, I approached and sat down at a table with a group.

“Hi. I’m Ella. I’m new. What are your names?” I asked the group.

“Leave us alone,” one hissed, “You’ll just distract us.”

Usually I’d say a smart comeback, but feeling shocked and intimidated I picked up my books and sat at the front of the room in a spare spot. My eyes scanned the room, and I saw a boy who looked a little older than me with piercing blue eyes and brown hair, smirking. I could tell he was smirking at the reaction I had just gotten.

From his body language and his stern gaze upon me, I knew it was best not to talk to him. On the outside he looked like an attractive young male, but on the inside I knew he probably thought similarly to the ‘nerds’ who just shooed me away.

The teacher scurried in and placed her books down. She peered at the class, and sighed a breath of relief.

“Oh, good. I had a terrible class last year, you’re all good students, except for the new faces I see” She said, and I saw her look at me.

“Anyway, I’ve still made a seating plan so you can all reach your full potential. The seating plan is girl – boy and I’ll write who sits next to who on the white board.”

The teacher then drew a quick diagram of the classroom and the tables. She then began to start writing names in the tables. Then, I couldn’t believe who I was seated next to.

Ella Campbell – Seto Kaiba

I immediately knew the attractive boy with the piercing eyes was Kaiba. I knew he was young, but I had no idea that he was attending school – and my school for that matter!
I grabbed my books for the second time, and stood in front of his desk. He didn’t acknowledge my presence.

“Are you Seto Kaiba?” I asked, to be on the safe side.

He looked up, gave me a death glare and growled a “yes” I knew I had offended him by not instantly recognising him.

“I thought so, I was just making sure. I know you’re an important figure of society; you’re a great businessman and a great duellist. You’re also my Dad’s boss, so I do know who you are.” I said as I sat down.

Kaiba chose to ignore me. I felt okay as the teacher was explaining to us the rules of the class and what to expect, but I felt awkward as we were given tasks to do from the textbook. Not only was the guy next to me intimidating in general, but also he was my Dad’s boss! I wasn’t sure if it was good or not he would probably ignore me the whole year, but I knew it was awkward and intimidating, and that wasn’t good.


“How was maths?” Yugi asked politely at lunch.

“It was okay, I guess. I’m seated next to Seto Kaiba.” I shrugged.

Joey choked on his food, while a round of “you poor thing” “I’m sorry!” and similar phrases went around.

“Yeah he does seem like a jerk.” I replied, and Yugi changed the topic.

“Why don’t we all look at Ella’s timetable and see which classes we have with her?”

“That’s a good idea.” I replied, and everyone agreed.

Everyone circled around me to check my timetable.

Now, the way classes were done in Domino was different to America. You had 5 subjects, and 1 subject was designated for study hall. In each day there were 6 classes, and everyone had lunch together. Every day there were 4 single periods and 1 double period – so every day you missed one of your subjects. And as I said before, Domino was a “Little America” so plain old English was taught, and not English as a Second Language.

It turned out I only had one class with Yugi and Tea: English. I had Accounting, Economics and Legal with Duke, he informed me that he ran his own business, so he decided that business subjects would be beneficial for him. I also had English and Legal with Joey and Tristan, apparently when they were younger they used to have run ins with the law and decided to take Legal so they would know their rights – apparently Tristan was doing okay in it but Joey was really struggling.

During the rest of lunch I met another one of the ‘gang’ his name was Bakura. He seemed okay, but he was sort of shy so we didn’t talk.

But soon lunch was over, and we were trudging back into the classroom. My double for today was English, with Joey, Tristan, Tea and Yugi. Let’s see who else is in my class.