Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 20 - "Clean up on table 3..."

The walk from Yugi’s house to the café was short, so I was there early. But even so, Joey was there. Which was weird, he was never early.

As I approached him I could see the worry in his eyes. Good.

“Hi.” I replied shortly.

“Hi Ella.” He said.

He locked me into a tight embrace, and I did return the embrace. After all, I still did have strong feelings for him, even if I was angry. However, saying this, even though I told him last night I loved him, I don’t think I actually do. I did move up from having feelings for him to strong feelings, and maybe the closest thing to love itself, but not love.

As I said before, I do still have strong feelings for him, and this meeting isn’t to break up with him. I am still very angry though.

“Shall we go in?” He nervously asked, and I nodded.

We sat a secluded table, away from the counter and everyone else. However, a waitress still came up to us.

“Hey, you’re Joey Wheeler, right? Can I like, have your autograph?” The waitress asked.

It was clear that she was flirting, the way she brushed his arm, and got closer to him when he was friendly and the smile she was shooting him.

“Sure. I have to please fans.” He said, grabbing a napkin and taking the pen from her.

She didn’t move her hand away from his for a short while. Joey didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he loved the attention.

Is it stupid to admit I’m jealous? This girl is flirting with him; he’s giving her all of his attention and not asking her to back off. But can I say anything? I asked Joey to stop being jealous a few weeks ago, and I do get the stares and the occasional flirts, but usually I brush them off.

After he signed her napkin, she pouted.

“No ex’s or oh’s?”

“Fine.” He grinned, and wrote xoxo after Joey Wheeler.

“Thanks Joey!” She smiled, and kissed his cheek.

Okay. Jealously is completed justified. But if I’m like ‘back off from my guy, bitch’ I’ll look too jealous, and she’ll smirk knowing she’s pissed me off and she wins.

“Um, waiter girl? I’m ready to order my coffee now.” I said, using a spiteful tone to degrade her as much as I could.

“I don’t have to talk to rude customers.” She ‘hmpfed’

“Actually you kind of do, I think your manager would agree with me.” I smiled.

“Fine, what do you want?” she asked, and I heard her mutter ‘bitch’ under her breath.

“Could you refrain from being rude to my girlfriend, please? I was kind to you, I signed your napkin, please show some kindness back.” Joey said to her.

FINALLY HE SAYS SOMETHING! Bitch is allowed to be all over him, the only limit is she can’t be rude to me? Better late than never to say something I guess though.

“What would you like, girl?” The waitress asked, flashing a fake smile.

“Skinny latte, two sugars, but only equal or splenda, no real sugar.” I told her.

“I’ll just have an iced coffee.” Joey said, and she walked off.

“So, what did you need to discuss?” Joey asked, and I sighed.

“Look, I need to discuss this with you. Kathryn told me, she overheard the conversation with Brendon Wright. When he said he spotted us driving around, you voluntarily offered him the information that we did it in the back of your car. Then you went and spread it around.” I told Joey.

“No, Kathryn is lying. What I told you is the truth. Even ask Yugi!” Joey protested, and I snarled.

I wanted so badly to tell him that Yugi was the one who told me, but I couldn’t ruin their friendship, so I remained silent.

“So you’re going to believe Kathryn, the gossip popular girl over me, Joey Wheeler, your boyfriend?” Joey asked.

“Look, I hate this conversation, I really do. But it all matches up.” I sighed, as the waitress returned with Joey’s iced coffee and my skinny latte.

“This isn’t warm enough.” I said to her, attempting to be a bitch on purpose.

I could tell she was about to mutter something, and she bit her tongue and took it away without saying anything.

“You don’t have to be rude to her.” Joey said to me.

“Sure I do. She was rude to me first. Besides, if you’re going to let her be all over you, someone has to put her in her place.” I blurted out.

“She asked for my autograph, and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. That’s hardly ‘all over me’” Joey said, rolling his eyes.

“Uh, she pouted when you didn’t write ‘xoxo’ on her napkin. That’s flirting.” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“Alright, maybe she was. But in case you haven’t noticed, I like the attention. I’m a good duelist, but I’m in the shadow of Yugi and Kaiba. It’s so rare for me to be in the limelight, no one ever asks me for my autograph. So when it happens, I make the most of it.” Joey said.

“So you’d let yourself be flirted with in front of your girlfriend and not stop it even though it makes your girlfriend feel uncomfortable and not good enough? Good one Joey.” I said sarcastically, clapping my hands.

“Here’s your coffee. Warmed up, skinny latte, two splendas.” The waitress sighed, handing me my coffee, then she blew Joey a kiss.

Okay, she knows she’s upset me.

“Hey, can you not do that? Thanks.” Joey said to her, and she pouted again.

I put the coffee to my lips, but I could tell from the heat that it was made hotter than it was supposed to be. I instantly spilled the coffee over the table and the floor.

“OWWWW, THAT’S SO HOT, OWW MY TONGUE HURTS!” I stood up loudly, and made a big scene on purpose.

What I assumed the manager was walked over.

“What’s wrong, miss?” He asked.

“Your waitress made my coffee too cold so I asked her to heat it and she made it really hot and it hurt me.” I said, fake sobbing.

“She did?” He asked, turning to the waitress.

“I’m sorry miss. Everything will be free of charge.” The manager said, and walked off motioning for the waitress to follow him, not before I said to her ‘clean up on table 3...’

“Seems like you like attention too. But that’s why I told Brendon. Because I was number three duelist, and I finally got myself a hot girlfriend. Maybe I could be like Yugi and Kaiba, and get all the attention because I have a girlfriend who could be a glamour model.” Joey sighed.

“So you admit it? You went around telling people we slept together?” I asked.

“Yeah, but you’re going to accept it. Because last night, I finally got my wish. I came first in a tournament, and I received more attention than ever because I bought a hot girl on stage. You’re not going to take that from me.” Joey informed me.

“Na-uh. I’m not going to drop this because your vision of what it’s like to be successful is totally sexist and wrong and degrading to me.” I snarled to him.

“Then we are over.” Joey said, getting up.

The waitress approached him, and it seemed he shrugged her off as he stormed out of the café.

I blinked, in confusion. What just happened? I got dumped, because I wouldn’t let myself be a trophy girlfriend?

I wasn’t upset though, I remember the freedom I felt after I dumped my ex boyfriend who only viewed me as the same thing. I was just freeing myself before I became the prisoner.

I got up from the table, to speak with the manager.

“Once again, I’m sorry about our waitress’ mistake.” He apologised.

“Oh, that’s okay. I was just checking this place out because I work at KaibaCorp,” I said, flashing him my business card that Kaiba gave me at school on Tuesday “I’m looking for a place to have meetings with clients. Your waitress gave me a clear indicator, thanks.”
I walked out, knowing I had truly owned that bitch waitress, and I walked out with a smile on my face even though I had just been dumped.

As I started on the walk back to my house, I noticed a black limo pull up next to me and a window rolled down.

“There you are! I went to your house but your Dad said you had gone out and he didn’t know where you are!” Kaiba said to me.

“Why didn’t you just call my cell?” I asked.

“I did.” He grumbled, and I got my phone out of my purse. So he did.

“Sorry, I had business to take care of. What did you want, anyway?” I asked.

“I need you to come to the company for some work. Are you busy?” He asked.

I jumped into the limousine.

“Nope.” I said brightly.

Work would keep me busy for today, at least