Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 21 - "am not"

Kaiba said nothing as we went up the elevator. I wasn’t in the mood to talk anyway, my major high from the feeling of ‘leaving prison before I even got in’ was crashing down and I was on a low. I stupidly missed Joey.

Kaiba sensed something was wrong.

“You’re upset about something.” He smirked.

“Am not.” I replied.

“Yes, you are. And whatever it is, it isn’t important. You’re to be up to standards today, no matter what happened. I don’t need you screwing up.” Kaiba said.

I knew he was testing me. He was expecting me to burst into tears or something. But I was stronger than that.

“Believe me, that will not be happening.” I said to him, and he nodded.

We were silent until we got to his office.

“It’s so quiet without everyone else here.” I commented.

“Yeah, it is. I come to the office a lot on weekends to work, I find it a lot better.” Kaiba said.

Wow, this guy has no life.

“You’re just to answer emails today. I’ve made a log in for you, and redirected all emails about general FAQs to your inbox. All you need to do is use the find tool on our website to find the answers.” Kaiba replied.

“Why didn’t you just program an automated bot to answer the emails if they can just be found in the FAQs?” I asked him.

“Because these people requested not to be answered by a robot. You’ll find what question they’re asking, and just add a few lines about the product they’re asking about. You’ll find those on the product part of the website.” Kaiba said.

“Sounds simple enough. Why did you need me to do it today?” I asked.

“I was going to ask you to do it yesterday but as you saw, I had other matters to attend to,” Kaiba said. “This is so you can learn about KaibaCorp products”

Kaiba set up a laptop on his desk next to his laptop, and for the next two hours I answered emails, occasionally asking him for an answer. We also made idle chitchat every now and then.

My phone’s ringtone went off suddenly, sort of shocking me.

“Sorry, I forgot to turn it off. I’ll do that now.” I blushed, grabbing my purse.

“Why? Aren’t you going to answer it?” Kaiba asked.

“It’s Wheeler, like hell I would answer it.” I blurted out, sending his call to voice bank and turning off my phone.

“Ah ha! So that’s why you were upset before. Trouble in paradise.” Kaiba smirked.

“He dumped me.” I sharply replied.

“He WHAT?!” Kaiba said loudly, shocked and angry.

“Hey, don’t be angry you’ve wanted this for a while. I walked the plank on a sinking ship.” I shrugged.

“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses, Ella.” Kaiba said, patting me on the shoulder.

“Yeah, me too.” I mumbled
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so short O_O I promise this is the shortest part I ever wrote for this story.