Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 24 - "Why are you wasting your 18th following me around?"

Kathryn and I made our way outside to the dance floor, after a little ‘pep talk’ in the kitchen. She gave me a little gossip, apparently Tristan was invited with Serenity, and Duke was completely fine with it, which was the big gossip of the night.

She also told me she was after Duke’s cousin, Sam, and they had both been flirting a little. We also discussed our plan when it came to Joey, and his date. When we agreed on what would happen, we made our way onto the dance floor.

As soon as Joey spotted Kathryn and I, he quickly pulled himself and his date through the crowd towards us.

“Hi Ella. I want you to meet my date, Jessica.” He shouted over the music and shoved ‘Jessica’ in front of me.

“Hi.” She smiled in an evil manner.

“Hi! I’m sorry I was rude to you that day at the café; I guess I was in a bad mood. I hope you didn’t receive too much slack from your boss.” I said to her in a faux sweet voice.

“Oh, not at all. My boss said you were overreacting anyway. I don’t blame you though, if I lost Joey Wheeler, I would overreact the same way you did.” She said, grabbing his arm and kissing him on the cheek.

“It’s okay. I’m completely over Joey. I’m SO happy for you guys! Have a good night.” I said to her, leaving her infuriated as I walked deeper into the dance floor.

“There he is!” Kathryn hissed into my eye and pointed to a guy, whom I assumed was ‘Sam’

The only resemblance he had to Duke were the piercing green eyes and the same hair colour, however he wore surf clothes, and had his hair styled very short.

“Sorry babe, but I’ve got some sucking up to do.” She grinned, and left me alone to go and confront Sam.

I sighed, but didn’t curse her as I went to find someone I knew. I would probably do the same if I were in her position.

As ‘Summer of 69’ started playing, I was grabbed and came face to face with Duke.

“Have you had much to drink?” He asked me.

“Only a shot of Vodka. Why?” I asked him.

He passed me a Vodka cruiser, which he grabbed, from a nearby table.

“Skull this down. Then we dance.” He informed me.

I took the drink from him, and drank it down as quickly as I could.

“I’d be impressed if it wasn’t an alcopop.” Duke smirked at me, and I chose to ignore him as I grabbed his hand to dance.

After ‘Summer of 69’ we also danced to Hot n’ Cold by Katy Perry, and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (Hell yeah XD) before we headed back inside.

I was starting to get a little tipsy from the alcohol I had already drank, but didn’t stop to get out my bottle of Cosmopolitan.

“Try some of this.” I said to Duke, pouring some into his plastic cup as well as mine.

We both took a swig together.

“Total girls drink.” He commented, drinking it down fast.

“Hey babes.” Kathryn said to me, hand in hand with Sam.

“Yes?” I asked her, knowing she was going to tell me something I didn’t want to hear.

“Firstly, I want to try some of that stuff. Secondly, Sam and I are going to his car.” Kathryn informed me, and I poured another drink for her.

“But you’ve had too much to drink.” Duke said to Sam.

“Who said we were going to go driving.” Sam smirked.

“TMI!!!!” I said, and walked out of the kitchen. Duke hot on my heels.

“Why are you wasting your 18th following me around?” I asked him.

“We’ll party later yeah? We just happen to be getting in the party mood.” Duke replied.

Oh dear, seems he was getting a little more tipsy. I poured myself a little more Cosmopolitan; Duke seemed to be in a happy mood, there was no harm in getting where he is.


A few drinks later, I ended back onto the dance floor again. I was tipsy, and I was in a happy mood. I had danced with a lot of people, even Yugi and I had given the dance floor a whirl. ‘Macarena’ started up, and everyone had lined themselves up so there were 4 rows of people. I had Duke on one side, and Joey and that Jessica waitress chick next to him.

Everyone started doing the Macarena, and even though most people were tipsy with some drunk, it was done pretty well and everyone was having a good time.

As I pulled up my top during the middle of the song, it became apparent that Joey was staring at me. It was obvious to Jessica too, as she pulled Joey to her, and began to try and dance ‘sexily’ As she was doing this, her tight corset split on both of her sides, looking very unflattering as flab popped out.

She began to cry, and ran inside with embarrassment. Joey did follow her, but not until he took a long last look at me.

After the song Duke pulled me back into the house, and we both sat on his kitchen table.

“Ella, you are so pretty!” he informed me.

“Am not!” I remarked, red with embarrassment.

“Yeah you are. I thought you were SO gorgeous on your first day at Domino. But I was quickly thrown into the friend zone and kept all of this inside.” Duke said, and looked down.

“I don’t believe in the friend zone, Dukey.” I giggled, the alcohol REALLY taking its toll now.

“What do you see in me?” Duke asked me.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to try and influence me.” I smiled, knowing where this would go.

Duke shifted across the table, and landed next to me. He took no time at all in planting his lips on mine, and we made out for a while. We would have continued, but we were interrupted by someone.