Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 25 - “I need to pisssssssssss"

Of course we would feel the wrath of Joey Wheeler. It was bound to happen, we were making out in an open area at a party. However, even though I was too drunk to think this at the time: wasn’t he following that Jessica chick that showed her fat to the world?

He pulled Duke off me roughly.

“What are you doing with her? You’re all over EVERY girl. First Serenity, now my ex, are you trying to get with every girl I know?” Joey asked.

I groaned unimpressed and did something I probably wouldn’t do if I were sober, I left Duke and Joey to argue. However maybe it was for the best, because Serenity came up a lot more than me in their argument, Duke and Serenity were before my time.

I accepted a drink from someone (which seemed to be goon mixed with blackcurrant juice) and made my way further down Duke’s backyard, to get away from the noise and the people to catch a few minutes of peace by myself.

I sat down on the pavement, the noise was still loud but no way as loud as it would be on the dance floor and basked into my thoughts for a while.

I made out with Duke Devlin. Whoa. If I were more sober I’d probably make more of it, but right now I had to smile. I had left behind my ‘party girl’ habits a long time before I moved to Domino, so it was nice to do something on impulse that had no dangerous effects, except maybe for royally pissing off Joey Wheeler.

I heard oncoming footsteps, and saw an unknown male to approach me. I was too much on a high to question who he was and what he wanted, so I let him sit next to me.

“Hi, I’m Greg.” He said, taking my hand and kissing it, causing me to let out a giggle.

“I’m Ella.” I replied, smiling.

“You’re very pretty.” He said to me.

“Thank you.” I replied, becoming very wary of his intentions.

Even though I was drunk, enough bad things had happened to me from situations like this whilst drunk to make me wiser.

He grinned, and put his hand on my thigh, tracing circles with it. I froze, suddenly scared. Maybe if this was all he was going to do I wouldn’t need to stop him, he may get very angry.

However, he forcefully grabbed my shoulders to kiss me, and I screamed into the kiss as I pushed him away.

“What the hell are you doing?” He hissed, covering my mouth “You’ll get me into trouble!”

I tried to bite down on his hand, hard. However the way he had positioned his hand was that it was clamped over my mouth so I wouldn’t be able to make a sound, but it was far away from my mouth not to be able to bite, and he held my jaw down.

He was experienced at this, and I was certainly in for a bad time. Gulp.


Atem/Yami’s Point of View.

“Yugi, I can feel something evil. Something is not right.” I said to Yugi.

“Are you suggesting you take over?” Yugi asked me.

“I just heard a girl scream! I must take over!” I said briskly.

“I didn’t hear a thing, especially over this music. I suppose it would be for the best.” Yugi said, and allowed me to transform into his body.

I looked into the house. Duke and Joey were arguing in there, and everyone was staying clear. There was no way the ‘evil’ was able to get past them, and I wouldn’t be able to hear a girl scream from the front yard. So it had to have happened in this backyard.

I made my way off Duke’s timber decking, and made my way down the pathway. In the distance, I saw two figures. I knew I was close.

I quietly approached the figures, and saw it was a boy and a girl. The boy was forcing himself onto the girl; he had his hand up her skirt and had his hand over her mouth.

“Let her go!” I strongly said to the boy.

He took one look at me, dropped the girl and jumped over the back fence. I approached the girl, and recognized her as Ella.

“Pathetic. You can tell he’s a regular to this sort of game. The way he held my mouth, and the way he was coward enough to run instead of staying back to fight.” Ella said, appearing to be strong but then breaking down in sobs.

I held her in my arms, in an attempt to comfort her. I’d never been in this position, how was I meant to comfort her?

As quickly as she broke down in sobs, she stopped, and sat up.

“I’d be lying if I said that was the first time that stuff had happened to me.” She said, wiping her eyes.

“What?” I asked her.

“Every time I used to drink, some guy would advance on me thinking I was an easy target. Some were gentler than others. Usually there was at least one physical advance, but a few times in resulted in the guy being dragged off, like what happened tonight.” She admitted to me.

“Maybe you should reconsider your drinking habits.” I said to her.

“Don’t you think I know that?!” She replied, getting angry. “This is the first time I’ve had a drink in a LONG time. I thought I’d be safe, people here in Domino seemed nicer, and I have friends to protect me.”

“Sorry, I sound ungrateful. Just, this has happened a lot. It seems that I’ll be enjoying soft drink the rest of my life. It never happened to any of my other friends, especially the slut. They could drink up in peace, but the second I join a bunch of guys would flock over and try their chances.” She sighed.

“It’s because you’re beautiful.” I admitted to her, and even through the dark I could see her embarrassment.

“I need to pisssssssssss.” She said, sounding very unflattering, however I still let out a chuckle.

“Come on, I’ll take you to the toilet. I hope Duke and Joey have stopped fighting now.” I said standing up, grabbing her hand to help her up.

“Oh they’re still fighting? Da-yum.” She commented, as we weaved through the crowds of people.

She must know why they were fighting. Maybe it was about her...

I led her inside (Joey and Duke had disappeared) and eventually we wound up at the bathroom.

“You need to pee, yes? I’ll let you go here, and you can go.” I said to her.

“But I’m scared of the dark!” She wailed.

“Look, I’ll turn on the light.” I said to her blankly, opening the door and switching on the light switch.

She giggled, went in and shut the door.

My gosh, that girl is gorgeous but she’s really annoying me. It’s probably best I put her off to bed, she’s had too much to drink and she’s past her party stage.

When she exited, she stood in front of me for a while without saying a word. She blinked a few times, and then took a step closer to me. She then caught me off guard with a kiss planted onto my lips, and she then deepened this kiss by wrapping her arms around me and trying to use tongue.

I was conflicted about Ella’s actions. On one hand, I thought she was absolutely gorgeous and I had developed a small crush on her. On the other hand, she had dated Joey, my friend and Yugi’s best friend. And not having a body of my own complicates things...

I eventually broke away from her, and without saying a word I took her into Duke’s room. I prayed she wouldn’t get the wrong message, and luckily she didn’t.

She laid down on Duke’s bed, yawning. I sat next to her.

“Are you ready for sleep?” I asked her, curiously.

“Soon. But I think I need a goodnight kiss.” She giggled, giving me a cute pouty look.

How could I resist?

I leaned in to kiss her, and she pulled me down onto the bed so we were lying side by side. Things got a little intense after that, nothing went past kissing, but we were heavily making out. As soon as she pulled away, she passed out on Duke’s bed, obviously ready to sleep the rest of the night.

Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?


Back to Ella’s Point of View.

I awoke to a groggy feeling. I wasn’t hung over (Thank god I’m young, I’m making the most out of no hangovers) but my head still felt clouded and groggy

I started to take in my surroundings. I recognized the room as Duke’s room; I was lying on Duke’s bed. I turned over, and saw Yami lying next to me.

I shrugged at this. I’m sure the intentions were fairly inno-oh crap.

Everything came flooding back. I made out with both Duke and Yami in one night. I’m such a slut.

I quickly got up out of embarrassment, and grabbed my bag, which was next to the bed. I quietly walked out the door and into Duke’s kitchen.

The clock on the wall indicated that it was 4.29am. A few people were still outside, the DJ had packed up and left a long time ago but a CD player was blaring with a few still drinking and dancing. I did not envy how they would feel in a few hours; they would feel even worse than I did now.

When I noticed that none of my friends were in sight, I headed out the front door. I grinned when I saw Kathryn sleeping in a car with that Sam guy, her clothes in a mess over her body. At least someone did something considered socially worse than what I did tonight – random sex.

On the longish walk home, I had a time to mull over what happened. But I couldn’t come up with a solution. I couldn’t delete that I had made out with both Duke and Yami, and the only solution I could think of was to ignore them for a while.

And entering at my house at 5.07 tired as hell and going back to bed, that solution seemed like it would work.