Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 27 - "goodbye efficiency"

By about Wednesday, Yugi had given up on trying to talk to me. I sent him an apologetic text on Monday about not popping around to the game shop, and he tried to call me but I sent his call to voice mail. On Tuesday he approached me a few times, but I quickly ducked away. I then started to hide from him. But by Wednesday, he was saying hi to me and talking to me without mentioning a need for a conversation.

However, there was no time to worry about Yugi and Yami right now, Duke and I were outside our Accounting classroom about to enter a test.

“Oh my god I’m going to fail!” I screeched, biting my nails.

“If you’re going to fail think of what will happen to me! You’re the top of the class in this subject. I’m so bad at Accounting I have to hire an accountant for my business.” Duke exclaimed.

“But I don’t know any of the content!” I whined, as the classroom door opened and we all filed on.

We moved the tables so that everyone could sit at the top of one, to stop possible cheating that may occur.

“It’s fail time.” I gulped.

Duke mimicked me and smirked, he was laughing at how much I was freaking out about the test.

“You’ll have to apologise when you pass with flying colours and I get an F.” I spat at him, as the teacher handed us our papers and reading time began.


Before long, it was home time again. When I was a freshman, I had a few senior friends. They always warned me that senior year went very fast, but I never believed them. Freshman was the worst year of my life and seemed to drag on, why would the very last year of senior year go by fast?

Anyway, I could see their point. The workload was a lot, and it seemed there wasn’t enough time to do it all. But the school days dragged on as they always did, it was just the time outside school that went by too fast.

When I got my homework for the weekend out of my locker, I trudged outside to meet up with Kaiba outside his limo. I was feeling sort of down. Friday nights used to be ‘my nights’ since I was little, I was always more of a ‘Friday night’ person than a ‘Saturday night’ person. I guess ‘Saturday Night Fever’ always reminded me of old people.

However, except for Joey and I going out once on Friday, and the day of the tournament, I hadn’t gone out on a Friday since I moved here. There was no use complaining though, working on a Friday night was better than working two weeknights. That would kill my homework.

Kaiba seemed a lot more cheerful today than he did on Monday. He even shook my hand as I approached him, and we got inside the limo.

“I worked out who gave you that hickey that you had.” He smirked.

“Sure you did.” I smirked back.

“It was Duke Devlin. People saw you guys making out, and apparently him and Wheeler got into a fight over it.” He smirked.

I was shocked. I didn’t think anyone knew. And now that Kaiba knew, he was going to criticize the HELL out of both Duke and I.

“I was afraid you took Wheeler back. Devlin is an okay guy; he’s a good businessman. Better than the geek squad.” Kaiba shrugged.

Wow. Kaiba IS capable of saying something nice about someone. Who would have known?

“Yeah well, it was a mistake that we’ve decided to never talk about again.” I said.

“Good.” Kaiba replied.

Why good? He just said Duke is an okay guy...oh well, Kaiba makes no sense. We’ve all realised that, and a long time ago.

However, saying this, I don’t think it was Duke that gave me the hickey. I remember I did make out with Duke, but it was in public so it couldn’t have gotten very intense. However, I remember the make out session with Yami DID get very intense. It was in private too.

Like I was going to tell Kaiba that though!


Today I was quite pleased, as I wasn’t hanging around Kaiba at work. My father had requested I work in the Accounting department as his assistant. He had been asked to provide the new accountants with basic training, and Kaiba had been smart enough this time to hire some employees that would cost more, but had better experience in the accounting field, rather than newly graduated college grads.

Kaiba had requested Dad go through some exercises with the new accountants, to see if they were up to standard and to see if they could perform well. Dad asked me to go through a few exercises with them, so I could learn as well.

“So that wraps up this session, you can go back to your cubicles and go back to work. Sorry that we have to go through these, Kaiba asked.” Dad said to the men.

“Ella, would you please run up these documents to Kaiba? He requested.

“Sure. I need to stretch my legs a bit.” I smiled, taking the documents from him and headed to the elevator.

I pressed the button constantly, I was a little impatient. I had a few coffees, and I was on a bit of a high.

Finally the lift arrived, and I stepped on. There was only one other woman in the elevator. I paid no real attention to her, until I saw her sneer. I gazed over at her, and saw her appearance. She had dirty blonde frizzy hair, and although she had a lab coat on I could see she was rather thin. I glared at her because she was giving me a dirty look, though.

“I didn’t know they let kids in.” She scoffed.

“I’m an employee here.” I shrugged to her.

“Oh, you’re that Ella chick. People say Kaiba hired you and gives you preferable treatment. I beg to differ. You’re just a pretty face hired to give the male employees a treat and to work better.” She snarled at me.

“Firstly do you really think Kaiba is the sort of guy to hire a person on their looks? Goodbye efficiency, who cares, the girl is hot, she gets the job. Secondly, why would any company hire a girl to make the guys go gaga? They’d be too distracted to do work.” I said, shaking my head.

We arrived on Kaiba’s floor, and I stepped out. As if Kaiba knew I was coming, he was standing by the elevator.

“Ms Sorrento, why are you on this floor?” Kaiba asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Ms Sorrento was telling me that apparently I was hired because of my good looks, I was telling her that is an insult to both you and your company’s image.” I smirked, my bitch instincts coming over me.

“Is this true, Ms Sorrento?” Kaiba asked her.

“Oh! And she tried to undermine me. She was like ‘oh, I didn’t know they let kids in’” I said, mimicking her.

“You do realise we don’t accept workplace bullying here, Ms Sorrento.” Kaiba replied, coldly to her.

“Since when? A few employees have complained about bullying but you brushed off their claims!” this ‘Ms Sorrento’ complained.

“Some employees are more of a useful resource than others.” He said, and walked off, motioning for me to follow him.

I poked my tongue out at the woman, who ‘grred’ in annoyance and went back down the elevator.

“So what did you need to see me about?” Kaiba asked me, once we were inside his office.

“These are the exercises the new accountants completed. Apparently you wanted to check over them.” I said, throwing them onto his desk.

“Thank you,” Kaiba replied, and I began to turn around to leave. “Was there anything else?”
“Nope, I think that’s it.” I smiled.

“Ella, wait.” Kaiba called me back.

“Yes?” I asked.

“I need to discuss something with you. It’s business related, so don’t get any ideas or get your hopes up. However, it’s sort of lengthy. So I was wondering, if you wanted to go out on a business lunch tomorrow to discuss this?” He asked me.

I knew not to think anything of it really. My Dad talks about business lunches he’d been on all the time. However, tomorrow is a Saturday. That is sort of weird...

“Why don’t we discuss this now?” I asked him

“Because Ella, I would rather occupy your Saturday afternoon, instead of you spending it with someone else.” He replied.

“What does that mean? That could mean a lot of things!” I asked, frustrated.

“It means that we have a business lunch tomorrow, and I’ll be around yours at 12.30pm. Now, I suggest you should go back to the accounting department, I’m not paying you to stand around.” Kaiba said, going back to his cold self.

“Gee! Fine!” I said dramatically and loudly, making a dramatic exit from his office.

Seriously, that kid is so confusing. First he sticks up for me, and then he admits I’m a valuable asset to the company, but then he gets angry with me and says I’m wasting company money by not being productive. He’s so confusing!

...or maybe not. He’s getting closer to me. He doesn’t like it. So he keeps up this cold exterior to try and stay on both sides. Hm, maybe I could break into the walls he’s put up to keep everyone out. But the question is, do I want to?