Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 3 - "Is this a date?"

nstead of waking up to my alarm, I woke up to my phone receiving a text message.

I checked my phone and saw it was from my father

“Hi, I left some important work documents on the kitchen table. Kaiba Corp is just a few minutes away from your school, can you drop them off after school?”

Feeling tired and still out of it, I texted back saying yes. Noticing the time was about an hour before I usually got up, I decided to pretty myself up today.

It wasn’t a random idea that came to my head. I was going to pretty myself up for a reason, a Mr. Joey Wheeler had offered to drive me to school today. Apparently his Mum had recently given him money to buy a moderate car, because his sister was apparent on staying in Domino with her brother and new friends, and his Mum gave him money for a car so he could drive Serenity places she needed to go.

But the reason why I wanted to look pretty was because I had developed a small crush on him. He was funny, cute, and seemed to care a lot about the people around him. What wasn’t to like?

I took a really quick shower and used my perfumed soap to smell nice, and then stepped out. I cleaned my face and brushed my teeth, and then quickly blow-dried my hair. I gave myself soft curls and used hair spray to let them stay in place before I did my make-up.

I was happy with myself, I hadn’t planned on getting this dressed up, and I had only planned on blow-drying my hair at the most.

If you’re wondering how the idea of Joey driving me to school came about, it happened last night after school.

I went to Yugi’s grandfather’s game shop with Tea, Tristan, Joey and Yugi to meet “Gramps”
The Game Shop was a nice small shop with a genuine feel and Gramps was a nice guy.

We were all up in Yugi’s room, and the boys were telling me how Duel Monsters worked and were trying to convince me to start playing. Apparently Gramps had cooked something because the boys ran downstairs to eat, and then Tea had confronted me.

She told me she had noticed Joey and I were flirting a bit, and we kept stealing looks at each other. I didn’t realise I was doing it, but when it was pointed out to me it made sense.

I was embarrassed, so I changed the topic quickly. But apparently (As Joey told me later) downstairs Tristan was having the same conversation with Joey. It was cut short when Tea and I bounded down the stairs though.

However, Tristan and Joey’s conversation had given Joey enough encouragement to move things along, and he offered to drive me to school tomorrow. I accepted, and here I was now waiting for Joey to pick me up.

As I was putting my books in my bag, I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly shoved my books in, sprayed a sweet smelling perfume on me and ran downstairs with my bag.

“Hi Ella.” Joey smiled as he saw me.

“Hi Joey.” I smiled back, and he caught me off guard with an embrace.

The embrace lasted for at least half a minute, longer than a friendly embrace would be, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m starvin’ do you want to stop off at Mc Donalds for breakfast before school?” Joey asked me.

“Yeah, I could do with some McDonalds hot cakes right now.” I replied, and we jumped into his car.

“Oh, by the way, you look real pretty today Ella.” Joey grinned.

“Thank you Joey.” I said, smiling and taking the compliment.

Joey pulled into the McDonalds and we ordered and sat down.

“Is this a date?” I asked him.

He froze, and looked down at the floor with a blush covering his cheeks.

“Joey?” I asked quietly, not happy with the reaction I had received.

“I would like it to be” He blushed.

“Yeah, me too.” I smiled at him.


My second day of school was nearly as uneventful as the first. Like the first, it was comprised of class, getting to know everyone, and getting completely ignored by Kaiba in maths class. He did look at me a few times though?

During lunch I sat next to Joey, and I put my head on his shoulder without even realising it. I quickly lifted it when everyone commented, how embarrassing!

My Dad had texted me the directions to Kaiba Corp, and said just to ask for his office at the front desk.

At the desk, there was a secretary who was furiously typing away on her computer.

“Hi, um, I’m looking for Andy Campbell? He said to ask you to tell me where his office is?” I asked her.

“Kay, let me check” She said, and then typed away on her computer some more.

“Says here that Andy Campbell’s office is in the accountancy floor, which is floor 3. His office is room 3E. Just take the elevator to the side of me to floor 3 and find the room number” She smiled at me.

“Thanks! Bye” I called out to her and pressed the “up” button for the elevator

When the elevator got there, some businessmen walked out, and gave me strange looks for wearing my uniform. I got into the elevator, and decided to take off my pink blazer so I wouldn’t stand out so much.

Under my pink blazer was a white singlet top (Me: Notice how Domino girls have white under their pink? I have no idea if it’s meant to be inbuilt into the uniform or not but in my story they wear white shirts or singlets :P) and I was lucky that I decided to wear a white bra that day.

I didn’t exactly like wearing this singlet top though. I was lucky enough to be born with a voluptuous fixture – breasts above the normal size, a thin waist and wide hips. I gave up on embracing my figure a long time ago – it has gotten me into a lot of trouble.

I arrived on floor 3, and I exited the elevator. The hallway had 2 doors on each side, and in the distance I could see office cubicles. 3E was easy to find, and without thinking I walked in without knocking.

This was not my Dad’s office.

I saw a board of men sitting in a conference room, facing a whiteboard. A presentation was being made. The person writing on the whiteboard was Mr. Seto Kaiba himself. Uh oh...

As I entered, everyone looked at me, and Kaiba gave me the biggest glare ever.

“Are you looking for your father?” He asked me coldly.

How did he remember I told him my father worked here? He’s ignored me for 2 days; I didn’t know he listened to me.

“Yes. My apologies sir for interrupting, but your secretary sent me to floor 3, room 3E.” I bowed my head.

I knew how this kind if corporate culture worked - Suck up!

“I see. Well Miss Campbell, take a seat.” Kaiba told me, and the board of men looked confused.

“Why do you want her at this meeting?” One of the men asked.

“Because, Mr. Hurst, I need to talk to her about Karen. She’s been making a lot of mistakes like this and it’s affecting business. I need to get the story straight so we can give Karen another warning.” Kaiba replied, and then went on with his presentation.

“Now, you are grown men. You have gone through college. You are paid professional accountants, yet every time I go through Kaiba Corp’s accounting reports, they are wrong. Why?” Kaiba asked.

The men grumbled out excuses, and Kaiba dimmed the lights and put on a projector showing accounting reports – ledger accounts, trial balances, profit and loss statements, cash flow statements and a balance sheet.

“What’s wrong here? The balance sheet balances, yet these reports are wrong. Why?” Kaiba asked the men.

“Trick question!” one bellowed.

“It’s not a trick question.” I said, from the back of the room, and everyone looked at me.

I walked to the front of the room.

“The ledger accounts are wrong. You didn’t add a credit for every debit, which in turn made the trial balance wrong, which means you entered the wrong figures in the cash flows, profit and loss and eventually the balance sheet.” I said, pointing to the figures.

“Correct, Miss Campbell.” Kaiba replied, and showed an emotion for once: shock.

“Men, take a recess. I need to talk with Miss Campbell for a few minutes.” Kaiba told the men, and they quickly left.

Is this going to be good or bad?