Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 34 - "You are the hickey queen"

Why are my Sundays always boring? Seriously. It’s Monday, and like ever since I moved to Domino, Sunday was the laundry and homework day. Luckily being out all of Friday night and Saturday didn’t disadvantage me; I got all of my studying and homework done.

I was also proud of myself, re: the wine thing. I only had a few glasses, and stopped when I knew it was affecting me. I also wasn’t technically binge drinking, we were drinking with our meal. Because I was only the slightest bit tipsy, I had almost full control of my body and I didn’t hurt myself, or make poor decisions. I kept to my word, Seto and I didn’t do the deed again, but we made out on his bed for a while. Which resulted in what’s on my neck right now.

“Hellooooo Ella!” Kathryn grinned, as I opened up my locker.

“Hi.” I replied, not quite as enthusiastic as her.

I hate Mondays.

“I think you are the hickey queen.” Kathryn snickered.

“Yeah, I know about this one.” I replied, getting out all of my textbooks.

“Why aren’t you trying to hide it?” Kathryn asked, quite puzzled as we began to move to homeroom.

“Seto said it was in my best interests not to, or something. He also said he wanted everyone to know I’m his bitch, and that was his mark. Okay he didn’t say it in those words, but that’s how he meant it.” I explained.

“We’ll see how it folds out I guess.” Kathryn shrugged.

We sat down, and before long Yugi and Tea joined us.

“Hey Ella, what’s that on your neck?” Tea asked, knowing very well what it was.

“Hickey.” I replied bluntly.

“You have a new boyfriend?” Yugi asked, sounding quite worried.

“I sure do.” I replied, and quickly turned to Kathryn and started talking about what we did on the weekend, I couldn’t be bothered listening to Yugi and Tea’s interrogations.

Homeroom went by smoothly enough, I made sure I got out of there as quickly as I could before Tea and Yugi could approach me, asking more questions. When I got to maths, Seto actually gave me a hug and a quick kiss, it shocked me, I was pretty sure he was against public displays of affection.

The day went by as slowly as a normal school day would. I sat with Duke and Kathryn during our study period, Seto was doing homework and I didn’t want to disrupt him and also I didn’t want to ditch my friends.

Soon enough, lunch was upon us.

As I was walking to my locker, a piece of paper was on the bulletin board. It was the sign up sheet for the yearbook. I got out a pen, and signed my name down. I’m not in any extra curriculum activities; I don’t have time for them. I should probably join at least one though.

By the time I got to my locker it was pretty cleared out, but I saw Joey at his locker. I quickly opened the locker door to hide myself; I knew his taunts from my hicky would be the worse.

“Hi, Ella.” Joey said, leaning next to me.

“Oh, uh, hey Joey.” I said, feeling quite awkward and not knowing what to say.

“How are you?” He asked nervously.

“Yeah, I’m pretty good. How about you?” I asked.

“Yeah, okay I guess.” Joey said, looking at the floor.

I put the books in my locker, and shut the door.

“I just wanted to apologise, because of the way I’ve been treating you. I shouldn’t have dumped you like that, I shouldn’t have said terrible things to you, and I shouldn’t have taken Jessica to Duke’s party just to make you jealous or to anger you.” Joey told me, nervously scratching his neck.

“What happened to her after she ran out after her corset split?” I asked Joey.

“I did go after her, but she was then like ‘if you really want to comfort me you’ll take me home and let me stay over’ obviously implying sex. I then realised I don’t even find her attractive, and her personality was annoying. I told her I still loved you and I didn’t want to see her anymore and she cried and left.” Joey shrugged.

He still likes me? Uh oh. So much for the hicky being in my ‘best interests’

“Oh, I guess if she’s like that you’re better off without her.” I commented.

“Yeah. So, I take it you have a new boyfriend?” Joey asked.

“Is this about the hicky?” I replied, nervously.

“Yeah. It’s okay if you have a new boyfriend, I didn’t expect you to still have feelings for me after all that’s happened between us. I just want to know who, he better be treating you right.” Joey told me.

“You’re not going to like the answer...” I trailed off.

“Well, there are only two guys I can think of. Both of them I’m not very fond of, but one is worse than the other. Tell me Ella, is it Duke or Kaiba?” Joey asked.

“ Seto Kaiba.” I nervously answered.

“WHAT? ELLA? Are you serious? What do you even see in him?” Joey asked.

“He’s always been nice…ish to me. He’s different when no one is around, and we get on really well.” I explained.

“Alright Ella. I won’t say anything bad. But I know that something will happen, and you’ll see Kaiba for who he really is. When that happens, I want you to know that I’ll be here for you.” Joey said to me, and quickly walked off.

I went outside to go find Duke and Kathryn. I saw them sitting on the oval, arguing over something. They quickly stopped after I joined them.

“Why aren’t you sitting with Kaiba?” Duke asked, confused.

“Like I’m going to ditch my friends for my man.” I said, and Kathryn high fived me with a ‘you go girl!’

We were discussing random things for a while, and then we saw Yugi approach our group. As he got closer, I realised it was Yami and not Yugi.

“Ella, can I talk to you for a moment?” He asked.

“Um yeah, alright.” I said, going up and following him to a secluded spot.

“Is this about Seto and I?” I asked, annoyed.

“Yes, it is.” Yami replied.

“Alright, spit it out.” I sighed.

“Do you really think it’s wise to be dating him?” Yami asked.

“Yeah, I do.” I replied, in a smart arse tone.

“A girl like you deserves someone who will always be there for you. Kaiba will always let his company come first. You won’t get the attention you deserve, or the love that you need. You know his cold exterior; do you think he’s really capable of love? He may really care about his younger brother, but do you think he shows his love to him?” Yugi asked.

“Yo, Yami, we’re taking things slow. Love is out of the question at the moment.” I explained.

“So? If you date him long enough, love will be the only question. Then you’ll just feel like you’ve wasted all this time, and you’ll feel down. Trust me Ella, Kaiba isn’t the man for you.” Yami informed me.

“So are you saying I should go back to Joey?” I scoffed.

“No, not after the way he treated you. I’m just saying you should wait for the right man. Maybe after a while that could be Joey, maybe it would be someone else. But Kaiba will never be the right man for an amazing girl like you. He’s not capable of feeling warm feelings. I just want you to know that.” Yami explained.

“I’ve heard enough!” I exclaimed, and stormed off.

Who does he think he is? I’m nearly 18; I can make my own decisions. Besides, Seto is his rival; of course they’re going to be cold to each other! I’m Seto’s girlfriend, and he’s warm towards me. Besides, Yami hasn’t seen what it’s like when Seto and I are together. He should just go back to saving the world, and stay out of my affairs.