Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 35 - "I'm going to make sure my score stays higher"

It was now the last week of October, and I was really starting to blend in with Domino. I was learning the ‘politics’ of the school, who to avoid, who hates who and past dramas that may have happened.

Speaking of past dramas, I was now friendly with the ‘gang’ again. I still only hung out with Kathryn and Duke at lunchtime (and sometimes Seto if I needed to do homework during lunch), but I was now on speaking terms with them again. Joey and I were still a little awkward towards each other, but that was beginning to fade with each day.

On a related note, I was accepted onto the yearbook. Kathryn and Tea both decided to sign up too, and like me they were accepted as well.

The head of the student council was a girl named Tarnie. She was another USA migrant; she was apparently from a small town. She never failed to tell everyone how much better the US was to Japan though, and because of this and other reasons no one really liked her. She always thought she was right, and always had to get her own way, and never missed an opportunity to be nasty.

I’d only had a run in with her once. She’s in my new English class, and the teacher broke us into groups to do an activity. She demanded to be the writer, and demanded that someone in the group give her paper. I opened my folder and gave her some, and she sighed and shouted “FINALLY!” with no thank you. It gets worse. She complained she was doing all of the activity, and demanded we put in our input. So I gave her an idea, and she turns to me and says ‘Look, whatever your name is, no one cares about you. I suggest you go away, and do the world a favour and go kill yourself’

As you can see, I don’t like her very much also.

However, sadly, Kathryn, Tea and I had to spend some time with her, as she was the head of the yearbook committee.

We were sitting at the meeting at the front, very bored. Tarnie was running late, and halfway through lunchtime she waltzed in, as if she was too important that lateness didn’t matter.

The first half of the meeting went okay. The basics were outlined, however in the second half, Tarnie dropped the bombshell.

“Okay guys. Like, I think books are so obsolete. I think it would be pretty rad if we had our year book on a DVD or CD rom or something.” Tarnie explained.

My mouth dropped to the floor.

“How are the writing team meant to write then? If it’s going to be a DVD then what’s the point of a wall of text?” I asked her.

“That’s easy. The writing team can narrate what they’re writing about, and the photography team can take photos to accompany this.” Tarnie explained.

“But doesn’t this get rid of the novelty of having a year book? Our grandparents have year books, our parents have year books, and we should too.” I argued.

“Ella, get with the times,” Tarnie sighed, “Year books are so last century. It’d add more novelty to the memories of our last year to have the yearbook on DVD. It would also show how the times have changed from those generations.”

“That’s just stupid!” I blurted out.

“Gee, you’re dating Seto Kaiba. Shouldn’t you understand technology and the way things become obsolete? I guess we should get some expert opinion, though. I’ll have a word with Seto after the meeting” Tarnie smirked.

Hey, only Mokuba and I get to call him by his first name!

“Sure, whatever.” I replied in a flat tone, I was over Tarnie already.

Tarnie went on for the rest of the meeting about her plans for the Yearbook being on DVD until the bell went. I wasn’t really listening; I was going to do everything in my power to make sure this DVD yearbook didn’t happen.

As I was about to walk out of class, Tarnie approached me.

“I’m going to ask Seto now about his thoughts and opinions, I’ll make sure to tell you in English.” Tarnie said, and she strode off.

I knew this was now a race against time. I had to get to Seto before she could so I could explain everything to him!

Seto usually was at different places at lunch. He usually studied, but the place varied. Sometimes it would be in the library, but sometimes it was too quiet so he sat in a classroom. Sometimes even the classrooms were too loud, so he’d be ANYWHERE in the yard.

I saw Tarnie race towards his locker, and I went off in the opposite direction. I’d take my chances of finding him somewhere, instead of having to fight Tarnie at his locker.

I ran to the library, but saw no evidence of him. I ran down the corridors of empty classrooms, and once again no trace of him. From the quick racing I was doing I was suddenly hot and flustered, so I quickly ran to the drink taps and took a drink. Fortunately, I saw Seto take a step out of the bathroom and I quickly ran after him.

“Hey Seto, has Tarnie spoken to you?” I gushed to him.

“Uh Ella.” He said, and motioned for me to wipe my mouth.

I did, and felt a lot of water come off as it was dripping down my chin. Attractive…

“No, Tarnie has not spoken to me. Why do you ask?” He said, pushing me against the wall and hugging me.

“Okay well she’s turning the year book into a live DVD, so there would be a DVD and no year book. She wanted an expert opinion on the matter.” I explained to him.

“Well my ‘expert opinion’ is that is a very stupid idea. Imagine if a high school in the 80s produced a year book on VHS. They wouldn’t be able to watch it now because no one owns a VHS player anymore, thus ruining the memory. Books never go obsolete, pieces of technology do.” Seto informed me.

“Alright, well Tarnie is waiting at your locker,” I snickered “go find her and tell her this.”

“Will do.” He said, kissing me and walking off quickly.

Ella: 1. Tarnie: 0.

I’m going to make sure my score stays higher, and Tarnie goes down