Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 37 - "fancy some of this?"

I was sitting with Seto at his desk. I was supposed to be typing up a press release to forward to public relations/marketing. However, instead I was worrying a little. More on that later.

Firstly, my little yearbook fight against Tarnie was going well. Seto came to the next meeting and informed everyone with his ‘expert opinion’ that doing something that advances with technology is stupid, and he even agreed that the novelty would not be there. Seto Kaiba, novelty?! Wow.

Tarnie has reluctantly agreed to let the student body vote on whether or not the yearbook should be in book form or on DVD, and I was happy with that. I couldn’t tell the student body what they wanted, and neither could Tarnie. I think this was the best outcome.

Anyway, the thing I was worrying about was telling Seto what I was up to tomorrow night. I was worried he would flip, after all trick or treating was for kids, and Seto hated anything immature.

“Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow night?” Seto asked me.

Gulp. There was no beating around the bush now. Had to get to the point.

“I’m kind of busy…” I trailed off.

“Oh, with what?” Seto asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yugi and his friends asked me to go trick or treating with them. I accepted.” I replied nervously.

“You’re going trick or treating?” Seto smirked.

“Uh, yeah.” I gulped, knowing his taunting would come next.

“Alright. But just keep Sunday free.” He said, going back to his work.

“You’re not going to taunt me?” I blinked, confused.

“Of course not. It’s your life, and it may be an immature decision, but not a poor decision that may alter your lifestyle. Only with those decisions will I step in.” He explained.

I let out a sigh of relief and went back to my work; I now had nothing to worry about.


I was at Tea’s house and we were getting ready for the up and coming trick or treating.

We had put on our outfits and helped each other customize them as well as we could. Tea had put on stockings and I advised her to put a belt on around her waist. I had put on the cheerleader costume, and Tea had put my hair into high pigtails for me.

We were now putting on our make-up. I stuck to pastel colours (except for my cheeks which I had put lots of bronzer and glitter on) and Tea went for obvious, bright colours.

When we were done, we sprayed ourselves with perfume and collapsed onto Tea’s couch waiting for Joey to come and drive us to Yugi’s house.

“We look so hot.” I giggled, and Tea joined in the giggling.

After we had a short conversation, Joey had beeped his horn and we bounded outside.

I jumped into the passenger seat, whilst Tea jumped into the backseat with Tristan. When Joey and I shot glances at each other’s costumes we immediately laughed.

He was dressed up as an all out American high school footballer. He had a letterman jacket and all.

“Did you both do that on purpose?” Tristan asked.

“NO!” We both replied, as Joey went roaring down the streets.

“People are so going to think we did though.” I murmured to myself. This would probably be a bad thing.


After we met up with Yugi, we went trick or treating for about 2 hours. When we dumped our bags in Yugi’s lounge room, it was noticed that both Tea and I had the most candy. Just like it used to be back in L.A. when I used to go trick or treating with my old guy friends...

I however was seen as the star of the night, considering I outsmarted a lot of people.

When the people who were against Halloween answered the door and said something along the lines of ‘stupid American holiday’ I told them they were morons and they should learn their history before making stupid comments, as Halloween is traditionally an Irish thing.

Seto would be so proud of me. I’ll make sure I’ll tell him when I see him tomorrow.

After eating ourselves sick, we decided to call it in a night. Tea decided she’d stay at Yugi’s house, and Joey agreed to drive both Tristan and I home.

However, when we got into Joey’s car, I found out that wasn’t the plan.

“Hey Ella,” Joey smirked to me “fancy some of this?”

He pulled a bottle of Vodka from under his seat.

“Umm, I don’t know. I have homework to do tonight, and I’m seeing Seto tomorrow.” I nervously replied.

“Kaiba Schmiba. Besides, everyone tonight thinks we were together.” Joey grinned.

He was right about that. Because of our costumes, people assumed that we were together. It was a bit awkward when people from our school saw us, because now everyone thinks that Seto and I broke up, and Joey and I got back together. It’s going to be hard to explain myself on Monday.

Joey could see me deep in thought, and could put 2 2 together about what I was thinking about.

“Seriously, worry about Seto, and worry about gossip later. Have some fun with us tonight.” Joey said, trying to persuade me.

“Well, okay I guess. But only a few drinks! I don’t want what happened at Duke’s party to happen again, me get so drunk I lose control.” I quickly agreed.

Joey found a park with shelter, as we were going nowhere tonight, Joey wasn’t stupid enough to drink drive.

“Did you buy any mixers?” I asked Joey and Tristan.

“I KNEW we forgot something!” Tristan and Joey said loudly together.

I sighed.

“I’ll hang with you guys, but I’m not having any. Shots would get me too drunk.” I said.

“Come on Ella, don’t be lame.” Joey pouted.

“Yeah, just a few shots wouldn’t hurt.” Tristan said

I grabbed the bottle, opened the cap, and downed a small mouthful.

“Happy now?” I growled, passing the bottle to Joey.

Joey and Tristan both cheered.

Does this count as peer pressure?