Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 38 - "You're not off the hook either"

After one shot, Tristan suggested we play ‘have you ever?’ drinking game style. I had seen Joey and Tristan play this before, they always asked stupid questions, or very in depth questions. Either way, I never replied with a ‘yes’ and I knew I wouldn’t have to do any more drinking tonight.

We all sat in the backseat of Joey’s car, due to the cold weather outside. Joey was in the middle holding the Vodka bottle, while Tristan was on his left and I was on his right.

“I’m going first!” Joey demanded, and neither Tristan nor I could argue.

“Have you ever taken a virginity?” Joey grinned, taking a mouthful of Vodka.

I grabbed the bottle swiftly off him, and took a mouthful, hoping to get this over and done with as soon as I could.

Tristan then asked for the bottle, downing a lot at one time.

“Tristan! If that virgin was Serenity I will KILL YOU!” Joey said angrily.

“What other girl has he ever come into contact with, of course it’s Serenity.” I snickered.

“Hey you’re not off the hook either, Kaiba fucker!” Joey glared at me.

I was too intimidated to say anything, but I grabbed the bottle and downed some more Vodka. I didn’t care if I got drunk anymore, if I did get drunk I’d be able to deal with Joey better.

We played ‘have you ever’ for about half an hour, and then we finished the last of the Vodka bottle.

“I have some gin!” Tristan proudly exclaimed, pulling out a flask from his pocket.

I watched Joey and Tristan wrestle over it, and I giggled. I may have been a little drunk, but I wasn’t going to fight over the last of the remaining Vodka.

While Tristan and Joey were fighting, I had a quick conversation with Tea. When they calmed down, I told her I had to go and I hung up.

“Guys, it’s getting kind of warm in here. I’m going for a walk. Any one of you care to join me?” I asked.

“I will!” Joey said, getting up.

“I’m going to call Serenity. Oh how I miss her.” Tristan drunkly proclaimed.

“I may be drunk, but I can see how that will end.” I giggled to Joey, as we made our way onto the football field.

“Dance with me Joey!” I said, as we reached the middle of the field.

“There’s no music though, silly Ella.” Joey said, pulling me into his embrace.

“So? Dancing is fun.” I replied, trying to break away.

“Shhh.” Joey said, pulling me closer to him.

“Joey, this is wrong. I’m with Seto. We broke up.” I said, feeling uncomfortable.

“I’m not going to try anything with an unwilling girl. As I have told you before when Kaiba fails you, I will hold onto you.” Joey said, stumbling over his words.

“I need more alcohol.” I said, trying to get out of this awkward conversation.

“Look what I snapped off Tristan.” Joey grinned, shaking the flask full of Bourbon.

I snatched it off him and took a large gulp. I felt myself hit with an energy hit, and I got up and drunkly ran around the football field. However, when I reached Joey, I felt tiredness hit me as quickly as the energy hit did. I slowly passed over, sprawled over Joey.

I awoke some time later, to see a sort of brawl happening. Before I could take in the figures, I passed out again.


Seto’s Point of View.

I tried calling Ella’s house phone at 11, when her father told me she was still out. I was a little worried, she told me she’d probably be home at around 9. Not trusting who she was around with (especially Wheeler) I decided to grab the keys to my own car and patrol the area looking for her.

I knew it was dumb to drive over Domino looking for her, and it was smart to look for a lead. So I arrived at Yugi’s grandfather’s shop, not looking forward to this.

I pressed the doorbell, and sucked the air in, waiting for someone to answer the door. I felt a little relief wash over me when Yugi answered.

“Kaiba? What are you doing here?” Yugi asked, puzzled. I could see he was remembering the last and only time I’d ever come to this place.

“What happened to Ella?” I asked, leaning on his doorframe.

“Joey was going to drive her home about 2 hours ago. Why?” Yugi asked, and I felt the bottom of my stomach drop.

There were a few things that could have happened, not one of them good.

“Funny that. I called her home phone, she’s not home.” I replied, coldly.

“What?” Yugi asked, sounding worried.

“I called her cell, and no reply either. Hmm.” I said.

Yugi called down his pathetic friend Tea, and explained the situation to her. She put her hands to her mouth, and she looked like she was full of worry too.

“I’ll call her cell.” Tea said, scampering off to get her phone and returning with it.

“Wait!” I said to Tea “if she answers, pretend I’m not here. Pretend you’re calling her just to have a chat. She may hang up if she purposely ignored my calls.”

Tea nodded, and searched her phone for Ella’s number. When she found it, she put the phone to her ears after turning on ‘speaker’ and Yugi and I immediately fell silent.

“Tea, heyyy.” I heard Ella say after she picked up her phone, and it was clear that Ella was drunk.

“Hey Ella, um, has anyone tried calling you?” Tea asked, trying not to be suspicious.

“Seto did. Oh my god, he looked so hot yesterday!” Ella gushed, and I smirked at her reply, but sent Tea and fiery look.

“Why didn’t you answer then?” Tea asked, understanding the look I gave her.

“Because he would have gone psycho at me for drinking with Joey and Tristan.” I heard Ella whine.

“Where are you?” Tea asked.

Ella told Tea which park she was at, and I took no time in racing off to my car and starting the engine, before Yugi could stop me.

I reached the park, and saw Wheeler’s pathetic excuse for a car. I approached it, but could only see Taylor sitting in the backseat.

I stuck my head inside.

“Where are Ella and Wheeler?” I asked Tristan.

“They went for a walk. I don’t know.” Tristan replied, sounding a little angry.

I growled in annoyance, and began to jog around. This park was large, they could be anywhere.

I had an idea. Ella’s phone wasn’t off, and if I called it and heard the ring tone, I would know if I were close or not. It was like a modern version of ‘hot or cold’

I dialed her number, and listened carefully to her ring tone.

Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen, oh we’re still so young, desperate for attention I heard faintly.

I kept the phone ringing, until I arrived at the end of a football field. I could see two figures in the centre, it was very obvious that it was Ella and Wheeler. I sprinted towards them; I didn’t want Wheeler ANYWHERE near Ella.

When I got closer, I saw that Ella was passed out on Wheeler. He was stroking her hair, and staring at her.

“Wheeler, I can take care of her from here. Considering you were the one who made her this way.” I lowly growled, and Wheeler jumped from fright.

“Leave us alone Kaiba. Everything is always better before you come along!” Wheeler argued, jumping up, knocking Ella off him to the ground.

I saw her open her eyes from this, but she quickly passed out again.

Wheeler tried to land a few punches, but I quickly blocked them, and shoved him to the ground. I grabbed Ella quickly, and briskly walked off before Joey could try anything else.

As I was carrying Ella bridal style back to my car, I saw Tea and Yugi run up to me.

“Taylor and Wheeler are all yours. I’m taking Ella make to my house for the night.” I said, placing Ella in the backseat of the car, and jumping into the driver’s seat.

Ella was not going to be let off the hook easy for her actions tonight. I will not tolerate my girlfriend going out and doing trashy things. I knew Ella was not trashy; she just made some poor choices and had some bad influences around her. I promised to help her make the right decisions in life, and I was standing by my promise.