Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 39 - "You're not mad?"

Suddenly, I awoke in a bed. I don’t remember how I got here, I remember I was with Joey on the field, and now I’m here?

I sat bolt upright as I looked around the room. It was Seto’s room, but how did I get here?

I got up, and walked into the bathroom. I wasn’t wearing my cheerleading outfit anymore. I was in a polo shirt that was too tall for me, and some pyjama pants with dragons on them. I giggled, these were SO Seto.

I did manage to see my appearance. My hair was down, and it wasn’t oily and yuck, as if it had been washed.

I didn’t smell of alcohol, so my body had been bathed too. Seto must have bathed me after we got in.

I felt scared, Seto was going to kill me once he found out I was awake. I left his bedroom so I could find him and get this over and done with.

I thought he might be in the kitchen, so I began to make my way to the kitchen. However I heard voices come out of the study as I passed it, so I listened in carefully.

“Why do you think both Kathryn and I are good influences compared to the gang? Yeah, maybe Joey and Tristan may not be the best people for an impressionable girl like Ella to hang around. But you do not want to know what Kathryn gets up to in her spare time…” I heard Duke trail off.

“I don’t care what Kathryn does in her spare time. I just care about what happens when she is with Ella. Last night I believe that Tristan and Wheeler used peer pressure to make her make the poor choice of getting drunk with them. If Kathryn wants to act like a drunken slut in her own time, that’s fine. But from what you’ve told me, and from what you’ve seen, Kathryn keeps that separate from when she is with her friends.” Seto explained.

I’d heard enough. I think I should probably enter this conversation without getting angry or upset, and to have my say.

I knocked on the door and called out ‘it’s me!’

“Come in.” Seto said.

I opened the door, and stepped in. I saw Seto sitting on the desk, while Duke was standing next to him.

“Ella, take a seat next to me.” Seto said, in a sort of reasonable tone. It was not one of anger, but not one of happiness either.

I timidly sat next to him.

“Are you frightened of me?” Seto asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Well, yeah. Considering at some point in the night you had to scoop me up. You hate those sort of things, you must be furious.” I nervously replied.

Seto sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I’m not angry. But you must be taught this is not acceptable. It’s dangerous to both your health and reputation. Something bad will happen one day, which you may regret for the rest of your life. “ Seto explained.

He then embraced me into a hug, which I must admit; I was a little off guard.

Duke then cleared his throat, to remind us he was there.

“Kaiba has decided you’re to spend more time with both Kathryn and I.” Duke stated.

“Why do you say it as it’s a bad thing? You guys are awesome. The gang I can only take in moderation. You guys are actually interesting to hang out with.” I smiled.

“See? I’m not forcing anything upon her. Ella is already starting to make the right decisions. With a little guidance, she’ll be right on track.” Seto said to Duke.

I frowned a little at this. The way he was talking made it sound as if I was a small child, and under his duty of care. But I wasn’t going to dispute what he was saying. Back home in L.A. I did gain a ‘bad reputation’ from my ability to get intoxicated very quickly, and I was gossiped about a lot. It really slapped me in the face when I heard a guy say I deserved to get raped, and after then I stopped drinking, until I came to Domino…

“Well, I must be off. Pleasure doing business with you, Kaiba.” Duke smirked, as he waved and left the room.

“You’re not mad?” Seto asked, even he was a little surprised.

I walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around his side.

“No. You’re just looking out for me. Besides, a while ago, while on a limo ride to work, you promised you would be there for me to help me make the right decisions. I’m guessing that you’re just upholding to that promise.” I shrugged.

“Correct.” He said, embracing me as well and kissing my forehead.

We stayed like this in silence for a few minutes, and I must admit, it was nice. We were not able to do this in public, so the few times it happened I was appreciative.

Seto jumped off his desk, and stood next to me. Before I knew it, he was scooping me up into his arms.

“Seto,” I giggled, “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to bed.” He smirked.

“Okay.” I giggled.

As he was taking me to his room, Mokuba appeared in front of us.

“Hi Ella! Seto, one of your maids is trying to contact you. Apparently a supplier called you regarding something important.” Mokuba explained.

“Oh.” Seto said, and swiftly dropped me back onto my feet.

“I’ll take this call. Mokuba, take Ella down to the kitchen and you can both have breakfast. I’ll be back soon.” Seto explained, and strode off before I could say anything.

As Mokuba was making small talk to me as we walked to the kitchen, I just nodded my head and replied with a ‘uh huh’ or ‘yes’

Joey warned me that Seto may start considering work more important than me, and I understood that. Seto runs a big corporation, and has been since he was 13. We only just started going out, of course I’m going to take the backseat. But we wouldn’t have taken long doing what we were going to, and it’s a Saturday! The call may have been ‘important’ but it wasn’t urgent, we could have had a quickie, and then he could have gone to call the supplier back…

I shook my head. No Ella, don’t think those thoughts. You aren’t to associate with Joey outside of school anymore, he still apparently has feelings for you and would probably sabotage the relationship, and he peer pressured you into drinking last night. What sort of a person is he?

Those thoughts helped me, as I took a seat in the kitchen ready to order breakfast.