Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 4 - "Have you ever had a job, Miss Campbell?"

Kaiba paced around the now-empty room for a few seconds, and then took a seat next to me.

“So firstly, let’s discuss Karen – the front secretary.” Kaiba told me.

“Um ok, but there’s not much to discuss. She looked on the computer where my father’s desk was, she told me floor 3, room 3E. I came in here; it’s not the right one. Simple.” I replied.

“I see. Your father’s office is 2 doors down. I will take you there with him myself, after the next thing we need to discuss.” Kaiba said.

“Okay. With all do respect, what else do we need to discuss?” I asked him.

“Have you ever had a job, Miss Campbell?” Kaiba asked me.

“Yes. I had a part time job back in America, I worked in a grocery store.” I told him.

“Have you ever had a corporate job?” Kaiba asked me.

Why is he asking me these things? He has completely ignored me for the past 2 days, now he’s asking about jobs I’ve previously had?

“No, not at the moment. I’m still in school, as you know, there’s no way in hell I’m dropping out to get a corporate job. I’d be stuck like your stupid secretary in a low paying job, with no career development because I’d be uneducated, so I’d be stuck as a secretary my whole life.” I sneered.

I actually saw him smile, okay smirk, no, it’s a half smirk half smile. Who would have thought that?

“That’s a very good attitude you have there, Miss Campbell. If you keep at it, I’m very sure you will go far in life.” Kaiba told me.

“Thank you Mr. Kaiba.” I told him.

“However, you don’t need to drop out of school to receive a corporate job. What if I were to offer you a corporate job right now, with flexible hours to suit your schooling needs?” Kaiba asked me.

“Um, I wouldn’t believe you. You’re a smart man, you run your business well and you receive huge profits. You wouldn’t hire a high school student like me, I haven’t gotten the proper education.” I told him.

“But that’s the thing Miss Campbell, I think your high school education is exactly the right requirements for the job. My newest graduated accountants, they’re great at all the advanced stuff, but it seems they’ve forgotten the basics – the basics you’re learning in your little Accounting class at high school.” Kaiba said.

“So you want me to teach your newly graduated college accountants the basics of accounting? Why me? Why not a college professor, or even someone who’s been an accountant for years?” I asked him.

“As you said Miss Campbell, my company takes in huge profits. I like to keep expenses down. You will be paid for what you’re worth, but you’re still a lot cheaper than a college professor or a professional accountant.” Kaiba smirked.

“ when do you want me to start?” I asked him.

“How about Friday after school?” Kaiba asked.

“That sounds good.” I replied.

I could see he had something to say, and it pained him in doing so. I waited patiently for him to spit it out.

“We will need to discuss some things before you begin, so on Friday after school I will give you a ride to Kaiba corp. so we can get all information we needed exchanged.” Kaiba told me.

“Okay.” I said.

“Good, well that’s all we need taken care of, so I’ll take you to your father.” Kaiba said and got up, and I followed him out.

He opened the door for me, but I took it more of a “business type” thing rather than chivalry. Businessmen always open the door for clients, so I took it as him doing it automatically.

Kaiba walked into the room next door, where my father was working.

“Mr. Campbell, I’ve had a few words with your daughter.” Kaiba said.

“I’m sorry if she’s bothered you.” Dad said, and gave me an evil look.

“No, she’s actually been a great service to me. She corrected some young accountants who couldn’t work out what mistakes they are making. I’ve offered her a job to teach these young accountants until they learn.” Kaiba told my father.

“Really? She did tell you she’s in high school, yes?” Dad asked him.

“Yes, she did. She is perfect for the job. Now, I must return to those young accountants to tell them the good news, then I must have a word with Karen...” Kaiba said, and walked out.

“I don’t know how it happened either.” I said to my Dad, when he turned to look at me.

“Do you have the documents?” Dad asked me.

“Yeah, here they are.” I said, and handed him the documents.

“Well, thanks for coming. I’m sure you have a lot of homework to do, so I’ll let you go home. I’ll ask Mr. Kaiba later about any other details you need to know.” Dad said, and I thanked him and walked out.


“Ella?” Dad called out to me when he got home.

“Wait, Joey. My Dad is calling out to me.” I said, and I put the phone down.

“Yes Dad?” I asked.

“Have you done your homework?” Dad asked me.

“Yeah, I did it as soon as I got home.” I told my father.

“Good. I spoke to Mr. Kaiba; he said he’s giving you a lift to work on Friday with him. That’s very generous and out of character for him, so I want you to know that and thank him at the time. He said that on Friday you could wear your school uniform, so you don’t need to go out and buy corporate clothes. He said after Friday he’ll negotiate with you when you will work next, and you can wear whatever you want.” Dad informed me.

“Thanks Dad. But why is he allowing me to wear what I want?” I asked my Dad.

“It seems Mr. Kaiba is using you to embarrass the men. By you wearing your fashion, it emphasises that a schoolgirl is teaching them knowledge that they don’t know, or have forgotten. It’s a fine job, it would be nice to show idiots how idiotic they are.” Dad laughed.

I laughed too, albeit it was a little forced.

“Thanks Dad.” I replied, and went back to my room.

“Dad was just telling me about my job at Kaiba Corp. on Friday.” I told Joey.

“Man I still can’t believe Kaiba hired you, like that!” Joey told me.

“I know.” I replied.

“Speakin’ of Friday” Joey said to me.

“Yes?” I asked.

“After your work at Kaiba Corp. did you want to...” Joey started, and had trouble finishing his sentence.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Did you want to maybe go to the movies with me? I could pick you up.” Joey said, and I put my hand over the phone speaker and let out a huge squeal and danced around excitingly.

“Sure, Joey. I would like that.” I replied, trying to contain my excitement.