Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 41 - "Open your locker, so the love can hit you"

As soon as I walked into school on Friday, Kathryn was waiting for me at my locker. She looked excited, and she obviously needed to tell me something important.

“I have a boyfriend!” Kathryn grinned, before I could even say ‘hi’

“Who?” I asked.

“Remember Duke’s cousin Sam? The MAJOR hottie. Yeah, him.” She explained.

“Oh, I’m so happy for you hun!” I squealed, hugging her.

“He’s such a good boyfriend! He’s taking a gap year so he’s going to college next year, so he has a full time job now! He’s already really spoiling me, and he cares for me soo much! I’ve never been with a guy quite like him.” Kathryn sighed, leaning against the locker next to mine.

“Um, can you move?” A boy rudely asked Kathryn, who was trying to get to his locker.

“Usually I would say something rude, but I have the best boyfriend ever! I don’t need to!” she sighed, moving away.

“Whatever, freak.” The boy snarled, and I laughed.

I smiled at Kathryn’s reaction though. Kathryn is the last girl you’d expect to be so head over heels for a guy, and commit herself to a relationship. Hell, she seemed more head over heels and giddy than I did with Seto. I mean sure, when I saw Seto my heart skipped a beat and I felt giddy and all of that crap, but I didn’t feel the need to tell the whole world. If I were that pathetic, I think Seto would dump me. So it’s cute that for once in her life, Kathryn CAN be that pathetic.

“Open your locker, so the love can hit you. That and so we can go to homeroom so I can tell other people.” Kathryn said to me.

I rolled my eyes, this was getting beyond pathetic.

When I opened up my locker the love didn’t hit me, but something else sure did. I was a little frightened as my vision turned black, but Kathryn lifted whatever was covering my eyes.

“It’s a dress.” Kathryn said, eyeing it weirdly.

I noticed that a note fell out of it, so I picked it off the floor.

Every girl needs a little black dress.

You’ll need this for tonight.

More details to come.


“Oh my god, look at your locker!” Kathryn gasped, and I did.

I saw my locker decorated with red and white roses, arranged neatly around my messy books.

“Wow, Ella, look at the label on this” Kathryn said, thrusting the dress at me.

“Chanel? Wow.” I said in awe.

“Looks like Kaiba went all out. I’m so jealous! Here I was gushing about how good my boyfriend is, and then you get roses and a Chanel dress. I’m so jealous.” Kathryn stated.

I felt a little bad, after all Kathryn had just entered a new relationship with an alleged great guy, and I showed her up unintentionally.

But at the same time, it felt GREAT! Back home in L.A. all my friends always bragged about what their boyfriends did for them, and how their boyfriend’s families took them out to dinner and spoiled them. What did I have? A bum on welfare whose family hated me and thought I was a spoiled brat. So it was nice to be the one that someone was jealous of, rather than continually being the person who was jealous.

“Kat, you LOVE the sort of guy who’ll take you cruising in his ‘fully sick car’ not riding around in a limo, the sort of guy who will buy you McDonalds, not a fancy restaurant and the sort of guy who will buy you booze, not fancy Chanel dresses.” I stated.

“Hey you’re right! I guess we both got what we wanted!” Kathryn stated.

“Yeah we did! GO US!” I said just as happily and loudly, and we hugged each other.

“Oh god, you’re both so annoying and freakazoids.” The boy next to us stated, and we both flipped him off as he walked off.

The bell went, and I slammed my locker door shut and Kathryn and I both bolted to homeroom.


On my free period, I searched every classroom to find Seto. He had his head buried in a maths textbook, and I found a perfect opportunity to be affectionate.

“Hey baby.” I said, going behind him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Hey Ella. Did you get my present?” He asked.

“The rose locker and the Chanel dress? Hell yeah. I love them. You really know how to show your affections via material items.” I giggled.

“What can I say, it’s all I know” He joked, but I knew there was a hint of seriousness to what he just said.

“Why are you doing all of this, though? You bought me a pair of Calvin Klein jeans before we were even going out, and now a Chanel dress. You spoil me with fancy dinners and high priced champagne and wine. Really, I’m not the sort of girlfriend who demands these things. I appreciate them, but they’re really not necessary.” I asked, taking a seat next to him.

“You weren’t spoiled much in past relationships were you? By Wheeler, and any other guy that you may have come across.” Kaiba smirked.

“H-how did you know?” I asked.

“It’s easy to tell by the way you accept these gifts. You’re TOO modest for a girl, and you’re very shocked and surprised.” Kaiba smirked once again, knowing he had me figured out.

“You got me. Joey, not so bad considering he used to pay for me, but every guy before him was really bad, except for one I briefly dated who was rich. My first boyfriend was horrible, I’d save up for weeks to buy him really good Christmas and birthday presents, and he’d end up giving me nothing, and I’d always have to pay for everything.” I explained.

“Which is why I like to buy you the best of the best. Because beautiful girls like you deserve it.” Kaiba stated.

“Seto, it’s not like you to fall to your knees for a pretty face.” I giggled, and moved myself onto his lap.

“You’re not just a pretty face.” Seto winked, and I buried my face into his chest from embarrassment.

“So tonight.” Seto said, lifting my head so I could face him.

“Tonight.” I replied.

“Formal function with the elite of the supplier companies and our partners. You are attending as my date. That’s all you need to know about it” Seto explained to me.

“That’s all I need to know? How am I meant to act? What do I talk about? How do I do my hair? How should I apply my make-up? Argh!” I said in frustration.

“I don’t want you to know those things, because I don’t want you to be like the women there.” Seto said, and in a swift move he packed up his books, lightly kissed my forehead and left the room.
