Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 42 - "You're no Justin Timberlake or the Jonas Brothers"

I made sure my hair was perfect, that my make-up sparkled and that my dress fitted perfectly.

Firstly, my hair was in a fancy sort of ‘up do’ with my bangs sticking out, it was a nice change to the either straight or curly look I always gave myself. I used my MAC foundation to make sure my skin looked flawless and I used silver sparkly eye shadow, sparkle eyeliner, and shimmer dust on my cheeks with pink shimmery lip-gloss.

The dress was a perfect fit. I didn’t have the opportunity cost of having either a dress that had my chest bulging out and nice fitting around my stomach, or the dress fitting perfectly around my chest but being way too lose around my stomach.

Seto really did spoil me on this one.

I walked out of my room and Dad saw me as he was cooking dinner.

“Oh yeah, that dinner with Kaiba’s key stakeholders is tonight.” Dad commented.

“Not key stakeholders, Dad. Only the stakeholders that Kaiba actually cares about. Highest employees, shareholders and the most important suppliers and investors.” I replied, and he laughed.

“I was invited, but I have better things to do with my time. I guess you’ll learn the experience though.” Dad said to me.

I heard a knock at the door.

“That will be for you.” Dad smirked.

“Kay don’t answer it, I’ll be out really quickly.” I said, running to my room to quickly get all my things.

I grabbed a small silver purse, which I quickly put in my keys, purse and my sidekick slide. I sprayed some ‘Chanel no.5’ on real quickly, and grabbed my heels and ran to the door.

“Hi!” I said brightly, seeing Seto standing in a tux.

I giggled at the image, even though Seto was one of the most rich and powerful CEO’s in the world, he seemed too informal to wear a tux.

He smirked at my reaction, and grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I called out a bye to Dad, and followed him into the limo.

“Hi Ella.” Mokuba waved.

Awww! He looked so cute in his little tux! I wouldn’t want to embarrass the poor kid by saying that though, major suck ups to Seto will be saying some things along the line of that, not knowing it would probably annoy Seto…

“Ella, before we attend this I must know something about you. Do you easily get jealous?” He asked.

I had to think about it for a while. With guys I dated, I never really got that jealous. With Joey, I got jealous once, and that was only after he wouldn’t brush the girl off. With my ex, I got jealous all the time. I could easily see the connection, and I could answer Seto truthfully.

“It depends on the guy, and if he can be easily trusted. The guys I’ve been with who can be trusted, yeah sure no worries, not jealous at all. The guys who can’t be, yeah I’m going to be a little curious about what they’re doing and why they’re not brushing off that hot blonde.” I replied.

“Am I the guy who can be trusted?” He asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

“Yeah, definitely. You have better things to do than see how many girls you can get, and you seem to really respect me.” I confirmed.

“Good. Because I wouldn’t be able to bring a jealous girl to this function.” He replied.

“Do all the old men try and hook you up with their daughters?” I grinned.

“I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t happened a few times, but most of the old men hate their daughters and believe they’re going off the rails and aren’t making the right decisions in life. It’s usually the businesswomen who are realizing they’re going to be 30 soon and think they need to quickly settle down with a respectable man.” Seto explained.

“Ah so they try for the crème de la crème, thinking he needs a heir or something and would be the best man to support her and her kids.” I giggled, that was a little pathetic.

“But they won’t give you hell or anything, they’ll just then sucker onto the second richest and powerful there.” Seto shrugged, as the limo driver pulled up at the venue.

“Smile for the paparazzi” Seto said, as soon as I saw white flashes in front of me.

I sort of smiled as we walked in, even though I was CONFUSED AS HELL.

Once we were safely inside, I decided to ask Seto about that.

“Seto, although you’re a celebrity due to your skill at duel monsters, why are they chasing gossip for you as a businessman? You’re no Justin Timberlake or the Jonas Brothers, so why are they following you around?” I asked.

“We mailed every media outlet a press release to attend this event, so of course they came. Both my company and I have a very good media image, and I plan to keep that up. Even though I am not a celebrity who the media reports every little thing about, they still do like to keep tabs on me. It’s a little advantage I have to some other celebrities, I guess.” Seto explained.

I saw what was ahead of me. The upper class. They were going to be even more challenging than the media. Gulp.

Seto grabbed my hand and squeezed it, feeling my nerves as we walked into the event.