Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 43 - "It's the media"

Seto was right; he was immediately gushed by young businesswomen. They immediately began to gush on about economics, politics and business with Seto. I giggled, as much as I could tell he wanted to brush them off, I knew he wasn’t in the position to do so because they were obviously important to Kaiba Corp somehow, and that’s what they were invited to this event for – to discuss business, politics and economics.

While Seto was slowly brushing off the young businesswomen one by one, an older man joined me.

“Them throwing themselves at him makes them look so unappealing and desperate.” He snickered, knowing their plan wasn’t working.

“That’s true. Especially for a cold hearted guy like Seto Kaiba, he would believe that is pathetic more than anyone else would.” I agreed.

“I’m Yoshio Ogyu, who are you?” The man asked, offering his hand.

“I’m Ella Campbell.” I smiled, taking his hand.

“Oh, you’re Andy’s daughter. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Yoshio smirked, “Andy is one of the best employees Kaiba Corp. has gained in a long time. He’s honest, upfront and his work and predictions are brilliant.”

“Yeah.” I smiled and nodded, not really knowing how to reply.

“As for you, I hear you’re an up and coming employee as well. The way you handled the HR crisis was brilliant, as was the marketing ploy you created. Sales have increased.” Yoshio said to me.

“Thanks.” I replied.

I had no idea who this Yoshio Ogyu person was! I don’t even think he was an employee for Kaiba Corp, how would he know all of this?

“You’re also apparently the girl that stole Seto Kaiba’s heart. A big feat that must be. Many have tried, but failed.” Yoshio said, nodding his head in the direction of the remaining businesswomen left.

“Um, it was kind of easy really. Just do the opposite of what they do I guess ha ha. Just insult him, and he’ll come back for more. He loves a challenge.” I joked.

Yoshio just smiled at my response, as Seto dragged himself over.

“Mr. Ogyu! I take it you’ve acquainted yourself with my lovely girlfriend, Ella?” Seto asked.

“Indeed I have. Very lovely she is too, you’ve snagged yourself a pretty one.” Yoshio replied.

“Better than the dried up hags over there.” Seto snickered, and I was a little shocked. Who would have thought Seto was capable of jokes?
Yoshio excused himself to go find his wife, leaving Seto and I by ourselves.

“Mr. Ogyu has the most shares of Kaiba Corp behind me, he owns 20%. He’s also one of the new board of directors, after the firings of the big 5.” Seto explained.

I just nodded as a response.

“It’s time to sit down for dinner now.” Seto explained, and grabbed my hand and led me off to a table, and I smiled at all the on lookers.


Dinner went well. I was on a table with Kaiba Corp’s most elite, and I was welcomed very nicely. I had the impression that I was more accepted as a ‘trophy girlfriend’ rather than a person, but that was okay! I hadn’t even finished high school; I wouldn’t be accepted as a person in the business world for a long while.

The most elite were now on stage, discussing Kaiba Corp’s finances in the past financial year to Kaiba Corp’s key stakeholders, who would be the most interested, and this was part of the reason why this function was called. Topics that were being discussed were things such as net and gross profits, sales growth, capital growth and other such things. There was a projector behind them, and some of the accounting reports I had helped Dad create were being shown, making me smile.

The presentation was wrapped up, and everything gave a round of applause. The stage was being revamped so the music could go underway.

“Don’t hold your breath for good music. Considering we’re the youngest here, it’ll be more traditional music being played. None of your pop hits from today.” Kaiba explained to me.

Before I could answer, two people approached us.

“It’s the media,” Seto hissed into my ear “Just reply with ‘no comment’ with whatever they ask, and let me handle this.”

I decided to take a gamble, and ignore Seto’s comment. First impressions were always everything, and with the media it was even more of an ‘everything’ We were going to come across external pressures that would try and strain our relationship, the media could make those pressures a hundred times worse.

There were always two ways the girlfriend of a celebrity could be seen by the media with no in between. She could either be a sweet thing that the media never says anything bad about, which ends up with everyone loving her. Or she could be seen as a complete bitch that is so wrong for the celebrity, with the media constantly slamming her and calling for a break up. It was pretty obvious which of the two I wanted to be.

So I would ignore Seto’s advice, and take this gamble.

“Miss Campbell, can we have a word with you?” The female of the two asked, smiling at me.

“I can’t see why not.” I smiled back, angering Seto.

“Miss Campbell is my girlfriend and is no concern of you people.” Seto growled.

“Seto, it’s okay. The journalists report the news, and if the people want this sort of news, then it’s the journalist’s job to give them this news.” I sweetly smiled, slightly sucking up.

“See? You’ll have her back in no time.” The journalist said, dragging me off with her photographer.

“Firstly, may we please get a photo of you smiling? We need to show everyone your gorgeous face.” The journalist said, complimenting me.

I agreed, and posed for the photo. So far, so good. Journalists can double cross you, so I wasn’t completely out of the water yet.

“Firstly, I just need to tell you that anything you say may be published. That cool?” She asked.

“Kay.” I smiled.

She then proceeded to ask questions about Seto, about relationship and about myself. I confidently answered every question (She luckily wasn’t cheeky enough to ask any questions that were too personal) but I didn’t offer too much information.

She didn’t make any digs at me during the interview, which means she was happy with my answers, and the smile never left her face.

“Thank you so much for this interview! You really don’t know how much it means to me.” She smiled at me, shaking my hand.

“No worries Jenifer. I’m glad you get this scoop, you’re so polite. I wouldn’t have wanted to give this privilege to anyone else.” I said, doing some more sucking up.

After the journalist and photographer wished me good luck, we parted ways.

“I’m taking you home.” Seto grumbled to me, dragging me outdoors before I could say anything.

He walked past anyone who asked him what was happening or tried to wish him goodbye, and he didn’t let go of me until we made it inside his limo.

“What do you think you were doing? You could have ruined everything!” Seto hissed at me on the drive home.

“Ruined what? Ruined my own reputation? Sure, I could have. But you had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you’re just sore that I didn’t listen to your orders.” I grinned, knowing I had worked him out.

Seto let out a growl, but remained quiet the rest of the ride. He wouldn’t even look at me; he would only look out of the window, which intimidated me a little.

He dropped me off at home, mumbling an ‘I’ll call you’ and instructed his limo driver to drive off quickly.

I stormed inside, ready to bitch to whoever would listen to me.

He really underestimated me; I wouldn’t have done what I had done if I didn’t know what I was doing.