Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 44 - "The business world is like that backstabbing bitch at high school"

As soon as I woke up Saturday morning, I knew I had to take a walk to the local convenience store. It was now time to see whether my gamble paid off or made things worse.

I couldn’t be bothered going all out after my quick shower, so I quickly blow dried my hair and tied it up, and applied minimal make-up.

I grabbed my bag and put in my phone, keys and wallet. I also grabbed my iPod to listen to during the walk.

It was a quiet walk to the convenience store. I luckily didn’t pass anyone I knew, I was too anxious about the article.

After sleeping on it, I could see Seto’s point. I had no experience with the media really; I could have so easily ruined everything. The journalist could like me, but that may not stop her from double crossing me to make her scoop even more juicy.

I finally arrived at the convenience store, and quickly grabbed the Domino Times. I also grabbed some chocolate milk to drink, being in the mood for some.

After purchasing my items, I made my way over to a bench and sat down. I scanned through the paper. It didn’t make page 1 news, or page 2 or 3. Actually, the article appeared on page 10, quite hidden away from all the big news.

A new contender has won the tournament for Seto Kaiba’s heart

I laughed a little at the title, it was too lame and I could tell the journalist had put little thought into it, as she probably ran very quickly to the printers to get there before the cut off time, so it would get printed today.

Seto Kaiba has recently been spotted with an unknown female around Domino. Sources have told us this is a female employee of Kaiba Corp. known as Ella Campbell. Last night we were lucky enough to get a formal invite to a Kaiba Corp event, and it was then revealed that this young beauty was his date.

We were lucky to catch up with Ella Campbell, and find out she is not only pretty, she is also very kind. She was happy to answer any questions we asked her, and she never stopped smiling or being kind.

Kaiba however was not very happy, who was last seen at the event dragging away Campbell not looking too pleased with her.

We hope for his sake that he went easy on her, she is a very good catch and not someone he should dispose of very easily!

It’s also been revealed that Campbell had a brief fling with duelist Joey Wheeler, who came second in the Duelist Kingdom tournament and fourth in Kaiba’s Battle City tournament. No one knows how Wheeler has been taking this new found relationship between Campbell and Kaiba, however it is known that Wheeler and Kaiba are quite bitter towards each other, so we can only guess that the loss of this beauty to his enemy would be quite upsetting to Wheeler!

I smiled. So my gamble did pay off. I made a good first impression to the media, and so far they love me. Other media outlets would follow this trend, as the Domino Times has set it to be fashionable to think positive of me.

As if on cue, my sidekick slide’s ringtone went off.

I looked at caller I.D. and saw ‘Kaiba’ – I never got around to catching it to ‘Seto’

“Hello.” I said into the phone, with a big smirk on my face.

“Where are you? We need to talk.” Seto snapped at me.

“Did you see the article?” I asked.

“Yes.” He grumbled.

“Did you see it was positive?” I asked, smiling cheerfully. I was going to drag this out as long as possible.

“Tell me where you are.” He grumbled.

“The convenience store on Allora.” I replied, and with a swift *click* he had hung up.

I waited around for about 5 minutes, until I saw the familiar limousine pull up besides me. I took no time at all to jump inside

“What did you say to that journalist last night?” Seto asked me.

“I just answered her quick questions, didn’t go into too much detail. I made sure I gave off a ‘sweet’ impression and I did. Maybe she thought I was too nice to actually state the interview, maybe she didn’t get anything juicy enough I’m not sure.” I shrugged, feeling the gloating time was over by the glare that Seto was giving me.

“It was a dangerous gamble, gambling is for those with no skill.” Seto grumbled.

“You think it was sheer luck that I pulled that off? No way man. The gamble would be to have not to influence what the journalists would have written. It would have been a 50/50 chance whether they liked me or not. By approaching them, my skill tipped the odds in our favour.” I argued.

I hated arguing, I was fairly timid and shy, but there was NO way I was going to back down.

“How did you know what to say?” Seto asked, calming down a little.

“Before I was studying business and accounting, my heart was sent on becoming a journalist.” I replied smoothly.

Seto let out a loud snicker, and I playfully hit his arm.

“You can’t see me as a journalist?” I asked him.

“Honestly? No. After having constant run ins with the paparazzi, I can’t see you as one of them. It’s just not you.” Seto explained.

“Why do you think I gave up on the dream? I took journalism classes, and I had to constantly read, study and analyze articles. While I was good at the writing, writing is my talent, the lifestyle wasn’t me. I don’t think I could stake myself out following people around, be very widely hated and step on people’s toes for a living.” I informed Seto.

“Yet you’re entering the business world. What do you expect?” Seto snorted.

“The business world is like that backstabbing bitch at high school. Everything is done behind your back and done in a sneaky matter, and when everything comes crashing down for you, you realise it’s too late. Journalism however is the school slut. She puts herself out there in a very obvious manner, and everything hates her because of it.” I explained.

“You have a point. Hm, quite an odd analogy. But a correct one, no doubt.” Seto agreed.

“So what are you up to today?” I asked him.

“I have some important work to take care of, that I must deal with promptly. Speaking of which, I’ll be driving you home right now so I can get this work done.” Seto replied.

I blew a raspberry at him and gave him the thumbs down.

“Ella! You know that Kaiba Corp. has a lot of work involved with it, and I can’t always be doing the fun and care free stuff you do!” Seto angrily said.

While I took offense at what he said (come on! I understand my life isn’t as strict as his, but I’m hardly ‘care free’ I work my butt off doing homework and study! As well as laundry and cooking and everything else) I decided to be annoying and get on his nerves, so I did the same thing I did before: blew a raspberry and gave him the thumbs down.

“Fine! I’ll take you out to a fancy restaurant tomorrow!” Seto yelled at me, as we pulled up to my house.

“Fine! Say about 1PM tomorrow?” I yelled, however being very happy with that proposal.

“Deal! Stay by your phone tonight I’ll call you after work. Bye Ella!” Seto called to me as he drove off after I exited the limo.

That kid was so damn intelligent, but he was so easy to manipulate in his moments of anger. You could even go so far as to say that it’s his weakness.
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Hahaha side kick slide, you can see how long ago this was written. Back when they were 'new' and 'cool' ahaha.

Also when I reread the headline for the newspaper article, the first thing that popped into my head was 'I coulda been a contender!! I coulda been SOMEBODY!!"