Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 46 - "I wasn't that keen on the idea"

Seto didn’t bother greeting me at the front door before our date on Sunday. I tried not to think much of it, but how could I? I was over the small fight we had, I absolutely hated fights and I was never stubborn, I always caved in and apologised even if I was not in the wrong, just so I could stop fighting with the person I was in a fight with.

So when I heard the beep from the limo, my heart instantly sank. I knew I was stupid to imagine the great Seto Kaiba at my door with a rose in his hand, ready to give me a kiss and an apology, but I thought he would at least knock on the door. He had NEVER beeped before; he was always a gentleman and greeted me at the front door.

I grabbed my small purse and left the house. I was even freaking out about what expression to have on my face!

I got into the limo, deciding to wear a light smile.

“Hey baby.” I said, kissing his cheek.

He sent me a light smile back, and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“Hi Ella!” I heard, and I turned around to see Mokuba waving in an excited manner.

“Mokuba will be joining us today.” Seto informed me.

“Good.” I smiled.

I had no problems with that; Mokuba was a very friendly and polite boy.

Seto seemed a lot happier and friendly after I admitted that I didn’t mind Mokuba was joining us. I gathered he was testing me, but as it was a test that I passed with flying colours, I did not mind being tested.

We arrived at an up market café, which served all kinds of food. I ordered a seafood dish, and it was yum. Very expensive though.

It was then that Mokuba and I got to know each other better though. Turns out he was very inspired by his big brother, and wanted to be just like him: a technical geek. I then offered that if my computer ever broke down, I would pay him to fix it. Mokuba seemed very happy by that, and Seto smirked but also seemed to be cheerful that I made his little brother happy.

After lunch, we took a joyride back to the Kaiba mansion, taking the quiet back streets enjoying everyone’s company.

We then finally arrived at the Kaiba mansion, and we parted with Mokuba. Mokuba claimed he had homework to do, while Seto suggested we watch a movie.

Seto has a big room with a nice couch and a VERY NICE and big plasma TV. He claimed that the room barely gets any use, and with nothing better to do we should use it.

Seto put on some sort of sci-fi movie and I was staring at the screen blankly pretending to be interested. I had already lost track, and could not be bothered to figure out what was happening.

I wasn’t doing this for long, as Seto and I were cuddling on the couch, he subconsciously moved his hands up and down my back. After he realised it, he pushed me down on the couch softly and crawled on top of me.

“Oh, hello.” I smirked playfully at his affection.

“Hello.” He smiled back, and began to kiss me wildly.

The make out session got a little intense after this. Seto was kissing me passionately, kissing me wildly on my lips and sometimes leaving a trail to my neck.

Without saying a word, Seto stopped, heaved himself up and scooped me into his arms bridal style. He carried me throughout his mansion, telling any of his maids or butlers that no matter what comes up, they are not to disturb him.

I smiled once we reached his bedroom. This was going to be fun, and he had put me in front of everything, just for a short while.


I was in homeroom, trying not to fall asleep. I didn’t get large amounts of sleep on the weekend, and it was having its effect on me now. So many people had told me that they saw the article, and wanted to be my friend now that I was ‘famous’

I wasn’t rude, I had made that mistake in the past and became most hated, but I wasn’t going to accept random friendships just because an article was written by me.

Kathryn slipped into the classroom unnoticed, just as the homeroom teacher called out her name.

“We match,” She giggled, when she saw I had a faint hicky I was trying to cover.

“Argh.” I replied, moving my scarf up higher.

“While I was late, I noticed some of the school council putting up posters. Apparently there’s going to be a school dance.” Kathryn informed me.

“A school dance? When?” Tea asked Kathryn, obviously overhearing.

“I didn’t see, all I saw were posters were being put up advertising a school dance. I was too much in a rush to stop and read.” Kathryn replied.

Tea and Kathryn immediately started gushing about this possible up and coming dance, whilst I stayed silent.

The bell went, and luckily they did not notice my lack of enthusiasm as we all trudged our separate ways.

As I was walking to Maths, I noticed the posters around the school, with many people in front of them to get the details. I thought I might as well look, and saw that it was on Friday night 2 weeks away.

I shrugged my shoulders as I made my way to Maths and took my seat next to Seto.

“So, are you interested in the dance?” He asked me.

“Not really. Why, are you?” I replied.

“Be honest.” Seto smirked.

“I am. I don’t want to go.” I informed him.

“This is a surprise. Why don’t you want to go?” Seto asked, sounding quite curious.

“Too much effort involved. You pay heaps for a dress, and then you have to buy shoes to go with it, as well as accessories. Then you can either pay out to get your hair and make-up done, or slave away and do it yourself but then regret not doing that when everyone looks so much better than you. Then after all this effort, you get to the dance and realise that everyone looks so magnificent, and all that effort didn’t make you stand out.” I replied, and Seto let out a loud snicker.

“What will your friends say? I take it they’re going to be going?” Seto asked.

“I don’t care. I’m not going.” I huffed, crossing my arms.

“Good, because I wasn’t that keen on the idea of going either.” Seto stated