Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 5 - "Ladies first"

The rest of my week at Domino High was fairly uneventful. I did manage to get closer to Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Bakura, Duke and Joey though. Especially Duke and Joey. While I didn’t get closer to Duke in a romantic sense, we seemed to click very well and shared a lot of the same views.

People in our group started to make a lot of comments about Joey and I. On Wednesday I subconsciously leaned my head onto Joey’s shoulder, and we didn’t hear the end of it. Yesterday we held hands for a second, and we got it even worse. We haven’t even gone on our first proper date yet!

And then Friday came around. The day of Joey’s and mine date, as well as my first day at Kaiba Corp.


It was 2.58, period 6 on a Friday afternoon. Everyone was just discussing their plans for the weekend. The teacher had given up teaching a long time ago, everyone was way too restless.

“So, do you guys want to come by my shop on Saturday? Ella’s seen Yugi’s grandfather’s shop, but she hasn’t had the chance to see mine.” Duke asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Ella might not be interested in your sho-“ Joey started, but I cut him off.

“Sure Duke, I’d love to see your shop!” I squealed.

Even though Joey is a nice, cute, caring, charming etc. guy, his jealousy was a little overwhelming for me. I know he’s had past battles with Duke, but he’d get jealous every time I spoke to another guy. Even Kaiba!
Speaking of Kaiba, we hadn’t exchanged words since Tuesday at Kaiba Corp. It was strange, before our little meeting he’d sometimes take sidewards glances at me during Maths, but now he just stares down at his work. It’s like I didn’t even exist to him.

Which is why Joey shouldn’t be jealous of Kaiba. Jealousy got in the way of my past relationship with my ex; I didn’t want to have to go through that again.

“Well text or call me sometime tomorrow to organise everything, kay?” Duke asked me as the bell rang.

“Sure.” I said, as we all grabbed our books and exited the classroom.

Luckily most of the group’s lockers were near each other’s, so we all packed our bags and got to say goodbye at the same time.

“I suggested to Tristan, Joey and Ella that tomorrow we should show Ella my shop, considering she’s seen Yugi’s grandpa’s. Ella thought it was a good idea, and as did Joey, naturally after hearing Ella’s reaction,” Duke smirked “So what does everyone else think”

“I think you’re a wise guy!” Joey said loudly, but Yugi quickly jumped in.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

“Oh crap!” I said loudly, looking at my watch “Kaiba is giving me a lift to work! I better go out there in case he chews me out for being irresponsible or something. We all know what he’s like!”

Everyone laughed, agreed, and wished me well as I quickly hugged everyone goodbye and ran down the hallway and out the door to the front gate.

As I expected, Kaiba was already there with his school bag, waiting for me.

“Sorry I’m late, I doubled checked I had all my homework, didn’t want to forget anything.” I panted.

“Understood, Miss Campbell. I didn’t set a time, and you didn’t keep me waiting. School work is important, also.” Kaiba replied.

Wtf? Isn’t this guy well known for being cold hearted? While he has been ignoring me in class, he’s shown nothing but understanding towards me. He hasn’t been rude at all.

“Thank you for your understanding.” I thanked him, and he smirked as his limousine driver opened the door.

“Ladies first.” Kaiba remarked, and I jumped into the limousine first.

The whole drive was silent. I wanted to ask Kaiba why he was being kind to me – well as kind as the infamous cold hearted Seto Kaiba could be. However I knew asking that could only bring on chaos, and I’ve been trying my hardest to show my manners towards him. He was my employer after all.

“We’re here. You probably want some time to freshen up and just to “chill out” I suppose” Kaiba said, once the limousine pulled in to the front door.

“I guess, maybe just to freshen up and have a snack. You’ve given me a job, and I’m not going to take advantage of that. Give me a time limit.” I told him.

“Good attitude, Miss Campbell. As I’ve stated before, you have the attitude to make your way up the corporate ladder. It is now 3.15pm, you have until 3.40pm. I will personally show you where the ladies restroom is, and where my office is located.” Kaiba said, and I nodded as we exited the limousine and made our way into the building.

As we walked past the secretary at the front – Karen, she gave me a dirty look and I gulped. I’d already made an enemy in my work. We got into the elevator, with 4 other employees. They all looked nervous and huddled into the corner, intimidated of Kaiba.

Kaiba ignored this as he explained the structure of the building.

“Each level has a different department. The lower levels are made up of our financial departments, whilst the middle and higher are made up of the things you think of when you think of Kaiba corp., the technology, the games, and the alike. My office is on level 12, as is the main restrooms.” Kaiba explained to me.

“Okay.” I replied, at a loss at what to reply with.

The other employees got off on their respective levels, and it was just Kaiba and I. I nervously tapped my fingernails on the handrails, and we finally reached level 12 with a *ding*

“The main ladies restrooms are at the end of the corridor, my office is down the other way. Just talk to my secretary Emma, she will let you into my office.” Kaiba said, and walked in the opposite direction.

I found the ladies restroom and walked in. It was completely deserted, and looked very modern. There were multiple hand basins lined in a row, and 4 cubicles. The restrooms smelled like baby powder, very clean and fresh.

I walked into the cubicle and stripped out of my uniform. I was going to wear my uniform but Joey was going to pick me up at 5.30pm on the dot – no time to change. I ended up wearing a frayed denim mini skirt and a plain t-shirt that hugged my curves. Not an outfit that screamed “take me I’m easy!” but not an outfit that made me look like a prude.

I walked out of the cubicle and looked into the mirror. My hair was a little sweaty from the day’s events, plus it was still sort of warm so I decided to do a little trick the Internet had taught me.

I got out a small bottle of baby powder I carried everywhere. I put a small amount into my hair, and combed it out. The baby powder absorbs all the grease in your hair so your hair goes back to being nice and soft.

After doing this I splashed my face with cold water, dried it and re applied my make-up.

I exited the ladies restroom and found a water cooler. Feeling a little thirsty, I took a drink of cold water and gulped it down quickly.

I made my way to the other side of the corridor and met with Kaiba’s personal secretary. Unlike Karen, this “Emma” looked very professional, and much older, middle aged.

“Hey, I’m Ella Campbell. Apparently Mr. Kaiba is expecting me?” I asked her.

“Indeedy he is. Just go inside, he said I didn’t need to page him.” Emma smiled, and I smiled back as I walked in.

“You’re early, I like that.” Kaiba told me.

I looked at my watch. 3.30, so it was.

“Yeah, whilst I didn’t rush, there’s no need to wait around and do nothing. Time is money.” I giggled.

“Let me get Emma to call the accounting office and get our little recent college grads into the conference room.” Kaiba said, and spoke into his intercom.

“Emma, can you please call floor 3 and tell them to get the group of accountants to be trained into the conference room.”

“Yes, Mr. Kaiba.” Emma replied.

“So, how is Maths going for you?” Kaiba asked me.

Now this was weird. Idle chitchat? Why ask me this question now, when he can ask it in Maths??

“It’s okay, I guess. Maths is probably one of my biggest weaknesses. It’s silly, I get the methods used, very well, but it’s the answers I have the problem with. Anyway, if I didn’t do Maths my college choices would be fairly limited.” I explained.

“I see.” Kaiba replied.

“Um, may I ask, why ask me now? You could have easily asked that in maths, when we’re actually doing the content…” I nervously asked.

Kaiba made a sort of growling noise, and I felt intimidated and looked down at the floor.

“Interesting outfit choice.” He commented, changing the subject.

“Um...ya. I’m going on a date after work, so I decided to change out of my uniform.” I told him.

“Date hey?” He sort of laughed “with who?”

“Joey Wheeler.” I quietly said, knowing their rivalry.

“Joey Wheeler snagged you? I can’t believe you’re with that dog.” Kaiba said.

This kid keeps shocking me. I understood his reaction – but damn, he used the word ‘snagged’ street terms much? I can’t believe Seto Kaiba can let down his professional demeanour.

However, his insult of Joey in my presence sparked a fuse in me.

“Hey! Watch what you say! Insulting my life choices during work and making judgement calls is bound to be discrimination and/or sexual harassment.” I argued.

“Discrimination, maybe depending on the case. Sexual harassment no. But I wasn’t making judgement calls,” Kaiba said putting his hands up “everyone at school just thinks you and Duke Devlin are together.”

“Duke? Why?” I asked Kaiba.

“I don’t know. I don’t join the gossip networks. I just overheard people discussing it. People assume it because of how close you two are and how much time you spend together.” Kaiba replied.

“Okay…” I said.

“Besides, Duke is considered an attractive guy, you’re a pretty girl, you two suit a lot better than you and the dog” Kaiba smirked.

A small blush appeared on my face. While I wasn’t crazy about Duel Monsters, so many girls would KILL to be called pretty by Seto Kaiba, even if he wasn’t saying it to compliment me.

“Mr, Kaiba, conference room on floor 3 is ready for Miss Campbell.” Emma paged through the intercom on Kaiba’s desk.

“Thanks Emma.” Kaiba said.