Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 50 - "You don't look too bad yourself"

I entered the school hall; Joey and I had linked our arms as we walked in. We instantly heard stares and whispers, pretty much ALL of junior and senior year knew about Kaiba and I, and probably assumed we would go to the dance together, considering we were dating and all.

However, I had to create a ‘scandal’ by walking in with my ex boyfriend.

I would sort out all the rumours and get my story straight another time, because tonight I was going to just relax and have a lot of fun with my friends.

Joey and I finally found our group, and we walked over to them. There was, however, an unknown male with them.

“Um hi?” I asked him.

“Ella, this is my brother, Lachlan.” Kathryn introduced.

“I didn’t know you had a brother?” I asked her, quite confused.

“Yeah I do. I have a sister too. They’re twins.” Kathryn explained.

When I turned around to greet Lachlan he was gone. I shrugged my shoulders, and turned back to the group.

“Well I’m off to find me some girls. Wish me luck!” Duke said, and made his way to the dance floor.

I just giggled and shook my head, so predictable.

“YOU!” Joey yelled, turning to Tristan “You are to do NOTHING with any girl here tonight. You’re not to dance with any girls, you’re not to look at other girls, and you’re not to think about any other girl but Serenity. That clear?”

“Oh come on man, you know Serenity is the only girl for me!” Tristan protested, sounding slightly offended that Joey would say that.

They were going to argue for a while; I turned to Yugi and Tea.

“Where did Sam and Kathryn go?” I asked them.

“They went to the dance floor.” Yugi shrugged.

“Oh.” I said, and we all fell silent.

“Why don’t you guys go give the dance floor a whirl? I’m going to break them up.” I said, jabbing my thumb towards Joey and Tristan.

After small protests from them both, they made their way to the dance floor and I went back to Tristan and Joey.

“Hey Joey, want to dance?” I asked him, giving him a pouty face.

“Yeah you guys go and dance, I have matters to take care of.” Tristan quickly agreed.

“You’re going to spike the punch aren’t you?” I giggled, and Tristan sent me a quick nod as he quickly raced off.

“At least he’s not hurting my sister.” Joey said, as he led me to the dance floor.

“He’ll hurt like everyone here! Hehe, I bet the punch has been spiked more than one tonight. Everyone is going to get soooo drunk, and sooo sick from the mixed drinks!” I giggled.

“We’ll just not drink the punch then.” Joey smirked, as we landed on the dance floor.

There were a few upbeat and techno like songs we danced to, laughing madly at how stupid we looked for some. When a few other songs came on, I started dancing properly, close to him, however not grinding on him.

I was having so much fun I forgot about the others. Quickly reminded of them, I scanned the room if I could see anyone. I saw Tristan speaking to a supervising teacher, uh oh for him. I saw Duke dancing with a pretty red head who looked like she was giggling madly from what he was saying, go Duke! I saw Tea and Yugi sitting on the wall talking to each other, uhh? And I saw Sam and Kathryn making out wildly on the edge of the dance floor. Get a room!

I grabbed Joey’s wrist and lead him over to Kathryn and Sam. I tapped on Kathryn’s shoulder.

“Grr Mr. Jason, I told you, it’s a free country!” Kathryn said angrily, but then turned around to see me.

“Oh Ella! I needed to talk to you anyway. I spat gum in Tarnie’s hair; she’s in the bathroom crying right now. She freaked out as soon as she saw it, and began to frantically pull it out, ruining her hair.” Kathryn giggled.

I sent her a high five.

“Is it true that she wasn’t allowed to organize this dance because of students complains about the year book, and the fact that she defamed me on school property and is getting ‘sued for it’?” I asked, using quotation marks with my fingers for the ‘sued’ part.

“Yep. Apparently so. This school is so stupid though. If they’re not liking the way she’s running the year book committee and the student body isn’t either, um, LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT!” Kathryn ranted, but then turned back to Sam.

She went back to making out with him wildly, and I knew it was time to move on. We probably weren’t going to get another word out of her all night.

The ‘Forever Young’ cover by The Youth Group came on, and I lightly dragged Joey to the centre of the dance floor to dance.

I put my arms around his shoulders, and he immediately snaked his arms around my waist, so we were in the slow dance position. Throughout the song we got closer, and closer, until I was resting my head on his shoulder.

I liked this dance the most, out of the whole night. While it may sound that this slow dance was affectionate, it wasn’t. There was no affection involved, we were just two friends sharing a slow dance. And it was really nice.

When the dance finished, we broke apart, and went to sit on the wall for a rest.

Yugi and Tea were still sitting on the wall.

“Hey guys! Enjoying the dance?” I asked, sitting next to Tea.

“Oh, we were just about to get up and dance…” Tea trailed off.

“Don’t let us stop you!” I quickly said, and she sent me a nod as Yugi helped her up.

“I’m going to grab a tiny bit of the punch, kay? I’m curious to see how much it got spiked.” Joey said, leaving me by myself for a few minutes.

A few guys approached me and asked me for a dance. I lied and said I was too tired to dance, while I slightly was, I just didn’t really feel like dancing with strangers and making new friends tonight.

Joey returned, with about half a spoonful of punch in a plastic cup. He took a tiny sip, and passed the rest to me, which was probably about a quarter of a mouthful. I emptied the cup down my throat, feeling a strong burn.

“Wow! There’s more alcohol than punch in there!” I exclaimed loudly.

“Well, look around!” Joey said, and I did.

There were a lot of drunken idiots and shenanigans going on, on the dance floor. Had I not noticed this before? I guess I was too engulfed with dancing with Joey.

A few guys had passed out, whilst there was vomit everywhere on the dance floor. I looked to my left; one of the guys had the hired security guard in a headlock, and looked like he was going to punch at any second.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Joey asked, scrunching up his nose at the drunken behaviour before us.

“Yeah, alright.” I said, getting up.

We ended up finding everyone (except Duke) and said our goodbyes to them.

“I’ll walk you home.” Joey offered, as we set out for my place.

“I’m glad you were my date Ella, it was a fun evening.” Joey said, out of nowhere.

“Yeah, me too. You’re a much better date than Kaiba would ever be.” I smiled at him, and he returned the smile.

We spoke for a while, until we ended up at my front door.

“This is my stop.” I said, glancing up at my house.

“You looked really pretty tonight, Ella.” Joey said to me.

I wanted to reply with a ‘what, I don’t look good now?’ however I did not want to ruin the mood.

“You don’t look too bad yourself, Joey. I had a fun night tonight.” I smiled.

“Me too.” Joey said, and he went to hug me.

We had a friendly embrace, and I smiled as I made my way to my house.

“Bye Joey!” I called out to him.

“Bye Ella.” Joey said, as he began to walk off.
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Wow up to part 50, but I'm not even halfway through reposting this story yet -_- then there's the sequel.