Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 51 - "We make a good team"

I rolled my eyes as the boy behind me, whose lap I was lying on, was quivering in fear, afraid to open his eyes or take his head off my back (He tried to lead on my chest, but I gave him a whack)

“Boys are so stupid.” I murmured to Tea next to me, but then realised she had her head in Yugi’s chest, squealing madly.

I then settled for Duke, who was on the other side of me.

“It’s not even that scary!” I whined to him, him being the only person besides me to not be looking away or cowering in fear.

“I know.” He smirked, agreeing with me.

After that particular horror scene was over, the guys got back into the movie as a lot of fist fights were happening.

However, the scenes quickly changed into people being brutally murdered by knives and guns. Because this wasn’t a horror scene, the guys were watching with their eyes glued to the screen. This was my turn to freak out.

I leaned back on Joey again, and he shielded my eyes for me.

“We make a good team, Ella.” Joey said to me quietly.

“That we do. I’ll hide you from the cheesy horror scenes, and you hide me from the gore that you just love to watch.” I agreed.

For the rest of the movie Joey and I used our ‘team work’ so we could still watch little snippets, and have fun with our friends. Once the movie was over, Yugi got up to switch on the light.

“I’m so effing tired.” I complained, leaning my head back on Joey’s shoulder.

“Is there something going on with you two that we don’t know about?” Tea asked.

“No. Why?” I asked Tea.

“Ever since last night, you both seem a lot closer. You guys left early, I was just wondering if something happened last night, that’s all.” Tea replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Joey looked at me as if to say ‘I’m going to let you handle this one’

“Last night was an ice breaker, I guess. Even though we were okay with each other for a while, it was kind of awkward. Now I can be good friends with Joey, and share intimate moments with him as friends.” I said.

“Uh huh…” Tea replied, not really believing me even though it was the truth.

“I’m so over boys at the moment, anyway. They only break your heart.” I said, and Tea remained silent on that one.

“Perhaps I better get this one off to bed.” Joey said, once I slumped my head back onto his shoulder.

Everyone decided to keep their mouths shut as he picked me up, bridal style and carried me into the guest room.

Good. Because I could easily see them all getting on my nerves. I really did not like Joey like that anymore, but I still liked his personality. So I could see myself being close friends with him, but nothing more. I didn’t want to go down that road again, and I didn’t need the gang constantly hassling both Joey and I about our friendship.

He laid me down onto the bed and I took no hesitation to get under the covers.

“Do you want me to stay or go?” He asked me.

“You can stay. You can sleep in here too if you like, I don’t mind.” I replied, and he took no time to strip into his boxers and climb into the bed with me.

“Do you think the gang will constantly hassle us about getting back together?” I sighed, facing Joey.

I knew we had to have this conversation, so I may as well get it over and done with.

“They’ll keep it up for a while, but once they realise we’re just close friends they will cool down.” Joey explained and I softly nodded, being happy with his answer.

“I can’t blame them for asking questions though. Before Friday when I was still with Seto, we weren’t very close, and I was still avoiding you a little sometimes to avoid any awkward happenings. Then we go to the dance together, and suddenly we’re close again, and we’re leaning on each other and all of that jazz.” I said to Joey.

“I guess. I like having a close female friend who I can do those things with though. I’ve never really been a close enough friend with a girl like that before. It’s nice.” Joey admitted.

“Same here, really. I’ve had best guy friends before, but we would have kicked each other’s asses if we were mushy and soft and leaned on each other and protected each other and all that crap.” I smirked, but instantly felt tired.

“Go to sleep Ella. I’ll protect you.” Joey said, as if reading my mind.

“Protect me from what?” I snickered, my fatigue jolting me out of the mood we were previously in.

“From Kaiba. From any other guy that hassles you. From any fear you may have.” He whispered into my ear, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

If I weren’t so sleepy and about to fall asleep I would have put up a fight. Something tells me that Joey doesn’t want to just be ‘close friends’ who can show each other friendly affection. I think he’s just telling both himself and I that so he can be as close to me as possible.

Maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe I’m just being conceited. This can wait until another time; I just need sleep right now.
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OMG I'm at uni in a microeconomics lecture reposting this, and I'm sure I'm getting many weird looks from the people sitting behind me...