Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 52 - "Harsh"

The new week bought a lot of changes in school. Firstly, things returned to how they were when I first started at Domino High. Kathryn went back to hanging out with her old friends, and I only ever spoke to her in homeroom. She and Duke rarely spoke, as she never really saw him around. I had no idea why she ditched us, ever since her and Sam officially got together she had drifted, but she had decided to go back to her girlie friends, rather than hang with Duke and I.

Apparently when she started hanging out with us, she was in a huge fight with all of her friends. But apparently they all patched things up, so she ditched us to go back to them. That’s what I’ve heard anyway, but because of this Kathryn isn’t exactly my favourite person at the moment…

Because of this change, Duke and I decided to go back to hanging out with the gang. They welcomed us back with open arms, and I felt a little guilty for being pissed with Kathryn, considering we’re doing almost the same thing, we ditched the gang. However, circumstances were different.

Seto Kaiba was now ‘Kaiba’ again to me and not ‘Seto’ as we weren’t dating anymore, there was no need to call him by his first name. Besides, everyone calls him ‘Kaiba’ it would be a little weird if I were still calling him ‘Seto’ it was already weird when we were dating!

Like when I first started here, he was completely ignoring me. I was surprised, yet not surprised at the same time. I was half expecting him to insult me like he did everyone else in my group, however whenever he made any comments he would completely skip over me, without even making any eye contact. However, I was also half expecting him to react like this. Because of the way Kaiba openly insulted Joey for carrying on like an idiot when I was around after we broke up, I knew that he knew it would hypocritical for him to do the same. So when I was around, he was silent.

The only change, and one that worked in my favour, was that the maths teacher decided to remove the seating plan, and let us sit wherever we wanted. She stated that we would get our work done wherever we sat, and because we were good students we deserved to be rewarded as well. I now sit next to a quiet girl named Amy. We weren’t exactly ‘friends’ but I had sat next to her in a few of my classes and we could hold small conversations. At least I had the comfort of someone to sit next to, and could get my work done at the same time.

However on Monday lunchtime, instead of sitting with the gang, Duke and I decided to hang by ourselves and do some studying, we had an economics test after lunch and we were both nervous that we were not prepared enough.

I grabbed my lunch and books from my locker, as did Duke, and we began the search for an empty classroom.

We arrived at the block where seniors were allowed to sit, and we began scanning the classrooms. All classrooms were full of screaming students, but one. One was empty except for one student. Seto Kaiba.

“We can sit outside if you want?” Duke whispered to me.

“Nah, it’s okay. It’s WAY too cold outside.” I said, and placed my books on a table at the front of the classroom.

I did approach Kaiba’s desk though. I had something to ask him.

“Mr. Kaiba.” I said in a clear tone, trying to get his attention.

“Miss Campbell?” He asked, not looking too pleased that I was distracting him.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering. Am I still employed at Kaiba Corp?” I asked him.

“I didn’t officially fire you, did I? You’re still one of my employees.” Kaiba snarled at me.

“Same arrangements then? Do I still start the same time? I’ll probably need to start a little later though, considering that now I’ll be walking…” I trailed off, feeling uncomfortable from the glare that he was giving me.

“I did not change the travel arrangements, or the hours you work either, did I Miss Campbell? I’m disappointed. I thought you’d remain professional even after our fall out.” Kaiba said, in a cold tone.

“I was just making sure.” I said, and quickly scampered back to Duke, feeling intimidated.

“Harsh.” Duke laughed, seeing how Kaiba reacted to the conversation.

“At least now I’m definitely not getting preferential treatment.” I mumbled, opening up my textbook.

Duke and I began to frantically quiz each other, whilst we would also frantically write down notes at the same time. Duke was doing pretty well; he knew the answer to most questions I was asking. I was getting all of his questions correct, but I was still frantic. Knowing the answer was one thing, but writing it down to test standards was another.

Sometimes a teacher would come in to check on us, and we would quickly hide our food, as food was not allowed. As soon as the teacher would leave we would bite into our food and giggle.

After Duke and I decided what we would study for our last few minutes of study time, Kaiba finally spoke to us.

“Will you two dweebs shut the hell up? No one cares about the allocation of resources or what the difference is between natural and labour capital.” Kaiba sneered at us.

“Obviously a lot of people do, as there is a subject for it. We are revising this subject. This subject contains information on allocation of resources, and different kinds of capital. So therefore your statement is invalid. Jerk.” I said to Kaiba, remaining calm.

He let out a low growl, snapped his book shut and stormed out of the classroom.

“Wow, I think you made history Ella. You managed to make Kaiba angry AND make him unable to say a smart-ass comeback. You shut him down!” Duke snorted.

“Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, he created a small part of me.” I agreed, going back to my textbook.


Another revert to the good ol’ times of Domino (aka 2 months ago) at Kaiba Corp I was shifted back to the Accounting department. Kaiba said there was no need for me in any other department at the moment, in an attempt to try and discredit me. Like I cared though, I wasn’t even qualified to work in Accounting!

A lot of employees started treating me differently though after the breakup. Some employees stopped going out of their way to be extra friendly to me, some even ignored me full stop. I didn’t care; I’d rather cut the crap out of my life.

I was still getting a lot more money than someone my age would, to sit on my ass doing basically nothing for a job I wasn’t even qualified for. Kaiba thought he could make my life difficult, when I was still living in luxury.