Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 56 - "How did he know the bell was about to go?"

“I can’t believe you talked me into this!” I whined, as I sat outside the school in Joey’s car.

“Talked you into it? You’re the one who agreed before I could even finish what I was saying.” Joey grinned, and I instantly fell silent.

He was right.

There was a school assembly being held periods 1 and 2. Because of this, there was no homeroom as our homeroom teachers were helping the set up of the assembly. Joey and I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to skip school and go do something, as no one would know we were gone. It would be the perfect crime.

However, we forgot that in order to get from the student car park to our lockers, we would have to pass the staffroom, and with our bags still on us, it would look very suspicious. They would know we didn’t go to assembly in a heartbeat, and we’d instantly receive a detention.

When we saw enough students walking around in packs that we’d go unnoticed, we jumped out of Joey’s car and briskly walked towards the school.

We passed the staffroom and breathed a breath of relief. However, our victory was short lived.

We saw Mr. Ross walking in the yard, obviously doing yard duty. He saw Joey and I, and gave us a second look. I gulped.

Mr. Ross was a teacher who absolutely HATED Joey, and because I was friends with Joey he hadn’t taken a big liking to me either.

Joey began to walk the other way, feeling nervous. However I convinced him to keep walking the way he was, so we’d look confident and not raise suspicions. Luckily as we walked past Mr. Ross, he was in a conversation with a student.

We let out a second sigh of relief as we got to our locker, however we knew we wouldn’t be off the hook for a while, depending if it clicked to Mr. Ross that we were skipping or not.

As soon as my bag was in my locker, I heard my locker door shut and I was being dragged away. I looked up at the dragger, and saw Kaiba looking gruff as always.

“Can I help you?” I asked, as he threw me into a classroom with only one occupant, who quickly scampered off when he saw Kaiba.

“We need to organise when we’re going to get together to do the English task.” Kaiba informed me, and I scoffed.

“So I have to waste my entire recess discussing this? Why did you have to drag me off? Couldn’t we have just discussed this at my locker?” I asked, but Kaiba just returned my question with a death glare.

“We have until the 20th to complete the assignment, our last day of school before the Christmas and New Year break.” Kaiba informed me.

“And I take it you want to get it out of the way?” I asked Kaiba, who nodded.

“Alright. Well I guess I’m not busy tonight. Should we do it at the office, or at your home?” I asked him.

“My home is quiet, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t. You can come for dinner too.” Kaiba offered.

“Okay,” I smiled, thinking his offer was quite pleasant “What time do you want me over?”

“I’ll pick you up. Say 6.00? What sort of host would I be to make you go out of your way?” He smirked.

“Okay. Thanks Kaiba.” I smiled at him.

“Ella. You can still call me Seto. I don’t mind.” Kaiba said, and swiftly walked out of the room just as the bell went.

How did he know the bell was about to go?


As he always was when we dated, Seto was punctual. At 6.30PM there was a ring at the doorbell, and I ran to the door with my items and ran out the door.

Seto had requested I bring my pyjamas and uniform, in case we had to stay late and I had to stay the night. I thought it was weird that he would plan for me to stay the night, considering he was captain jerk face just a few days ago.

I wasn’t complaining though, I genuinely did like Seto as a friend, things just didn’t work out in the romantic sense. He was beginning to open up to me again, and it was much appreciated. The Seto Kaiba that he kept himself hidden away from everyone besides Mokuba was such a nicer person than his persona he puts on in front of everyone else.

As soon as I entered the limousine, Seto gave me the play-by-play for tonight.

“We will go to the mansion, and Billy has decided to ask us what we want to eat tonight and will cook Mokuba, you and I separate dinners based on what we feel like. While Billy cooks dinner, you and I will do some of our English preparation. If dinner is between 7.30-8.00 we should retire at say 9.00-9.30 and relax for the rest of the evening. How does that sound?” Seto asked me.

“Yeah, okay. Sounds good.” I smiled.

“Did you tell Wheeler you were spending the night with me?” Seto smirked, and I let out a frown at the choice of his words.

“I told him I was going to your mansion to work on the English task, but I didn’t say I was staying the night.” I informed Seto.

“Even so, I bet he didn’t like that.” Seto smirked.

I decided to remain silent. Seto was right, when I told Joey, he seemed a little pissed off. Not at me, rather at Seto. However, he must have realised the talk I had with him months ago on the day he asked me out the first time, about him and his jealousy problems as he quickly fell silent.

I also made sure I was calling Seto ‘Kaiba’ in front of everyone else still. I think calling him ‘Seto’ may cause problems, particularly with Joey!

The limousine pulled up to the mansion and I jumped out, ready to see what the night would bring me.
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BIG THANKS to YamiToMangaka for the very kind comment :) thanks heaps!