Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 57 - "Are you two back together?"

“Hello Billy, how are you?” I asked the middle-aged chef, as I walked into Seto’s kitchen.

“Good to see you again Miss Campbell! I have been fairly good. What about you?” Billy replied.

“Yeah alright. So apparently you’re going to be whipping up individual requests tonight?” I asked him, leaning on the kitchen counter.

“Certainly I am. I need a challenge. I’m sure I could get it all done within an hour.” Billy smiled.

“I feel like some garlic beef fillet. Mokuba is in his room doing homework but he requested some deep fried chicken. Make sure you add vegetables though, his dish is mighty unhealthy. Ella, what do you feel like?” Kaiba said to Billy, but turned to me once he asked his question.

“Um, I haven’t had shumai dumplings in a while.” I stated.

“Then it shall be done.” Billy smiled.

“Come on Ella, we have work to do.” Seto said, and lead me to his marvellous study.


At around 7.30, Billy called everyone downstairs for dinner. When Mokuba saw me, he ran up to me and gave me a hug.

“Ella! I haven’t seen you in ages!” He said, smiling brightly.

We all made our way into the kitchen, and sat down at the table. We began to eat, and Mokuba asked a question that made both Seto and I choke on our food.

“Are you two back together?”

“No.” Seto said coldly, and looked the other way.

“Yeah, um…I’m back with Joey.” I muttered.

“Oh. Joey is okay, I guess.” Mokuba said, falling silent as he felt the tension in the air.

“What homework do you have to do?” I asked Mokuba, trying to break the tension.

“Had some maths. I’m done now. I’ve been watching TV all night, but nothing good is on.” Mokuba replied, picking up his fried chicken and eating it with his hands.

“Nothing ever is.” I replied.

Dinner could not be saved. The conversation at the start had made things awkward, and nothing I could do could get rid of the tension. I think the main reason was that Seto stayed silent the whole of dinner, making every conversation fall short.

“Time to go back to the work.” Seto said, and we went back into the study.

After dinner, he was more talkative again, whilst we worked on our English presentation. It was decided that we would do something war related. Our teacher was very anti-war, and wasn’t too scared to voice her opinions. If we did a war related piece, she’d probably give us a high mark for the hell of it.

We had decided that Seto would be a soldier coming home from war, and I would be a widow, who was not aware that my husband had died yet. Seto was the one who was sent to tell me my husband was dead. However we were having real troubles coming up with a conflict. We spend the whole time PERFECTING our introduction, we even acted it out. However we got stuck after the greetings to one another. We decided to give it a break and hopefully an idea would come to us in the next few days.

“What would you like to do?” Seto asked, as we put our things away.

“Um, I don’t know.” I replied.

“Do you want me to take you home?” Seto asked.

I thought about it for a while. What was there to do here? Although Seto had the latest technology of EVERYTHING, it was awkward to be around him because of dinner, and I’d probably be more comfortable at home.

That, and I thought about Joey. He probably wouldn’t feel comfortable if he knew I was staying at my ex’s house, and I’d probably feel the same way if he stayed at one of his ex’s houses. It would only fair if I went home.

“Um yeah, I have other homework to do, if that’s ok with you?” I lied.

He let out a growl, but said nothing as he led me outside.

“I can walk, if it’s a hassle…” I trailed off.

He didn’t reply as he got into the limo. I followed him in.

For the whole ride he didn’t talk. It’s as if he wanted me to stay over. But why? He would have just considered me in the way anyway, I don’t know why he’s caring so much.

“Have fun with Wheeler!” Seto coldly said as I stepped out, and the limousine sped off as quickly as I had gotten out.

I shook my head. What did Joey have to do with what happened? Does he honestly believe I ditched him to see Joey or something? Or did he just need a lame dig at Joey?

Either way, when I got inside I called Joey. This whole encounter made me miss him, and made me grateful that if Seto could be this childish, the break up was maybe the greatest thing that could happen to me, and Joey really was the right guy for me.
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BIG thanks to YamiToMangaka and TheCoreysGirl for commenting! (: