Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 59 - "It's not a favour if I'm telling the truth"

Tristan’s sleepover was so silly. It was such a typical sleepover, and it was fun. It was hardly ‘raunchy though’ because of what I told Duke. No girls were going to play any games, so no games were played. We ate heaps of popcorn and pizza, watched movies and drew all over who fell asleep first (Joey) all in all a good night.

Tea and I agreed to have a girly sleepover with Kathryn once she got better, but it was now Friday again and she was still away, still sick with mono.

Seto and I had decided to finish off most of our English assignment tonight to get it out of the way. I would go up to his office and we’d work on it for as long as we’d need to.

I worked for 2 hours in Accounting, and checked my watch. It was about time to clock off (how non-white collar of me) so I decided I might as well go to Seto’s office to work on the English assignment now.

I got into the lift, and saw the frizzy blonde haired girl that once tried to undermine me was in it too.

She snickered when she saw me.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the ex Mrs. Kaiba.” She sneered at me.

“You’re the one who always argued that I didn’t get special treatment.” I smiled and shrugged, which annoyed her greatly.

“You are an annoying little brat! I don’t know why you’re still in this company but no one likes you! So go back to the playpen, you childish little ugly *DING*” The elevator rang, and we were on Seto’s floor.

Like the last time I had a run in with this bitch, Seto was at the elevator door as if waiting for me.

“Did you say something?” Seto asked her.

“I’m just saying that Miss Campbell is the biggest no hoper ever! She doesn’t do any work around here. I can SO see why you only keep her here because you’re afraid she’ll sue you.” The blonde bitch said, thinking that Seto hated me after the break up.

“I’ve told you once, and I’ll tell you again. Miss Campbell is a very valuable asset to Kaiba Corp. And once again I’ll have to ask you to refrain from saying negative things about her.” Seto said, clearly unimpressed.

The blonde bitch muttered a few ‘buts’ but then when the elevator returned to the floor, she quickly jumped in and went back down.

“Thanks.” I said quietly.

“It’s not a favour if I’m telling the truth.” Seto grumbled, and briskly walked into his office, me hot on his trail.

“I was thinking, to add a little of emotion to the conflict, maybe something could happen between the soldier and the widow? They can get along very well, and feelings can start up. That way, we can show the resolution part of conflict as well. It would raise our grade.” Seto said.

“That’s perfect!” I replied, clicking my fingers.

“Okay. Well, I’ll start on the dialogue and script and all the other writing tasks. You start planning the costumes and the acting and the emotion and anything else that’s to do with the arty side of it.” Seto instructed.

I reluctantly agreed. I was no arts student, I was horrible at art. However I was quite the actress, which counts as an art I guess. I had easily gotten parts in plays when I was younger, and pretending to throw up and cry was my specialty. Only one of those was going to be used in our small play though, try to guess which one…


“There, script is done!” Seto said happily, as he clicked ‘save’ on his laptop.

I was sitting beside him, smiling. We had practiced it all out and made some alterations to the script. After acting out our performance multiple times, we finally agreed on a perfect script.

We had everything done. The performance, and the script. Everything was down and perfect. We were going to meet up sometime next week to practice it all out, before we had to perform it in front of the grade on the last week of school.

Just as Seto shut his laptop, we realised the loud thunder that was happening outside, with violent lightening strikes.

“I’m going to call Mokuba, see if he’s okay.” Seto said, grabbing his cell phone off its stand and dialing a number.

He spoke to Mokuba for a while, until the rain started pouring down heavily. It was a major storm, and it looked dangerous to be outside.

I heard Seto ask what staff was at Kaiba mansion with Mokuba. He then asked if Mokuba would be okay. Feeling okay with both answers, Seto said a reluctant ‘bye’ and hung up.

“We’re not going anywhere for the time being. It’s too dangerous.” Seto said.

Just as I was about to reply, the lights flickered.

“I guess you’re right. What’s there to do here then?” I asked.

The power then went OUT. Everything was pitch black for a second, when the lights came back on, but not as bright as they previously were.

“Back up generators,” Seto muttered, before I even asked him “And I think we should get started on homework.”

I felt like crap. I had just done about 4 hours of perfecting an English assignment, now I’d have to do more homework?

I took out my Accounting homework anyway, he was right; there was nothing else to do.


2 hours later, the storm still went on fiercely. I was getting really tired; it was not approaching 11.30 at night. I had called Dad and told him I wouldn’t be home, and he was okay with that.

Seto looked up from his Chemistry homework, and saw me looking very tired. I was already half out of it.

He let out a small laugh, and walked over to me. He then scooped me up in his arms, and placed me on a couch he has on the side of his office.

He was sitting down, so that my head was resting on his lap.

I was suddenly not very tired. Don’t you know those times where you’re REALLY tired and you go to bed, and suddenly you’re not tired anymore? I was having one of those moments.

I was lying on my back, so I was making eye contact with Seto. He began to stroke my face, and I was weirded out a little. Seto? Affection? That was one of my biggest problems with him when we dated, he rarely showed any.

“You’re so beautiful, Ella.” Seto told me.

I was now having mixed feelings. I’m supposed to like Joey, but why am I so attracted to Seto right now? Just looking up at his face he seems so…handsome. He’s also showing affection, which was also attracting me to him.

I was also having thoughts about why Seto and I would be so much better than Joey and I. Sure, Joey and I, we got on well. But we got on well as friends. Seto and I went well together. We had the same interests, and the same way as thinking. We also shared things like common goals. As much as it pained me to say it, I would never share those things with Joey.

As I was lost in his blue eyes, I then noticed one thing. He was holding me up a little higher, and was getting closer to my face, ready to kiss me.

I reached up and put a finger to his lips.

“I want to, but I can’t. Not yet. There’s something I have to do first.” I informed Seto.

“Wheeler?” He asked, and I gave him a nod.

Seto sighed, but returned the nod and lowered me. He took off his trench coat, and put it around me for warmth. I smiled at his kind gesture; he had really come a long way since that icy cold jerk that ignored me bitterly on my first day of school.

Armed with that knowledge, I fell asleep instantly.
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Later on I'll post a few more updates to make up for the lack of posts lately.