Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 6 - "I quit"

Kaiba and I had a quiet walk to the conference room 3E. In the elevator we were on opposite sides, and his eyes would not stop looking at me. He had no emotion on my face. I wanted to scream “WHAT??” but I knew it was not appropriate to do so.

“You will be in 3E today, the same room we discussed everything in on Tuesday afternoon.” Kaiba told me.

“Okay.” I replied.

“I wish you luck.” Kaiba smirked, and he opened the conference room door for me, and turned into the opposite direction.

I gulped, took a deep breath and walked in.

All the men in the room gave out a whistle, which made me blush.

“I don’t see why we have to listen to you.” One of the men shouted at me.

“Because, if you don’t, you will be considered untrained and therefore no use to Kaiba Corp. If you get fired it will be perfectly legal.” I smirked.

Everyone in the room went quiet.

At the corner of my eye I saw Kaiba standing outside who was watching what was happening. He mirrored my smirk, and walked away.


“Well, it’s 5.20 and we’ve covered everything we need to today, so I guess we can finish 10 minutes early. I’m not sure when the next meeting will be, but I guess I’ll see you then.” I said to the men, and they all got up and said bye to me as they walked out.

My father walked in.

“I could hear from down the hall, you really had them eating out of your hands. Those recent college grads are really hard to control, this is apparently their last straw before they get fired.” Dad told me.

“Yeah, they were kind of rowdy to begin with, but I just laid down the line and reminded them that they’re on the brink of being fired.” I replied.

“I’m going home now too, would you like a lift?” Dad asked.

“Nah, a friend is picking me up. I’ll be home later though.” I told Dad.

“Sure. I’ll see you later.” Dad said and he walked out.

As Dad was walking out, Kaiba walked in.

“Maybe those idiots do stand a chance with you teaching them what they should already know.” Kaiba smirked.

“Yeah, maybe.” I said quietly.

“When would you like to work again?” Kaiba asked me.

“I’m not sure. It’s up to you.” I replied.

“Next Friday?” Kaiba asked me.

“Yeah okay, same arrangements?” I asked him.

“Certainly.” Kaiba said.

“Well, I’d love to stay and chat but I have to run.” I said, and I was about to walk out but Kaiba grabbed my wrist.

His grip was fairly tight, and it hurt me so I shouted “Hey! What gives?”

“I bet you and that dog won’t last 5 seconds together.” Kaiba smirked.

“It’s none of your business.” I snapped at him, and tried to make him let go but it only resulted in hurting more.

“What do you even see in him?” Kaiba asked me.

“Why should you care?” I snapped, and he let out a laugh.

“Because I find this incredibly amusing.”

“Because I like his outside and inside.” I glared.

“As I said, you and Joey won’t last 5 seconds and you’ll find someone who is worthy of you.” Kaiba said, and let go of his grip.

I ran to the elevator as fast as I could, and pressed the “G” button.

What the hell does he mean? ‘Move onto someone more worthy’ he can’t mean himself right? He’s such a jerk; I don’t know why he’s getting involved into my private matters.

I walked outside the front doors and saw Joey waiting outside his car.

“Hey Ella.” Joey smiled, and embraced me.

“Hey Joey.” I smiled.

I saw Joey glare at something and begin to growl, and I turned around to see Kaiba walking towards us.

“Growling like the dog you are, I see.” Kaiba smirked.

“Quit it Kaiba!” Joey snarled.

“Well Ella, I came here to return this book to you, but your dog on a leash seems to be attacking me.” Kaiba said, as he handed me the book we had to read for English.

Hang on, I didn’t take this out of my bag AT ALL, and I hadn’t opened my bag since I went to the restroom as soon as I got here – and I checked I had everything then. Which means...

“You stole this from my bag just for an excuse to come out here and say nasty things about Joey.” I said to Kaiba.

“That’s a bit of a bold accusation to make without any evidence.” Kaiba smirked.

“Yeah well, I’ve had enough of your shit for a lifetime. I quit.” I said, which shocked Kaiba.

He regained his composure a few seconds later.

“Are you sure you want to quit on your first day? You could be making a big mistake.” Kaiba told me.

“I may be,” I agreed “However I will not stand for you getting involved with my personal matters, hurting my wrist, stealing my stuff and saying bad things about my friends.”

“Fine then, throw everything away. You’ve proved me wrong Ella, I thought you would be a worthy person but you’ve just jumped onto the friendship brigade and ruined your chances at everything.” Kaiba growled.

“You know, there’s some things you can’t learn in college or in a corporation. Those are social skills.” I said to him, and he let out a low growl and walked back inside.

“What a god damned jerk.” Joey said as he glared at the back of Kaiba’s head.

“Yeah.” I agreed.

“Wait, he HURT YOU?” Joey shouted, and grabbed my wrist.

“It’s bruising already!” He exclaimed, looking at the redness of it.

“Yeah, look I’d rather just forgot this whole encounter and have a good night with you. I will NOT let Seto Kaiba ruin our first date.” I said, and Joey nodded as we got into his car.

“So, I have a plan for tonight.” Joey told me.

“Ya?” I asked.

“Every Friday night, the movie theatre shows an old movie. Tonight, they’re showing Titanic. Would you like to see it?” Joey asked.

“That’s one of the best movies of ALL time!” I squealed.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He chuckled.

“Have you seen it before?” I asked him.

“No,” He replied. “Also, Tristan is taking Serenity out on a date tonight, but not to the movie. He suggested we should all meet up after we do what we do and grab a bite to eat. What do you think?”

“That sounds great, I’d love to meet Serenity.” I smiled.

“Great” Joey smiled.

We arrived at the movie theatre, and Joey insisted on paying. He said it was the rule that guys pay for everything on first dates.

We then bought the popcorn. Joey bought me a small popcorn, a small drink and an ice cream. He wanted to buy more, but I insisted that’s all I needed. He bought two large popcorns, a large drink and two ice creams.

He had already gone through half of one of his popcorns by the time we got to the cinema.

As we handed the tickets to the person at the front who tells you where your cinema is, I felt a small pang inside me. I remembered what my ex used to do; he used to pretend to be from another country and pretended he could speak little English. It was always funny watching the person try and tell him where to go in as simple English as they could use.

Snap out of it Ella! He’s all the way back in L.A. and he’s a stupid asshole. You’re technically with Joey now too.

We took our seats and the previews began, which was quickly followed by the movie.


As the lights came on and people began to walk out, you could see tears on every single girl from the audience. Some were still crying – including me.

“Gee Ella, if I knew you were going to cry throughout the whole movie I wouldn’t have bought you. I’m so sorry.” Joey apologized.

“It’s the greatest movie of all time, I’m glad I could share it with you.” I told Joey.

“If it’s the greatest movie of all time, why did you cry during the good parts?” Joey asked.

“Because I know the ending! And it’s not fair.” I wailed, as we exited the theatre.

We both decided to go to the bathroom, and I fixed my make-up and wore more deodorant while I was in there.

“Ready to go?” Joey asked, and I nodded.

“Gee I’m hungry. We’re going to the burger place that Tea works at. Golden rule is that you can’t let anyone know she’s still in school. The place has a stupid rule that says you have to be over 18 to work there.” Joey explained to me.

“Sure.” I replied, and we got into his car.


We walked in, and Joey spotted his sister and Tristan and I shyly followed.

“Serenity, this is my date Ella. Ella, this is my sister Serenity.” Joey introduced.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said to Serenity as I sat down.

“Yeah, you too.” She smiled.

We all chatted for a while, and Tea appeared.

“Oh, Hey Ella.” She smiled.

“Hey Tea.” I smiled back.

We all ordered our meals. The guys seemed to order everything on the menu, while I only ordered a salad and a small fries.


We arrived at my house at about 11.00.

“Don’t walk me to the door. My Dad’s room is like right next to the door. It’s probably better to say goodbye here.” I said, as we sat inside his car.

“Okay. Thanks for the fun night Ella.” Joey smiled, as he hugged me.

“Thanks for everything Joey.” I said, as I planted a soft kiss on his lips.

During his shock, I smiled, said goodbye and exited his car. I smiled as I walked towards my door and got out my keys. That was the best first date I’d ever been on with a guy, and I felt like I was floating on clouds.