Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 62 - "Is it that obvious?"

I awoke Monday morning to my sidekick slide’s ringtone going off. I growled, it was 6.30am; I wasn’t supposed to be up for a while.

I looked at the caller ID and saw ‘Kaiba’ and rolled my eyes. Typically him.

“Hello?” I asked, trying to sound a little more cheerful than I was feeling.

“Do you want to meet for breakfast? I think we have a few things to discuss before we arrive at school today.” Seto asked.

“Talk about things, why?” I replied with a question, REEEAAALLLYYY wanting to get out of this and go back to sleep.

“Because I know that if Wheeler saw us together, some problems might arise.” Seto replied.

“Okay I’m up.” I said, rolling out of bed quickly.

“How long will you take to get ready?” Seto enquired.

“Hm…all I have to do is wash my face, brush my teeth, do my hair and make-up and get dressed, give me about 20 minutes.” I replied.

“Well, I’ll be at yours in 20.” Seto said with a ‘click’

I quickly stumbled into the bathroom, to frantically get ready.

20 minutes later, I was quickly stuffing my books in my bag.

“GET, IN.” I angrily shouted at my books, which were hard to put in as my bag was already overstuffed.

I heard Seto’s knock at the door, and swore loudly as I quickly sprayed my perfume onto me and ran with my bag half unzipped.

Seto let out a chuckle as he saw me hobble outside, with my very heavy bag. With one swift movement he grabbed it from me, and was able to easily carry it to the limousine.

“I’m lucky to have you, I probably have permanent shoulder damage for all the times I’ve had to walk over half an hour a day to and from school with my bag like that.” I joked as we both sat next to each other in the limousine.

Seto didn’t reply, but gave me a peck on the cheek.

“Where are we off to for breakfast. Mc Donalds?” I snickered, remembering the times Joey used to take me for breakfast at Maccas before school.

“Not quite.” Seto said, as the limousine pulled into a café


The waiter eventually came with my fruit and yoghurt and Seto’s waffles.

“Enough of that topic,” I said to Seto, as we finished speaking about Kaiba Corp “What did we need to talk about?”

“I know this is a sensitive topic because I would usually use more colourful words to describe your friends, but I know they would be very disproving of a relationship between us so closely followed by the demise of yours and Wheeler’s relationship.” Seto said bluntly.

“Yeah it would cause things to be a little awkward. I don’t think they would appreciate the short time between breaking up with Joey and dating you. They’d consider it inconsiderate.” I added onto his statement.

“So how long do you want to keep us a secret?” Seto asked, a smirk forming upon his lips.

“W-we don’t have to.” I stuttered, not wanting to offend Seto or ruin the chance of our second relationship to work out.

“I only want what you want Ella, when you can be happy I can be happy. If that involves keeping us as a secret for a while, then I’m ok with that.” Seto said, and actually painted a smile on his face.

I smiled back, not only at his gesture but the rare times he smiled, his smile was contagious.

“It’d only have to be for a couple of weeks, just so time can pass. After a few weeks, both Joey and I are free to date whoever we want.” I smiled.

“Then it shall be.” Seto replied, grabbing a hold of my hand under the table.


“Duke and I are going to go study for uh, economics.” I announced to the table, and quickly dragged off Duke.

“Why are we studying for economics? We just had an economics test last week. Shouldn’t we go study with Tristan and Joey for Legal?” Duke asked me

“Tristan and Joey aren’t studying Legal, it was an excuse to not have to sit with us. Besides we’re not studying, I have something to tell you.” I said, leading Duke behind the school gym, which was a secluded area, and we sat down.

“Go on.” Duke replied.

“I already have a new boyfriend.” I squealed.

“Let me guess, Kaiba?” Duke snickered.

“Is it that obvious?” I asked him, feeling a little nervous.

“When you put it like that, yes. It’s not obvious that you’re already dating someone else, but if people start assuming you’re seeing someone else, they’ll automatically think Kaiba.” Duke replied.

“So I guess there’s extra pressure to keep everything on the down low” I gulped.

“Sure is. You can’t even let the thought of you seeing another guy enter anyone’s head,” Duke teased “but don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I think you and Kaiba are good together.”

I gulped. This may be a little harder than I thought. But it was only for a few weeks.