Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 63 - "Makes you glad you're not outside tonight"

Now that Seto and I were back together, the Tarnie sabotage was underway again. She had been keeping the yearbook front quiet, after finding out that everyone agreed with me, the DVD version of the yearbook would suck.

However I had found out that she was still quietly organizing it with a few of her friends, even though the teachers had asked her to halt the idea until the student council could make a decision on what to do with this whole yearbook situation, with that meeting going underway now in the classroom next to mine right now.

Seto and I was both reading the novel we had to for English on this Wednesday lunchtime, occasionally setting the book down to underline and annotate passages. As we were about to discuss what we had read during lunch, the sound of the door next-door opening was heard, and people filing out. Some cheering was to be heard.

I heard Tarnie making loud squealing noises, which was garbage to my ears, and I rolled my eyes.

“All I can hear is woof woof woof.” I said to Seto, and he snickered.

“Shall I pick you up around 6 o’ clock?” Seto asked me.

“What for?” I asked, a little puzzled.

“Well, obviously if this damn yearbook DVD idea is going ahead, we need to plan to sabotage it. That, and our English performance is Friday. It’s probably better we did it tonight.” Seto suggested.

“Sounds good, but I already have an idea to plant the sabotage.” I said to Seto.

“You do?” He replied.

“I certainly do. Will you come with me? Like always, everything holds more credibility when you’re on my side.” I said to Seto, who got up without saying a word and followed me out.

I saw the head of the senior school, Mr. Emmet, and I quickly trotted up to him.

“Hi Mr. Emmet, I have some uh, concerns following the decision of the student yearbook DVD.” I said, and his smile quickly faltered.

“Anything you have to say can be said to the student council and not me.” Mr. Emmet said, trying to walk off but Seto blocked his way.

“That’s the point, we don’t think the student council is properly representing the student body, like they’re designed to!” I piped up.

“Well you can’t go behind the student council’s back and undermine their efforts!” Mr. Emmet protested, getting a little angry.

“Like they’ve gone behind the student body’s back and undermined the student body’s efforts.” Seto said coldly to Mr. Emmet.

“If you’re not liking what the school council is doing, bring it their efforts at a meeting, rather than go behind their back.” Mr. Emmet huffed, and quickly pushed past Seto angrily.

“I guess a gentleman’s agreement is out. We’re now licensed to fight dirty.” I said to Seto.

“As I said, I’ll pick you up at 6PM. I now have to run off to Physics.” Seto said, brushing my lips with his and striding off confidently.

I gave him a little glare at how smooth his actions just were, and then ran off to English.


“Psst, Ella.” Kathryn said during our last class for the day, English, throwing a piece of scrunched up paper at me.

“What?” I asked angrily, turning around

“Everyone is forming an army and arranging some kind of protest against both Tarnie and the school council for their decision. People are talking about wanting you as a leader figure, and to come up with ideas.” Kathryn informed me.

“Tell people not to worry, I’m going to be doing these things quietly and sneakily. But I’ll gladly participate in any action against the student council.” I whispered back.

“Miss Campbell, Miss Collins, if you have anything to say then you will say it in front of the class.” The English teacher said, crossing her arms.

“Sorry miss, but Ella and I were discussing how crappy the yearbook DVD idea is, and we’ll gladly say it a million times in front of the class!” Kathryn snickered.

“Oh, well then, yes I agree with both of you. The yearbook DVD idea sounds horrible, and the student council’s attitude towards books seemed disgraceful. Perhaps this lesson we should focus on persuasive devices, to win any argument?” The English teacher suggested, sending me a wink.


It was 9PM; Seto and I had spent the past 3 hours grueling over our English performance. At last, it was complete. There was nothing else we could do to perfect it, so we were now sitting on the couch talking about things.

The rain began to pour outside, and I could hear the whistling of the trees.

“Makes you glad you’re not outside tonight.” I commented, as I moved myself to snuggle up to Seto.

“Do you feel like a hot chocolate? I could get Billy to whip us up some if you’d want one.” Seto offered.

“Billy is still here?” I asked, looking at the clock.

“Yeah, he usually leaves at around 10 or so. I’ll organize him to make it now.” Seto said, and used the phone in his trench coat to contact Billy.

5 minutes later, Billy set some hot chocolates on the table. I grabbed one, and returned to snuggling up to Seto.

“I don’t want to discuss the sabotage for Tarnie, not while we’re in this mood.” I yawned.

“We already know what we want to do tomorrow anyway. You’ll write all over the girl’s bathroom walls, I’ll spread propaganda of her through posters. Simple.” Seto said, taking a long sip of his hot chocolate.

Once I set mine down, I snuggled even closer to Seto. I lay over his chest, and he had his arms around me. I could even feel and hear his heartbeat. We laid like this breathing for a while, in silence. It was nice, and it was so warm and sweet, nothing I thought that Seto Kaiba could ever be. He was always surprising me.

I strained myself up to kiss him softly on the lips, but he had other plans. He pushed me up by my butt to meet his kisses, and he hungrily attacked my lips for more.

“Do you want to, take this upstairs?” I asked playfully, getting off him and offering my hand.

“Sure.” Seto said, taking my hand, meeting my sudden burst of playfulness