Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 64 - "What can I say, we're both beautiful people"

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a radio. I went up to turn it off when I realised that I didn’t have a radio alarm clock, my alarm was an annoying piercing sound designed to get me to turn it off as quickly as I could.

I then remembered I was in Seto’s bed, and he groaned as he rolled over, deliberately not getting up to turn it off.

“Wow, who would have thought the great Seto Kaiba wouldn’t be a morning person?” I teased; getting out of bed and rummaging through my bag to get the things I’d need for today.

“Well we were up late last night, doing exhausting activ- Hey, is your bag a clown car?” Seto asked, cocking up an eyebrow as he observed how many things I were taking out of my bag.

Roll on deodorant, spray on deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, facial wash, make-up, body butter, baby powder, hair de-tangler (I used it to smell nice, it was strawberry scented) perfume, hair accessories (hair ties and bobby pins) and a brush.

“I have to look and smell my best for my loving boyfriend.” I giggled, applying my deodorants.

“You do realise we’re going to school and not a beauty pageant, right?” Seto asked, shaking his head.

I ignored his comment, and continued to get ready, Seto getting ready alongside me.

I trotted into his bathroom, and put my stuff everywhere. I began working on my masterpiece (aka my hygiene and appearance) when Seto walked in, standing behind me and looking amused.

As I was finishing up, he grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind. We were looking at each other through the mirror, staying silent.

“We really do make a good couple.” He smirked, kissing my neck.

“What can I say, we’re both beautiful people.” I joked.

Well, he was a beautiful person. As for me…well it seems conceited to say that I am, and it seems I’m fishing for compliments if I say I’m not. I’ll stay quiet on that front, but I will admit I was joking.

“I’ll let you finish up, and I’ll meet you downstairs.” Seto said, giving me a peck on the lips and leaving me to finish up.

After I was done, I went downstairs to see Mokuba eating a bowl of froot loops, and Seto munching on some toast. A bowl of fruit and yoghurt was placed next to Mokuba and across from Seto, and I knew that was for me.

“I know your preferred breakfast habits are fruit and yoghurt, so I asked Billy to prepare you some.” Seto said, reading a newspaper and not looking up from it.

I didn’t reply, and sat down and ate.

“Hey, I left some stuff upstairs otherwise my bag would be too heavy. Is it ok if I come by later to pick it up?” I asked him.

“I can deliver it to you if you want?” Seto asked me.

“Nah, Dad would get angry. I’m only allowed to see boyfriends one school night a week.” I shrugged sadly, as we were heading out towards the limo with Mokuba.

“Hm, don’t worry, I can get around that. I’ll deliver it to you after work.” Seto said, and I knew not to question his methods.

First stop for the Kaiba mobile was Domino elementary school, where Mokuba was dropped off.

Then, it was Domino high school. I was a little worried about the gang seeing me get out of the limo with Kaiba, but they usually gathered inside and chatted until the first homeroom bell rang. The possibilities of that were even higher, due to the colder weather quickly approaching.

However, after saying goodbye to Seto, I didn’t expect Kathryn and Duke to have seen me get out of the limo.

“Oh my gawsh! Ella, what’s going on with you and Kaiba?!” Kathryn squealed, once I approached them.

“I’m sure it was just a business thing, right Ella?” Duke asked, trying to cover my backside.

“Yeah! It was. There was a morning meeting with the senior accountants of Kaiba corp before Kaiba went to school, and uh, I needed to be there to present the basic recordings of the cash receipts and cash payment journals!” I quickly said, making up as I was going along.

“Whatever. Kaiba still sooo likes you, and you probably like him back without realizing it. That’s so cool.” Kathryn said, and informed us she had to go quickly redo her hair and scampered off.

“See, I told you that if the idea of you and Kaiba gets planted into people’s head, it seems believable.” Duke said, once Kathryn had scampered off.

“I don’t care if Kathryn knows, because she’s done a lot worse than dumping someone to go out with someone else, and she would not care about Joey’s feelings. I just would rather her not know, because I’ve learned not to trust her with secret or gossips, she cannot keep her mouth shut.” I replied.

“So did you stay over at his house last night?” Duke snickered.

“Of course I did. We had excellent sex, I will admit. He wants to see me tonight, but I told him my Dad wouldn’t let me. He said he’d take matters into his own hands though.” I replied.

“What does that even mean?” Duke asked, as we walked into the hallway to get to our lockers before homeroom started.

“I don’t even know, guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” I shrugged.