Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 65 - "Blah blah blah work"

I was making my way out of the school gate, when Seto came up to me.

“I’ll be dropping off your items tonight, don’t worry about your father, I’ll be taking care of him now.” Seto winked.

“What do you mean?” I asked, wanting to be a part of this.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head over it, but we’ll be able to spend more time together for a while.” Kaiba said, tapping my nose.

I then looked to the side and Joey approaching.

“The dog’s coming, I guess that’s my cue to leave.” Seto sighed, and I shrugged feeling incredibly awkward.

“I want those reports on my desk by Friday!” Seto said loudly once Joey was in earshot, and walked off briskly, however not missing the opportunity to insult Joey

“What was that about?” Joey asked, speaking to me for the first time since we broke up.

Unlike the last time we broke up, Joey wasn’t being rude to me at all. Instead, he was avoiding me, until now.

“Uh, I’m not sure. He just came up to me and was like ‘blah blah blah work’” I replied, sounding a little nervous.

“From here, it looked and sounded like he was flirting with you,” Joey said, raising his eyebrows “I reckon he wants you back now we’re over”

“Do you reckon? Yeah Kathryn said the same thing. He’s my boss though, so any move he makes, I can pretty much take him to court for sexual harassment.” I said, wearing a smirk to try and hide how nervous I was.

“Good one,” Joey said, returning my smirk “Got any plans after school?”

“I’m up to my neck in homework and studying, it sucks. What about you?” I asked Joey, trying to play off his question as a question of curiosity, rather than him making an offer.

As much as I wanted to remain friends with Joey, I couldn’t be alone with him for a while. When he still had feelings for me, time alone would just make him depressed that things didn’t work out, and it would make me depressed for the same reasons, as well as guilt.

Time apart was needed so no feelings could be rekindled, but one day we’d be able to laugh and joke together again.

“Fair enough. Would you like a ride home? I can’t help but notice how heavy your bag is.” Joey offered.

I looked at my bag. It was pretty heavy, even though a lot of my items remained at Seto’s, some came with me to school, add my schoolbooks, quite a heavy match.

That, and although I had to avoid alone time with Joey at all costs, I couldn’t exactly brush him off or be rude to him when he was nice to me, that would ruin any chance of a friendship building.

I guess a 5-minute car ride wouldn’t be too horrible. Maybe it can help to build the foundations of a newfound friendship.

“Sure, can’t pass up an easy way home.” I smiled, and Joey flashed one back as we made our way to his car.

The first minute was made of awkward conversation with long silences, but Joey bought up a good icebreaker.

“Kathryn was looking for you today, but she couldn’t find you and Duke. She needed to ask you something.” Joey mentioned.

“What?” I asked.

“Apparently Mark the baseball player was seen with some athletic girl, and Kathryn is really raging about it, so she wants to go on a diet to seem athletic to Mark.” Joey explained.

“That’s just idiotic!” I cried.

“It sure is. That Kathryn chick makes me shake my head sometimes. But she wanted to talk to you so you can join her in her diet.” Joey said, shaking his head.

“Hmm that’s not actually so bad. I’ve put on 2 kilos, I could lose them.” I said.

Joey opened his mouth to reply, but I cut them off.

“DON’T say anything. I want to lose 2 kilos, no more. I want to lose them through healthy eating and exercise and not extreme measures. I will not be anorexic or bulimic.” I warned Joey, pointing a finger at him and he shut his mouth.
We pulled up at my house, and Joey put his car into park.

“Well uh, thanks for the ride.” I nervously smiled.


“Anytime.” Joey smiled back.

“I’d uh, stay and chat but…I have homework to do.” I half lied.

I really did have homework to do, but I didn’t have to do it right this moment.

“Oh, of course. Hug?” Joey asked, extending his arms.

I undid my seatbelt, and gave him a very awkward hug. I broke away as quickly as I could, and muttered a ‘bye’

This wasn’t helping Joey get over me, and this wasn’t helping my guilt. Note to self: think of excuses to get out of Joey offering me rides

Hm, this diet may help me. If I have to exercise, I can’t accept rides.


I sat at the lounge room table, catching up on economics homework when Dad walked in the door.

I was yearning to ask him what happened with Seto today, but I knew if I did it would be too suspicious.

“Sorry about this, but you’re going to have to move.” Dad informed me.

“Why?” I asked him.

“Kaiba is coming around really soon, to discuss something business related.” Dad said.

“Oh, okay.” I replied, packing up my books.

“He also told me that apparently you told him at school today you’re having a few problems with economics, so he said he’d help you tonight.” Dad added on.

I walked into my room and sprawled my books out there. Soon after, I heard Seto come into the house. I wanted to go out and say hi, but I knew I shouldn’t in case Dad got suspicious. While Dad knew that I was seeing more of Seto lately, he didn’t know we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and that information could ruin whatever Seto was planning.

I decided going out and getting a drink could warrant a ‘hello’ so I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink.

After I gulped down the last of it, I heard the TV come on and Seto joined me in the kitchen.

“We’re done. I suggest we move to your room. This will take a little explaining to do.” Seto informed me.