Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 67 - "Get your HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND"

I was back working for Seto, at least for these 2 weeks he told me. He set me a temporary cubicle on his floor, and I was now moving stuff from my cubicle in Accounting.

“Don’t go!” Joel, the guy who had a crush on me, begged.

I wasn’t very fond of him. Dad was right, he was a bit of a slacker, and he had become really loud. He also kept hitting on me which made me feel a little uncomfortable, as we didn’t talk outside work, or even talk that much inside work either.

I guess what he was doing constituted as sexual harassment, but I didn’t want to tell Seto. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t frightened of Joel, I just think that Seto would take things way out of proportion and either fire Joel or make his life a living hell, rather than just give him a ‘stern’ warning to frighten him into stopping. If Joel ever tried anything than cheesy pick up lines, or kept asking me out, I’d definitely tell Seto.

I was putting the last of my personal items in the box (I didn’t have many, just a picture of Duke and I at Kathryn’s party that Kathryn took, Duke was waaasted and I thought it was a funny picture – I knew Seto wouldn’t be too fond of me having pictures of the gang up on his turf so I kept them down) and a few bits of stationary and a packet of mints and a small cute chicken ornament.

“Kaiba has requested me to, there’s nothing I can do. If you don’t want me to move, take it up with him.” I shrugged, making my way to the elevator. Joel followed me.

“He so still has the hots for you!” Joel exclaimed and I burst out laughing.

Everyone was saying that Kaiba liked me, but no one had picked up that I liked Kaiba back. Damn, I’m good.

“Oh well.” I shrugged, as we stepped into the elevator. I didn’t really care what Joel thought.

“I don’t blame him. You’re so beautiful.” Joel said, taking a step closer and cupping my face.

“Look Joel, don’t. You’re a nice guy and all, but I don’t return those feelings.” I said, moving his hand.

“Just Ella, shh,” Joel said, taking the box from me and setting it to the ground “I bet I can make you like me”

He took a step forward, and tried to kiss me. I restrained him the best I could, by pushing him away and moving myself. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He wouldn’t get angry, but he kept trying to do things to me

“Trying to play hard to get, I see?” He smirked.

“Nope. I genuinely don’t want you!” I screamed in frustration.

Floor 10, 11, 12.


“Mr. Brown, get your HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!” Seto said, ripping Joel off me and throwing him into the foyer of the floor.

I grabbed my box of stuff and reluctantly followed Seto.

“Your girlfriend? Just because you’re a rich spoiled brat and get everything material you could want, doesn’t mean that you could get a beautiful girl such as Ella!” Joel spat at Seto.

I kind of slunk away into the corner. I had never had two guys actually argue about me before, not face-to-face anyway. I had no idea how to handle this.

“Actually, Ella is my girlfriend again as of last Sunday. Not that I need to prove anything to you.” Seto replied coolly to Joel, and Joel just gave him a glare.

“Now, we don’t take to sexual harassment very kindly at Kaiba corp. It ruins performance from employees, as well as Kaiba corp. following very strict laws regarding the matter. Therefore I have a legal obligation to handle this, and I will right now. You’re fired as of right now; this is not unfair dismissal so I do not have to give you two weeks notice or pay. You will get your accrued sick pay and annual leave paid out due to legal obligations, but I can make sure you never work in this industry again.” Seto said to Joel.

“Argh, you’ve ruined this company you brat! This company thrived under Gozaburo; you’ve ruined this company! You’ve turned it into a soft place!” Joel ranted and screamed.

“Soft?” I asked, stepping in.

“Ella, you don’t know what it was like when Gozaburo was here. It was a much better place!” Joel whined.

I tried to find the right words in my head to prove Joel wrong. Hmm, something out of Macbeth sprang back to mind.

“Joel, people followed Gozaburo’s orders out of fear and not love. No one respected him; he was probably one of the most hated men in the world. Everyone else who worked here when Gozaburo was in charge agrees that Seto runs the company a whole let better than Gozaburo did. And Kaiba Corp. is hardly soft, Seto is still harsh, but he’s fair. He turned the company from a tyrant run business to a traditional bureaucratic company.” I argued.

“No one cares what a slut has to say!” Joel replied, obviously running out of comebacks.

Seto sighed, and used the microphone in his trench coat.

“Roland, we’ve got a situation on our hands. I need you and another security member to toss out the trash.” Seto said into his microphone.

“If you’re so keen on working in the weapons industry again, please be my guest. I’m going to make sure you never get a job in the gaming industry.” Seto said to Joel.

Not too long after Roland arrived with a member of security, and they took Joel off who was ranting and screaming.

“Come into my office.” Seto said, and I took my box and we sat down.

“Firstly, are you alright?” Seto asked me, concern flashing in his eyes.

“I’m fine. He just tried to kiss me, something that isn’t uncommon for me, and not the worst that’s happened.” I replied, and Seto just nodded.

“Well let’s get down to business. Since you’re going to be alone for 2 weeks, would you like to stay at my mansion? I wouldn’t want you to live alone, and I promised your Dad I’d look after you.” Seto offered.

I took a second to think about it. I liked being home alone, but only for short periods of time. Besides, Seto and I were still in our honeymoon period and every time I wasn’t with him I missed him. That, and I may as well take advantage of this situation, as it wouldn’t come up for a while.

“I would love to.” I said, a smile playing on my lips.

“Great. Follow me.” Seto said, standing up. I picked up my box, and followed him.

Seto lead me outside his office, where I could see the cubicle had been set up.

I put my box on the desk, and saw that a laptop had been set up. As Seto stood back watching me, I put the small amount of items I had around my desk.

“That laptop is yours.” Seto said.

“Oh, thanks.” I replied.

“No, it’s yours. As in, you can do whatever you’d like with it. Keep it here, take it home, whatever.” Seto explained.

“Really?” I asked, my eyes opening in shock.

“Yep. I know you already have a laptop, but this one is better. It’s got a mixture of the best OS out there, as well as additions of my own. I’ve programmed it personally to make it one of the best laptops you can get. I’ll show you all the features.” Seto said, taking a seat onto the comfortable chair he put in the cubicle.

I sat down on his lap, as he showed me everything I needed to know.

It’s good to have a rich, techy boyfriend.