Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 68 - "She always looks hot"

I stuck around work for an extra hour or so because Seto promised to give me a lift home. I spent the time working out using the new laptop, and going onto Facebook speaking to old friends. While I was waiting for Seto to finish, I got a call from Duke. I was now in Seto’s office, so I excused myself and went outside.

“Sup Dukey baby.” I replied, although very quietly so Seto would not hear and get jealous.

“Hi Ella. Not much. Are you still at Kaiba Corp?” Duke asked.

“Yeah I am. Why?” I asked him.

“Do you want to go out for dinner, we can study something, or just hang out.” Duke offered.

“I have a better idea. Why don’t you and maybe Kathryn come over to my house for a sleepover? My Dad is away on a business trip, and I’m not sure when this opportunity will come up again.” I asked Duke.

“Maybe Kathryn?” He asked.

“I don’t know, it’s up to you. I love that girl, but you really have to take her in small doses.” I replied.

“Yeah, well you may as well invite Kathryn.” Duke replied and I could see him shrugging.

“Alright, well, can you three way her? I don’t think I can on this phone.” I replied.

“Yeah okay.” Duke said, and there was silence for about 30 seconds until Kathryn’s bubbly voice came on the line.

“Yo, Kat. Small party at mine, just Duke and I tonight. You in?” I asked her, sounding very informal.

“Hell yeah sister! Just give me a time and a place.” She replied.

“She said her place, tonight.” Duke sniggered.

“Shut up! Time then!” Kathryn pouted.

“I dunno. Say, 8?” I suggested

“Alrighty. Well I better prepare. Tata my loves!” Kathryn cheerily said, and hung up.

Duke and I both decided to ignore her cheerfulness and carry on with the conversation. This was going to be a weird night


“Are you sure you’ll be okay tonight?” Seto asked as he entered my house with me.

Duke was with us, he had decided to come to my house earlier than Kathryn, and he was behind us snickering at the sight of Seto Kaiba acting all flirty and non-serious with a girl.

“Yes! Duke will be here, as will Kathryn soon.” I giggled.

Duke let out a cough; obviously disgusted with the way we were both behaving. Seto seemed to come back down to earth.

Seto cleared his throat and then said, “Well, I’ll be back tomorrow. Make sure you’re ready.”

He then let his tough guy act down as he came towards me, gave me a passionate hug and a short kiss.

When Seto left, Duke fell to the floor laughing.

I smirked. I guess the situation was pretty funny. I had melted the guy with the icy cold heart, and he was acting all googly and cute in front of me, when he had been so cold towards the gang and Duke since anyone could remember.


Kathryn had arrived at 8, it was amusing to her kiss her dad on the cheek, and exit out of his car, and as soon as she walks in the door she strips off her hoodie and track pants to reveal very short shorts, and a very tight fitting tank top.

We ordered in American-style pizza and sat around watching movies. Kathryn bought some of that Cosmopolitan cocktail I had at Duke’s 18th, and we all drank a little.

We weren’t drunk; we were a little tipsy though. So our conversations were very cheerful, and very carefree.

Kathryn was probably the tipsiest though; Duke and I had decided to steer clear of drinking too much.

“So Duke, how hot does Ella look tonight?” Kathryn asked out of nowhere.

I looked down. I only had my hair in a ponytail with my bangs sticking out, and I was wearing my playboy pyjama pants and the playboy tank top, that was no way near as tight fitting as Kathryn’s.

“She always looks hot.” Duke winked at me.

“So do you still want to screw her brains out?” Kathryn giggled.

“What are you on about?” Duke asked, but seemed a little nervous.

“Someone told me that you used to want to screw her! And you even admitted to me that you used to like her!” Kathryn said, and burst out laughing.

Duke had gone completely red.

“Duke has a crush on every girl, and wants to screw every girl.” I said quickly, trying to cover up for Duke.

Even he had admitted he used to like me the few times he had gotten wasted, and I was going to breeze this topic over since it was awkward for all.

Kathryn was about to say something, but Duke cut her off.

“So Kathryn, what do you look for in a guy?”

“I like cute, funny, hot, rich guys!” Kathryn replied, and Duke and I rolled our eyes at how shallow she sounded.

“Ella you’re soooo lucky that you dated Seto Kaiba I was so jealous!” Kathryn exaggerated, and I sent Duke a nervous look.

“You guys should get back together though. You were both a cute couple and everyone knows that he still has feelings for you!” Kathryn protested.

It was now my turn to giggle. It was so amusing to hear people say that Seto still had feelings for me but never accused me of returning those feelings. It was only a matter of time before they started though.