Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 7 - "Damn Kaiba Charm"

I awoke to nothing on Saturday morning. No alarm, no phone calls, no one waking me up. Even though it was only 9am, I felt refreshed not waking up to my annoying alarm (which I used a high pitch annoying tone to so I’d wake up faster)

My hair was oily as hell from the previous night, so I decided I would wash it. I took my time in the shower; I wanted to be 100% clean and prettied up for today’s events.

Today’s events were consisted of going to Duke’s game shop, then apparently we were going to Gramps because he had offered to cook everyone afternoon tea, in celebration of the newest addition to the group – me. Apparently Yugi had something important to tell me as well.

I kept my pyjamas on while I straightened my hair, however I had a bra on to give myself support.

As soon as I packed my straightening iron away after straightening my hair, I heard a knock at the door.

It was only 10.30 – The gang weren’t supposed to be arriving for another hour and a half. I went downstairs to answer it anyway, maybe it was them.

Instead I was met face to face by Seto Kaiba.

“If you’re looking for my Dad, he’s out.” I said coldly to him.

“Actually, I’ve come here to see you.” He said.

“Oh?” I asked.

“Can I come in?” He asked me.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt.” I replied, and moved away from the doorway.

I walked into the kitchen / dining area and he followed me in.

“I feel like some chai. Would you like some too?” I asked him.

“Sure, I guess.” He said, feeling uncomfortable.

“You can take a seat.” I told him, pointing to the dining room chairs.

“I would rather stay in the kitchen and talk to you.” He said.

“Suit yourself.” I said, adding the tea to the cups and boiling the water.

I squeezed some honey into the bottom of the cups and turned to face Kaiba.

“So why have you paid me a visit this morning?” I asked him.

“I wanted to apologise.” Kaiba told me.

“So it finally clicked that I’m cheap labor for Kaiba corp. and that hiring and training new accountants is going to be quite a large expense?” I chuckled and he frowned.

“That’s right, I see through you Kaiba. But continue on with your apology, who knows some good might come out of it.” I grinned.

Wow, I actually have Seto Kaiba eating putty out of my hands?

“It’s not just about the expenses my business is going to pay without you. Before Tuesday we were going to make those expenses anyway, it’s not the extra few grand I’ll be paying. I just couldn’t sleep last night, knowing I’d hurt a girl. I hate being in debt to people – and I know an apology is the least I can do.” Kaiba admitted.

“Why do you always prove me wrong?” I asked him, as the water boiled and I added the milk and water to the cups.

“How do you mean, that I prove you wrong?” Kaiba asked.

“I think I have you all worked out, but then you go and change my mind. You’re cold hearted and rude one second, then the next you’re apologetic and you seem like a kind person. Make up your mind.” I joked, and smiled.

“You seem more of the one to spout out the crap of getting to know a person.” Kaiba said.

“I guess.” I said, and handed him his cup of tea.

“You’re different too, you know.” Kaiba said to me.

“How so?” I asked, taking a sip.

“You joined the friendship brigade. I thought you were immediately a lost cause from the company you kept. But then I get to know you, and you’ve got the perfect state of mind for the business career.” Kaiba said to me.

“You do know why I quit, right?” I asked sarcastically. It was the spouting of this stupid stuff against my friends that made me quit yesterday.

“I know. But instead of criticizing your friendship choices, I want to protect you. “ Kaiba said.

I’ll let that comment slide. Or maybe all but the last part.

“What do you mean protect me?” I asked him.

“I’ll be there to show you the light when you realize your friendship with those losers is disadvantaging you.” Kaiba smirked.

“I don’t see how my friendship with Yugi, Tea, Joey and Tristan will disadvantage me.” I told Kaiba.

“What if it did though? Would you look at how you could stop that disadvantage?” Kaiba asked me.

“Yes, I suppose I would.” I told him.

“And that’s what’s worth protecting.” Kaiba smirked.

“So are you here to offer me a job at Kaiba corp. again or what?” I asked.

“A promotion, really. Karen, our old front secretary she was never doing her job properly and she gave the other employees a bit of grief so we fired her. Emma, my personal secretary recommended one of her friends for the job. However because she has children, she can’t work Monday afternoons or Friday afternoons. I think that’s a job worthwhile for you.” Kaiba told me.

“What’s happening with the accountants I was teaching?” I asked him.

“They’re costing too much, I’m going to let them go. There’s a major increase in expenses from retraining them, and the mistakes they’re making could cost the company a lot of money too. It’s cheaper just to hire new accountants and train them up.” Kaiba told me.

“Okay, Kaiba. I’ll accept your job offer, on two conditions.” I told him.

“Name them.” Kaiba stated.

“One. I’m perfectly fine with you not liking ‘the friendship brigade’ really I’m cool with it. These rivalries go back way past my time, and they do not involve me. Just don’t bring it up around me. We have plenty to talk about, we don’t need to discuss the people you don’t like.” I said to him.

“Point taken, I can agree to that.” Kaiba replied.

“Two. I know you want to do well in school and all that, but can you like, not pretend I don’t exist in maths? We don’t have to talk a whole lot, it’s just intimidating me, and I don’t like it.” I explained.

“I can try.” Kaiba said.

“Okay. Then I accept your job offer.” I said, and Kaiba jumped up.

“Now that we’ve got this all sorted out, I must attend other matters.” Kaiba said, and I rolled my eyes.

Back to the Kaiba we’re used to.

“Kay. Can I ask one question though? Why are you so me? You keep pulling me back, but there’s probably a lot of girls or boys out there with the same mindset as me. You say you like my state of mind, but it’s not a rare one. So why me?” I asked.

“Maybe you’ll find out one day. But a businessman doesn’t give away his plans for the future in case a competitor will grab it.” Kaiba winked, and walked out.

I was kind of left flabbergasted. What would a competitor of Kaiba corp. want with me? I guess I was left eating putty out of HIS hands.

I quit my job with complete rage yesterday, and he turns up at my doorstep, I accept all of his offers and I’m on my toes waiting to talk to him next to see what other information I can get from him?

Damn Kaiba charm.