Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 70 - "Oooh them are fighting words!"

“So that’s what you need to know.” My English teacher smiled at me.

I sighed. It was already a quarter into lunch. I asked my English teacher one question at the end of English class, and she gave me a really long explanation I couldn’t get out of, resulting in me losing a quarter of lunch.

I said thanks, and quickly darted to my locker. Once I had my lunch I tried to look for the gang, but didn’t find them. I was about to get my phone out to text Duke, but I heard Joey and Tristan’s voice from an empty classroom. I would have greeted them, but I heard my name being discussed. Being slightly nosy, I decided to listen in.

“No way man! Ella is way hotter than your new chick.” I heard Tristan argue.

“Tristan, you’re delusional. Kristy is ten times hotter than Ella. She’s prettier, she has a better body because she’s smaller than Ella, and she’s also smarter.” Joey informed Tristan.

“Kristy is a bit of a surfboard, no boobs and no butt. It’s not like Ella is fat anyway, she’s pretty slim too.” Tristan said, defending me to the max.

I think Tristan is my favourite person at the moment.

“I agree, there’s no way that Ella is fat. But her body is meant to be the epitome of perfection. Kristy is different, and her petite state makes me feel like a big man protecting her.” Joey replied.

“I guess I’ll give you that one if you prefer girls like that, but Ella is a little like Serenity so I’ll always prefer Ella over Kristy. How is Kristy smarter anyway? Ella is nearly an A grade student.” Tristan bought up.

“Ella is an exact clone of Kaiba. She’s smart when it comes to business, but she knows next to nothing about the other things that are meant to equal intelligence. Kristy is taking mostly science and maths subjects, she’s really smart.” Joey said, a lot of pride in his voice.

“Oooh them are fighting words! Ella and Kaiba are some of the top students in our year level.” Tristan laughed.

“Whatever. I don’t care about Seto Kaiba, or especially Ella Campbell. I’ve moved onto someone that’s better than her in every way. Ella’s boring, I’m so sick of her and everyone fawning over her. She’s not even that good.” Joey said, and I felt a pang in my heart and a lump form in my throat.

I wanted to sob out loud, but I didn’t want Joey or Tristan to hear me. Especially not Joey.

“Whatever man. I’m just saying I disagree with you. I think Ella is prettier, smarter and funnier than Kristy.” Tristan argued.

“TRISTAN! HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT ANOTHER GIRL LIKE THAT WHEN YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!” Joey ranted and I knew it was time for my departure.

I held in my tears as I walked through the corridors. I knew I couldn’t face the gang right now, not even Duke or Kathryn. I had to go find Seto, I knew it was the best to find someone who hated Joey’s guts more than anything, and everyone knew the right person for that would be Seto.

As I was passing through the hallway, I saw Duke approach me. I put on a fake smile.

“Hey Ella! We’re sitting in the cafeteria, care to join us?” Duke offered.

“Uh, as much as I’d love to I can’t. I promised Seto I’d study with him. I have to get homework done during lunch, I have work tonight.” I fake pouted.

“Oh okay, fair enough. Well, I’ll seeya later.” Duke called out and walked off.

I scorned all the classrooms, and eventually found Seto sitting in one alone. I was emotional by the time I reached him, and sat next to him in silence – fearing that if I spoke I would burst out crying.

“What’s wrong?” Seto immediately asked, sensing something was wrong.

I shook my head to indicate ‘nothing’ but that didn’t fool him.

“I overheard Joey and Tristan. Joey said some cruel things about me, he said one thing about you, but mostly me.” I sighed, knowing there was no way to avoid this.

Besides, I did see Seto for a reason, right? Because he hates Joey more than anyone else.

“What did that mutt say about you?” Seto asked, his voice rising.

“Apparently he met this new girl, which is great because there’s no pressures on us to stay secret anymore. But the way he compared her to me was really nasty. He said I was ‘too big’ for him, as in he likes skinny chicks, he said that she’s smarter than me and that both you and I aren’t really that intelligent we just act like we are with our business backgrounds, and he said that he’s sick of me, I’m boring and that I’m ‘not that good’ and he doesn’t get why everyone ‘fawns over me’” I said, tears starting to trickle down my face.

“Hey, hey! Who cares what that mutt says about you, it’s obviously untrue. No one else thinks what he says, so why cry over it?” Seto said trying to comfort me, as he wiped my tears.

“It’s not the words he said. Well it is, but I’m more upset that it’s coming from someone I’m supposed to trust and be friends with. I guess I can see why you’re alone now.” I said trying to giggle, but it came out as more of a hiccup.

“Don’t worry about that mutt. By the sounds of it, it sounds like he was trying to convince himself and not Tristan that he got a better girl. He’s going through mental hoops to try and get over you. He has to continually convince himself that his new girl is better than you, because he lost the best of the best. He’ll eventually come to terms with his loss, and realise that his new girlfriend is not better than you. If he goes about the right way he’ll stop comparing you to his new girlfriend and just be happy with her. But we all know he doesn’t have the brains.” Seto coldly said and I giggled, and wrapped my arms around him.

Contrary to popular belief, Seto knew exactly what to say to cheer you up. I felt instantly better, because I knew that it wasn’t a cheesy statement to try and make me feel better. Every word that Seto had said was the truth, including the attack on Joey, which I agreed with for once.

“Well as someone who has a higher intelligence than Wheeler, and someone who doesn’t have to go through mental hoops, I can tell you that I definitely was the one who ended up doing better.” I said, giving Seto a long kiss and meaning it.
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Phew, still chugging along. There's 110 chapters all up + a sequel. Yep, lots more Ella & Seto goodness to come.