Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 71 - "I love you too, silly"

I made sure I avoided Joey until Wednesday. I didn’t want to suddenly lash out at him, but I would get back at him sneakily. I decided that coming out in the open with mine and Seto’s relationship would be revenge enough, it would be pretty sad and desperate to get revenge just because he thinks his new girlfriend is better than me.

So yesterday, I did finish a revenge plan. My revenge plan for Tarnie. Last week Seto and I littered the school with posters, critcising her actions. We put slogans up stating that Tarnie was selfish who didn’t care about the student body. Yesterday I wrote on all of the girl’s bathroom walls rumours about Tarnie. I had started the war, now it was up to the rest to finish it. I would now stand back and let the chips fall, if her credibility is doubted, everything else will come crumbling down.

During Legal on Wednesday, Joey took a seat happily next to me. I did my best to avoid glaring at him, and pretend I was okay.

Duke was giving me an odd look; I had ended up telling him everything.

“Why are you so happy?” I smirked at Joey.

“Oh, I saw my new girlfriend last night. She’s so cool.” Joey sighed happily, leaning back on his chair with a smile on his face.

“Oh that’s awesome. Yeah, I’m pretty happy too. I saw my new boyfriend last night.” I smirked at Joey, whose smile immediately faltered.

“Who’s your new boyfriend?” Joey asked, trying to keep cool but I could see he was annoyed he didn’t have the upper hand on me.

“Seto. Who’s your new girlfriend?” I asked Joey.

Joey ‘grrred’ loudly, after finding out that my new boyfriend was none other than the world’s youngest CEO who was rich yet sexy, Seto Kaiba.

After taking a while to cool down, Joey finally replied.

“Kristy. She goes to Rintama High School.”

“Why are you dating a Rintama girl? They’re known as the biggest sluts in town.” Duke asked, sounding curious.

“What’s Rintama high?” I asked Duke.

“It’s the worst school in town. Rintama students hate Domino High school students with a passion. I don’t know why a Rintama whore would be with Joey.” Duke shrugged.

“I’ll have you know Kristy is not a slut. She only goes to Rintama because she lives closer to there than Domino High. She’s actually really smart.” Joey said proudly

“But you live closer to Rintama high yet you go here.” Tristan pointed out, and Joey got mad and hit Tristan.

I rolled my eyes and returned to my work. I knew I had ‘beaten’ Joey, and I didn’t need to rub in my winnings.

However, during class I was able to think about things. Although Joey shouldn’t have said what he said about me behind my back, Seto was right. Maybe he just was grieving, and saying nasty things about me was the way he was dealing with it. The way I dumped him was pretty nasty, maybe I deserved what he said about me.

Ok, maybe not. But you couldn’t be mad for letting a guy grieve, and I hated being mad and fighting with friends. I just wanted for things to be okay between us.

So after class I approached Joey.

“Joey, I just wanted to say I’m glad you found someone you could be happy with. And I hope that we can still be friends and get past all of the awkwardness.” I weakly smiled to Joey.

Joey gave a huge grin.

“I’m glad you’ve found someone you can be happy with too. It’s obvious that you and Kaiba are destined to be, at least for the present anyway. I know that he suits you more than I do, so I’m happy for you. It’s pretty cool how we both found someone we both really get along with.” Joey smiled, and opened up his arms for a hug, I hugged back.


I had agreed to hang out with Tea, Yugi, Tristan, Joey and Joey’s new girlfriend Kristy after school. We were going to the arcade to meet up with her.

Tristan and Joey were walking ahead of us, clutching their stomachs and claiming they were hungry and wanting to get to the arcade to eat ASAP.

Because of this, Tea, Yugi and I were trailing behind talking amongst each other.

“Ella, uh, I hate to say this about a friend’s girlfriend, but don’t expect Kristy to welcome you into her life with open arms. She’s not a friendly girl.” Tea said quietly.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“She goes to Rintama high. All the people there are bullies, and really rough. She was very rude to Tea, so of course I jumped in and defended Tea. I’ll do the same for you if she does the same to you. I have a hunch it’ll be worse…” Yugi stated.

“Joey of course did say things to her, like asked her not to and said it was mean of her to say bad things about me. Joey would never pick a girl over friends. Of course she used puppy dog eyes and apologised and said she didn’t mean it that way, but the rest of the day was spent with her glaring at me and making subtle remarks Joey didn’t pick up on.” Tea informed me.

In no time at all, we arrived at the arcade.

I was now nervous to meet Joey’s girlfriend, and I nervously trailed behind Tea and Yugi.

I then saw her. She wasn’t what I expected.

I expected some overweight girl, with big muscles and a hard face that looked like she could kill.

Instead I saw a fairly petite girl. She had a petite figure, but she didn’t have the usual cute features that a petite girl had. She was short, with no boobs and no butt as Tristan stated. She had long ratty hair, which was bleached blonde with very bad dark regrowth at the top. She had a bad fake tan, and make-up that was caked on. Her front teeth were quite large, which gave her a beaver-like appearance.

She reminded me of the girls back when I used to live with my mother in the ‘bad parts’ of L.A. She reminded me of one of the girls I used to always get into street fights with. Which is quite a coincidence that she goes to the rough school of the area, and probably gets into fights all the time.

“Who is she?” Kristy greeted me with.

“This is Ella Campbell.” Joey said, introducing me to her.

“Oh, you’re Kaiba’s bitch aren’t you? I thought you were a lot prettier in the magazines.” Kristy smirked.

I grinded my teeth, but I remained silent for Joey’s sake. There’s nothing worse than having your friends hate your partner, and him and the gang never said a bad word about Kaiba last time we were dating in front of me. Time to return the favour.

“It’s funny, because the way Joey described you, I thought you’d be prettier too.” I replied, in a faux cheery voice.

I heard Tea let out a loud snicker, and Joey quickly jumped in, stating that he was getting food and that Kristy should go with him too.

For the rest of the time I was at the arcade, I tried to avoid Kristy. As much as I wanted to ignore her for Joey’s sake, one of my biggest weaknesses was that I could never keep my mouth shut in situations like these. It always got me into a lot of trouble, and today would be no exception.

I was playing a game of table hockey with Joey. I was in the lead, because I used to play hockey for a short while, but Joey was determined to beat me.

“Let me try babe.” Kristy said, and before Joey could reply she grabbed the hitter thing off him, and sent the puck hurling at me as hard as she could.

The force of the puck made it fly off the table, and hit me really hard in the arm.

“OW!” I shouted, instantly clutching my injured arm.

“HEY! That was uncalled for!” Tea angrily shouted.

“I was just playing the game!” Kristy said, using an innocent tone.

Joey looked at Kristy, than to me, than back at Kristy. He could see a confrontation was going to happen, and he mumbled he had to go to the toilet and darted off. Silly kid didn’t know where his priorities lie.

“God Ella, stop being such a pussy!” Kristy replied, rolling her eyes.

“While we’re talking about animals, did I mention I’m allergic to dogs? No? All right, well now’s a good time to mention it. I’m allergic to dogs. Therefore I am out of here!” I said, not being able to take this anymore and I stormed out.

When I was halfway down the street, I heard someone calling out my name. I turned around and saw Yami chase after me.

“May I walk with you?” He asked.

“If you want, I guess Kaiba mansion is on the way to yours.” I shrugged.

“So long time no speak, how are you?” Yami asked.

“I’m good. Look, if you’re here to critise my decision to get back with Seto, I don’t want to hear it.” I said, laying down the lines.

“I’m not. If you’re with him for a second time I trust you believe you’re doing the right thing.” Yami replied.

We made some small talk until we got to the Kaiba mansion.

Before we departed, Yami grabbed my arm to have a look at it.

Kristy got me REALLY hard. There was a massive bruise on my arm, and it was already turning a black colour.

“What a nasty girl. She’ll get what’s coming to her, I promise.” Yami said, giving me the thumbs up.

“Yeah, okay.” I sighed, not believing it.

As long as she was with Joey, the only thing I could do was insult her, and that’s only when Joey wasn’t around. I couldn’t hit this bitch (not that I’d want to anyway, I wasn’t a street thug girl in the bad parts of L.A. anymore) or I couldn’t do my usual bitch tactics. I’d just have to avoid seeing Joey when he was with his girlfriend.

Yami wanted a hug goodbye, and I gave it to him as the gates of the mansion opened and I made my way through.


After walking into the mansion, Seto immediately saw the bruise on my arm (I had taken my pink blazer off) and demanded to know what happened. I told him the story, and he had the same attitude as Yami and replied with ‘she will pay’ He however had a chuckle when he found out she was a rough Rintama high girl, he said Joey finally met his match.

Right now I was in my room, doing some of my economics homework. I had a shower to try and feel better, not only was my arm throbbing, but I felt down that Joey was with a girl like this. Not only could I not protest or ever argue with this girl too much in front of Joey, but also he could do so much better! Whatever happened to Mai?!

I was wearing grey track pants, and a pink hoodie with a French company’s name and logo on it. I had my hair tied back in a high ponytail, and my bangs clipped back.

All in all, I looked fairly plain, and fairly sloppy right now.

I heard the door click, and I looked and saw Seto standing there.

“Oh uh, hi.” I said, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.

“Ella, why don’t you ever dress like this more often? You look beautiful right now. Not only do you look comfortable and happy, but also your hair, it shows off your beautiful face. You should wear it like this more often.” Seto said, looking like he was at a loss of words.

“Oh, uh, thanks.” I said, blushing madly.

He then picked me up from my seat, and threw me onto my bed. However his intentions were not as I thought they were, as he was on his hands and knees above me and gave me a light kiss.

I smiled into the kiss, it was so sweet.

“I love you.” I blurted out to Seto, but then widened my eyes in shock.

I had never said ‘I love you’ to a guy first. NEVER! The guy always said it to me first. Oh my gosh, Seto hates mushy stuff like this. He criticized Joey for saying he loved me too early in the relationship, and this is even earlier!

OMG I’m an idiot!

I literally put my hands to my mouth, showing that I didn’t mean to say what I just did.

Seto moved my hands from my mouth, sent me a genuine smile and gruffly said ‘I love you too, silly.’ Before engaging in another kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo! Lots happens in this part, introduction of new characters, character development, development in Ella and Seto's relationship and they get some alone time together, plus it's longer than usual :) Also big thanks to YamiToMangaka for the REALLY kind words! xo