Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 73 - "P.S. it's not sex"

After Mokuba and I pulled up at Kaiba mansion, Mokuba told me that Seto would be home shortly. He seemed so happy, he hadn’t spent a Christmas with Seto since the orphanage apparently.

I felt a little sorry for Mokuba. He was so happy that Seto would be home for Christmas dinner, but he didn’t understand that even that was unacceptable, because he was blinded with happiness that Seto would at least make an appearance on Christmas. Poor kid.

“What did everyone get you?” Mokuba asked, pointing to the bag.

I was about to show him, but then I remembered what Joey and Tristan bought me. He was a smart kid, and he was nearing on his teenage years so he’d know what those presents were, but it was still inappropriate to show him…

“Um, they got me some pretty interesting stuff. I got shoes, tea, chocolates, perfume, very kind of them all.” I mumbled, and then told Mokuba I’d be back as I darted up the stairs and put the bag into my room.

When I trotted back down the stairs, I saw Seto with Mokuba. Mokuba had hugged Seto and Seto was ruffling his hair. It was such a cute scene that made me smile, they both looked so happy.

Then Seto noticed me looking from afar. He let go of Mokuba and motioned me over. I ran up to him and bulldozed him with a massive hug.

“Merry Christmas baby.” Seto said to me, burying himself in my hair.

“Merry Christmas.” I replied.

“I know you only just came back from Yugi’s house, so there’s no point in eating now. We’ll eat a little later, and we can exchange presents now.” Seto said to me.

Apparently Seto had given Mokuba his present in the morning, and Mokuba gave his present to Seto then too. So they only had to exchange presents with me.

We all went upstairs to get the presents, and we reunited back into Seto’s luxurious living room.

Mokuba raced towards me, and handed me a square wrapped item. I took it from him, and handed him his present.

We both opened each other’s presents eagerly.

I opened up a box, which contained a digital photo frame.

“Remember when I took heaps of photos of us all? I put them all on this digital photo frame for you…your room looks kind of bare.” Mokuba said, scratching his head.

“Aw that’s so kind and thoughtful of you! I’ll definitely put it on the bedside table. Thanks so much Mokie that was so kind of you!” I gushed, hugging him tightly.

“Open yours!” I said to him, in an excited tone.

He looked at the shape of the package weirdly, but then ripped into it.

“Uh, yeah. Sorry your present is kind of random.” I said nervously.

“Are you kidding? I love it!” Mokuba said, taking his wristwatch out of the box and putting it on straight away.

“I noticed Seto hadn’t bought or made you a super cool spy tech gadget type watch. So I bought you one that looks like one, to try and convince and continually remind Seto to get you one.” I giggled, and Mokuba giggled also.

“Here’s your present.” I said to Seto, shakily handing him wrapped items.

I made sure I put in the card “you’ll get the rest of your gift later P.S. it’s not sex” it’s not that I didn’t think Mokuba was not worthy enough to see, I just wanted to give the gift to him in a more intimate and close environment, and I’d prefer for us to be alone.

Seto read the card and sent me a smirk. He neatly opened the gift-wrap, and unveiled his present.

For the first half of his present, I decided to get him blue eyes-white dragon merchandise. It was the closest thing to his heart I could think of, everything else was materialistic.

In front of him were a blue eyes white dragon keychain, boxer shorts, tie, mug and sticker.

“Thanks. I needed more blue eyes white dragon merchandise to decorate places. That was thoughtful of you Ella.” Seto said, embracing me into a tight hug.

“Well, here is yours.” Seto informed me, throwing a neatly wrapped present into my lap.

I tore the wrapping apart merciless, and gasped at what I saw before me. It was a traditional Chanel handbag, moderate sized, black leather with the diamond stitching and the white Chanel logo.

I wanted to squeal and growl at the same time. I wanted to squeal because every girl instinct inside me was telling to me, CHANEL HANDBAG WOOO! But I wanted to growl, because I was a little tired of Seto continuing to spoil me.

I’m not ungrateful, don’t get me wrong. His intentions are kind. But he doesn’t need to spoil me to show his love; he already does that without spoiling me. I hope he isn’t taking me for a girl who demands to be spoiled or will dump her boyfriend, or thinks I only want him because he’s rich. I began to originally fall for Seto once I got to know him as Seto Kaiba the person, not Seto Kaiba the CEO. He could lose all his money in a bad business decision right now and I’d still love him.

I saw Seto mouth ‘open it’ I did, and I saw a note inside.

“Your real present will come later.”

I held in a giggle, but held a blush nonetheless. If this wasn’t my real present, what would be?
♠ ♠ ♠
In hindsight, this part and especially the next one is really gross and too romantic and gushy, so sorry about that. Then again, I hate everything romantic. When I wrote this I was with the biggest idiot ever, who was the most unromantic person, selfish and expected me to do/pay for everything so a lot of my fantasies came out in this story.