Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 74 - "Open it"

At around 7PM, Billy called us into the kitchen. Seto, Mokuba and I walked in, and I saw yet another feast on the table. I had to suppress a groan, it all looked nice, but I was still full from lunch.

I took a seat next to Mokuba and Seto. We all began to dig in and talk.

After eating ourselves all silly, we sat in the kitchen and continued on talking. I don’t know about Mokuba and Seto, but I felt too full to move at the present moment.

After about 20 minutes, Mokuba excused himself to go and check out/use all the Christmas gifts that he had been given.

“Shall we exchange our real gifts now?” Seto asked, standing up and offering his hand.

“We shall.” I giggled, taking his hand and walking hand-in-hand with him until we reached his room.

I darted into my room to get his present, and rejoined him by sitting on his bed.

“You’re the lady. You can go first.” Seto smirked at me and I blushed.

“I’m really embarrassed. What I got you is really lame when I think about it, and so not your thing. If you wait a few days I can get you something better.” I nervously stuttered.

“I don’t care what you got me. Let’s see.” Seto demanded, but held a smile on his face.

“No really, it’s not your thing.” I said, and backed away a little.

In one swift move, Seto jumped off his bed towards me, and grabbed his present.

“Hey!” I whined, but it was too late, he was already unwrapping it.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the look on Seto’s face when he unopened my lame present and I waited for his laugh.

Instead, I was given a hug. I squinted one eye open, and saw Seto smiling at me.

“You don’t think it’s lame and stupid?” I asked him, surprised.

“No. What could you buy for the man who has it all? This mixed CD came from the heart, and I appreciate the effort.” Seto smiled, and gave me a peck on the lips.

“Wait, back up. Did I hear you right? Did you express true emotions? Did you talk about your heart?” I joked.

“These things are only shared with the only 2 people who matter in this world.” Seto replied, and I smiled at his reply.

“Now, it’s time for your present.” Seto said, and dug something out of his pocket.

He passed me a jewelry box, which had a big blue ribbon on it.

“Open it.” He instructed me, which I did.

I gasped, inside it was a beautiful necklace. It mirrored a bracelet I always wore, the pendant was rectangular and had the words ‘Twinkle, twinkle little star” with a star next to it.

“The crystals in the star are real diamonds.” Seto explained to me.

I didn’t know what to do other than hug him. This was too generous for words.

“I noticed the string which your pendant on your bracelet was getting a little ratty so I got this necklace custom made for you. You always seem to wear that bracelet, so I knew it means something to you.” Seto explained.

“Yeah.” I replied, not really knowing what to say.

“What does it mean to you? If you don’t mind me asking.” Seto asked.

I sighed a little. I hated talking about my past, and I hated talking about exes to current boyfriends (I found it rude and uncalled for, I guess when my first boyfriend wouldn’t shut up about how good his exes were I gained a distaste for it)

However, I guess Seto had a right to know. He did buy me this necklace after all.

“I bought it a few days before my ex boyfriend in LA and I broke up. My eyes were drawn to it, it was at that point I realised that the stars in my eyes had just become dirt on my face; I was walking down the boulevard of broken dreams. But this bracelet made me feel better. Although it’s from the nursery rhyme, the words sort of spoke to me, as if telling me to ‘shine on!’ When my boyfriend cheated on me, this bracelet was the one that gave me courage to break up with him. Ever since then, I wear this bracelet at all times to remind me of that courage, and to remind me not to let anyone like him get me down and avoid those kinds of people.” I explained.

“Has it worked?” Seto asked, pointing to the bracelet.

“Let’s see. I managed to score a rich yet sweet guy like you. I think I stayed true to the bracelet.” I giggled, wrapping my arms around Seto’s neck.

We stayed like this for a moment, but Seto led me to his bed to sit, I could see he wanted to discuss something.

“Have you ever wondered why I spoil you?” Seto asked me.

“I’d be lying if I said no. But I’ve always been taught to never look a gift horse in the mouth. I always just put it down to me being your girlfriend, you being rich.” I shrugged.

“You’re sort of right, I do have the cash assets to spoil my girl. But that’s not why I shower you with gifts. What I’m going to tell you, you’re going to hate me.” Seto sighed.

“W-why?” I stuttered, being afraid of his answer.

I love Seto! I didn’t want to hate him!

“When I first employed you back when you first moved to Domino, I performed a Google search on you. I found your livejournal, and I found a depressing entry you had written about your ex boyfriend.” Seto sighed.

“Which one? There were many” I replied, remembering all the emo crap I used to write in there.

“I didn’t go through your whole journal, I did not have the time. I haven’t gone back since either. I just remember what you wrote on your 17th birthday, the words you used were so strong, even before I knew you properly you made me feel sorrow for you for a few seconds.” Seto sighed.

“Oh, the one where I wrote that I spent so much money on his Christmas, Valentines and Birthday presents and he said he couldn’t buy me a birthday present because he was saving for something, and then I told him I understood but asked him just to get me either a card or a $5 present and he told me I was a selfish materialistic bitch who needed presents to show people cared about her, and didn’t talk to me for the rest of my birthday? Yeah, I remember that one.” I said bitterly.

“What was he saving up for anyway?” Seto asked curiously.

“A new computer.” I gritted through my teeth.

I wasn’t angry that he couldn’t even buy me a card, well not anymore. I’m angry at myself for investing so many resources and emotions into a loser like him, and making myself look so silly in front of others i.e. Seto.

“This is why I spoil you. Because you deserve it. Even before I got to know you, I knew you weren’t a spoilt brat who was money and power hungry. You didn’t like me and continued to stand up to me until you got to know me as a person, which also proves you aren’t after money. You’re the girl who has stolen my heart for all the right reasons, and I would pay any price just to see you smile.” Seto said, cocking up my chin and giving me a passionate kiss.

“I love you Seto. But you don’t need to buy me gifts just to see me smile. Just spending time with you is all I need.” I smiled, and blushed a little.

“I really do love you Ella.” Seto informed me, resting his forehead against mine and looking into my eyes.

“I love you too.” I replied.

Sigh. Life was so perfect right now. Good friends, good boyfriend, good lifestyle. This had been the happiest Christmas I’d EVER had
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Woohoo, it's my birthday :3 had an exam today and have one tomorrow, but I found some time to update this <3 As always big thanks to TheCoreysGirl for always commenting <3