Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 75 - "What a great way to start 2010"

The most weird and unpredictable thing has happened…EVER. Ok, let me remind and explain.

Duke is having a ‘small get together’ on New Years Eve. I was invited alongside Yugi, Joey, Tea, Tristan, Serenity, Bakura and Kathryn.

However, I had doubts about going. This is Seto’s first New Years Eve with a girlfriend, and I knew I couldn’t leave him alone for the count down, because he’d finally have someone to kiss at midnight.

So I asked Seto and Mokuba what they were doing for New Years Eve. Mokuba said he was invited to a party from one of his friends at school, so he already had plans (Of course the gang didn’t invite him to our party, it was going to have alcohol and probably swearing from Joey and Tristan and maybe Kathryn, not the right atmosphere for a 12 year old…) Seto said he had no plans.

By him saying ‘he had no plans’ meant that he had decided not to work New Years Eve. This was a big thing; Seto said that every New Years he usually worked to escape drunken idiots.

So I explained to him that Duke was having a party, but I’d blow the party off just this once so Seto could have the perfect New Years night in.

What shocked me was that without hesitation, Seto offered that we both go to Duke’s party. I dug, and dug, and dug to see if Seto was joking, or if he’d have a really big problem with it, and he said that he wouldn’t mind just spending one night with the ‘geek patrol’ as long as I was happy.

He also threw in that he thought Duke was an okay guy.

When I told Duke all of this, he thought I was joking. He laughed, and then stopped when he realised I was serious. He told me he had no problem with it though, but he warned me that others might…

Joey was the one with the problem. Tea and Tristan were a bit iffy about it, but Serenity and Yugi convinced them both that Seto deserved to not be alone on NYE.

However Joey argued that if I got to bring Seto, he was allowed to bring Kristy. Even though no one liked her, no one could say no as it were only fair.

So this was an advantage that Seto was coming. He could put Kristy in her place.


So here I was, riding to Duke’s party in a limousine. It was still the middle of winter, so I wasn’t wearing a dress. I had decided to wear these leggings that were designed to look like denim, and I was wearing a black knitted top that was nice and tight to keep me warm.

I had in my bag a 750ml bottle of Vodka, some mixers (Coke and lemonade) and I bought along some plastic cups and snacks, just to be polite.

Seto had bought alcohol too!! Granted, it was champagne, but he was planning on drinking with the ‘geek patrol’ who would have thunk it?

We arrived at Duke’s house. Seto told his limo driver Randy that he would call when we were ready to be picked up.

We knocked a few times, but there was no answer. Seto looked at me, and I shrugged and we walked in.

As soon as Seto and I walked into the lounge room, the room fell silent.

“H-hey guys.” I stuttered, suddenly feeling very awkward and regretting my decision.

“Hey! Sit down!” Yugi exclaimed, feeling the awkwardness and trying to break it.

I took out my vodka and my mixers, maybe if I could pretend I was going to start drinking, everyone else would. They say that the way to get rid of awkwardness at parties was to start drinking, but if everyone else starts drinking they’ll get along, and that means I don’t have to drink very much! Yay!

I offered everyone some of my vodka, some accepted, some passed. When I got to Joey, I realised that Kristy was not with him.

“Where’s Kristy?” I asked him.

“She apparently found a better party and couldn’t make it. Fuck her. I ain’t ditching my buddies!” Joey exclaimed, and I could see he was already a little tipsy. I offered him some Vodka anyway.

I took my seat next to Seto, who had already opened up a bottle of champagne and was drinking a glass of it.

“So we were thinking, after the count down, we should have a mini duel monsters tournament to start the New Year. Would you guys be interested?” Duke asked Seto and I.

“Count me out,” Seto said coldly, and I gave him a look. “I guess I could be a ref though, or just a spectator”

“What about you, Ella?” Duke asked me.

“Alright, but I’m not very good.” I agreed.

The night got a little better after this. People started getting a little tipsy, and the ice was broken. Seto kept mostly to himself most of the night, and we sat on the couch cuddling whilst everyone was doing their own thing.

Kathryn was looking up porn on Duke’s laptop, with Duke looking over her shoulder exclaiming that most of the girls and guys were not even appealing.

Tea and Serenity were sitting on one couch talking amongst themselves, and Joey, Yugi and Tristan were on the other couch playing a video game.

“Oh my god guys! It’s 11.45pm! We have to start preparing for the count down!” Kathryn exclaimed.

Everyone but Seto and I jumped up, and were scrambling around looking for nothing in particular. I rolled my eyes.

“Guys.” I said to everyone, but no one would listen.

“GUYS!” I shouted as loudly as I could (I had a loud voice, I had won competitions for my loud voice before)

Everyone stopped and looked.

“Duke. Is there anywhere from your house that we would be able to see any fireworks?” I asked him.

“Yes, the balcony.” Duke confirmed.

“Well, why don’t we go there and bring the laptop with us, considering it will have the most accurate count down.” I sighed, dealing with a bunch of tipsy people.

Everyone piled outside onto Duke’s balcony, trying to get a good spot for the fireworks.

“11.58!” Kathryn exclaimed, sounding very excited.

Everyone had lined up their drinks to take after the first kiss.

“Oh my god everyone! 10 seconds to go!” Tea said, looking at Duke’s laptop.

“9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” We all chanted, and Seto grabbed me for a breathtaking kiss.

He dipped me so he was leaning over me, and he gave me a kiss that was full of love and passion.

What a great way to start 2010
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Oh gosh it's been a while. I am sorry. I finished up exams this week, and have been working full time instead. But next week I only have one shift, yay :)

HAHA also, yes this was written in 2010, hence the 'what a great way to start 2010' haha!