Status: Complete

The Heart Does Go On

Chapter 76 - "He treats me like a princess"

Seto and I ignored everyone else as he had his arm around my waist and I had my head on his shoulder, watching the fireworks. After about 5 minutes I looked around.

Tristan was hugging Serenity from behind, and they were watching the fireworks.

Yugi was shyly holding Tea’s hand.

Joey was standing by himself.

Duke and Kathryn…were nowhere to be found.

“Oi, where’s Duke and Kathryn?” I asked Joey, engaging him into conversation because I felt sorry for him being all alone.

“Dunno. They kissed when the ball dropped, and then they started making out and went inside. I think they’re just in the lounge room making out.” Joey shrugged.

Duke is such a player! Now he’s made out with both of his best girl friends!

“When’s it going to be safe to go in then? I’m freezing!” Tristan complained

“I’m going in.” I said, putting on a silly ‘brave’ face and heading in.

I didn’t have to search long as I saw Duke and Kathryn on the couch heavily making out, Duke had his hand up Kathryn’s top.

“Guys, can you please go to Duke’s room or something? We’re freezing our asses off outside!” I wailed.

Duke quickly jumped off Kathryn looking very embarrassed, and Kathryn gave him a pout.

“Dukey, let’s go into your room though. We could have a lot of fun!” Kathryn giggled and suggested.

“Maybe later, we’d miss the duel tournament.” Duke shivered, and I could see from the look on his face and the tone in his voice that he was disgusted with himself.

“I’ll go gather everyone up and we can start this thing” I murmured, knowing Duke had really gotten himself into trouble.


I was giggling, but at nothing in particular. NOW I was a little tipsy, but I made sure I was nowhere near drunk. I hadn’t been drunk in a long time, I was proud of myself.

Everyone else on the other hand…well Joey, Yugi, Tristan, Duke and Seto (yes Seto!) were drunk. Kathryn had sobered up a bit as she had slumped into a corner and sulked all night when Duke wouldn’t sleep with her. Duke did the opposite, drank himself silly to escape reality. Stupid boys.

Serenity wasn’t allowed to drink according to Joey and Tristan, but I gave her some of my vodka once they were both too drunk to care. So us 3 classy gals were slightly tipsy, but we were having the time of our lives!

Yugi had just won the dueling tournament. I beat Kathryn and Tea (Serenity and Tristan decided to watch – aka make out on the couch -_-) but Duke beat me. Joey beat Duke, so he went up against Yugi in the final. Yugi won.

We made a drinking game out of our little tournament. We were randomly assigned a team each duel. For example, in Yugi and Joey’s duel half of us were assigned on Joey’s side and half were on Yugi’s side. Every time our team member lost life points, we had to take a drink.

This is how the guys got into their drunken state. Us girls had drinks that were VERY watered down, however the guys were chugging down beer and champagne. Hence how they got into their state.

After the dueling tournament, Tea, Serenity and I were giggling on a couch talking amongst ourselves, while the boys were in their group.

Kathryn said she was going to walk home now she was sober, and all the girls said our goodbyes to her, while the drunken idiot moron boys were talking crap (Including Yugi! It was so out of character for him!)

Our attention turned onto Seto. He was actually mingling with Tristan and Joey, and speaking to them like he thought they were civil. We were giggling at this, only Seto could get along with Joey, Tristan and Yugi whilst drunk.

I decided to see what they were talking about, so I parked myself onto Seto’s lap.

“Ellaaah! I love you, baby.” Seto said to me, and began to kiss my neck.

“Don’t lick, bite. She loves that.” Joey said, and I felt a bit awkward.

My ex boyfriend giving my current boyfriend tips about me? Yeah, VERY awkward situation. That, and Seto hates Joey. Even under the influence, I suspect he would still get angry that Joey is telling him what to do.

“Thanks man.” Seto said, and did as Joey instructed.

WTF! Who are you and where is the real Seto Kaiba?! Oh ya, he’s hidden away under intoxication. Haha. This is actually kind of amusing.

“So…what did you think of Joey’s dueling?” I asked Seto, wanting to take this as far as I could.

They say a drunken man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts.

“Joey was pretty good. Of course he was no match for Yugi, but when I say he’s a third rate duelist I’m only doing it to keep up appearances. Joey is pretty good, I loved the way he dueled Marik in Battle City.” Seto confessed.

“Wow thanks man. You’re not so bad yourself. Because you’re being a cool dude tonight, want me to give you some tips for love making with Ella?” Joey asked Seto.

“I’M GOING TO THE TOILET!” I announced loudly, feeling very awkward and almost ran to the toilet blushing the whole time.

After I finished up in Duke’s bathroom (I re applied my make-up, deodorant and fixed my hair) I walked outside to see Yami standing there.

“Hi, Ella. Long time no talk. How are you?” Yami asked, and I could see the alcohol that was in Yugi’s body was having an effect on him.

“Uh, yeah I’m pretty good. How about you?” I asked him.

“Good. Hey why don’t we go into Duke’s room to talk?” Yami asked.

I felt a little uncomfortable, but it’s only Yami. It’s not like it was a random guy, like at Duke’s last part.

We went into Duke’s room, and Yami shut the door as I took a seat on the bed.

“They’re talking about you really vulgarly, so the girls went outside. I went to go and find you, I knew you wouldn’t want to return to that.” Yami explained to me.

“Thanks.” I replied.

“Is he good to you?” Yami blurted out of nowhere.

I took this is an opportunity to gush about Seto. I was rarely given the chance to do so.

“He really is Yami! He treats me like a princess. Obviously he spoils me, but he also gives me so much of his love and attention! I truly do love him!” I gushed.

“I could treat you better.” Yami stated.

“What the HELL are you on about?!” I asked angrily.

I didn’t like where this was going, and where the HELL did this come from anyway?

He didn’t give a verbal reply. Instead he advanced onto me, pinning me onto the bed and began to kiss me.

I tried my best to fight him off, however my efforts were fruitless. I didn’t stop trying to fight him off, but I was just hoping this could be over.

“What’s wrong?” Yami asked as he lifted his lips from mine, but kept me pinned down and was staring into my eyes.

“This is so WRONG. I love Seto, I barely even know you! I have a boyfriend!” I whined, heaving myself up.

“Remember the night we made out on this very bed? Remember what a magical night it was?” Yami sighed.

“NO! I don’t remember ANYTHING from that night. I was too drunk.” I lied, but spat my reply at him.

“There’s nothing I can do to make you change your mind it seems. But I’ll be here for you when Kaiba isn’t. For I truly do treasure your beauty.” Yami said, and let go.

“WHATEVER!” I said loudly, running downstairs and jumping into Seto’s lap, receiving a wolf whistle from Duke, Tristan and Joey.

I’m SO OVER guys who become overconfident when they get alcohol in them. I know Yami wouldn’t have made a move if there was no alcohol in Yugi’s body. While alcohol bought the best out of some (i.e. Seto, who was still gushing about how good of a duelist Joey is) it usually bought out the worst of some.